Push Press
Fitness and Performance
Work up to a heavy 5. This is NOT a true max-effort day. The goal is no missed reps and to try and hit a number that feels like you could do another rep or two.
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Exposure 7 of 8
For Time:
Calories Rowed
Thrusters 75/55
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This Saturday: Row New York’s Jingle Mingle
Join Coach Nick for Row New York’s annual Jingle Mingle this coming Saturday, December 3rd. The Jingle Mingle is an erg-a-thon fundraiser for Row New York, which is a great organization that teaches rowing to kids from under-served communities in NYC. They also have tutors and help with SAT prep, among other things.
Here are the details:
- Location: The Church of St. Paul the Apostle, West 59th Street (entrance is between 59th and 60th Street on Ninth Avenue), in Manhattan
- Start: Doors open at 9:00 AM
- 500m Super Sprints: Mixed teams starting at 9:30 AM sharp, followed by the ugly sweater contest at 10:00 AM
- Main Event: 90-minute relay/ergathon at 10:30 AM–12:00 PM
The teams will comprise four to eight people, and they can break up the 90-minute relay however they want. Email Nick if you plan to participate at Nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com. He’ll review technique with you and coach you at the event.
Row New York has set up a Crowdrise page for us – our team name is No Sleep Till. The goal is to raise $250 per participant. Even if you can’t make it to the event, please send the Crowdrise link around to friends and family.
News and Notes
- Wondering how Coach Noah is doing down in Austin? He recently wrote an article for Beyond the Whiteboard called Hi! My Name Is (What) on his continuing adventures opening CrossFit Lumos. Check it out!
- Also check out some badass CFSBK ladies doing synchronized Pull-Ups on our Instagram account.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean and Jerk metcon
The Overhead Press Starting Strength
The Josephus Problem Numberphile