The Myers family—Ellie and Coach McDowell—recently welcomed a new member into their family. Marcus Robert Myers was born on February 21st at 8lbs, 1oz and 21″ long. They’re very excited to introduce him to the CFSBK community. Congrats, Ellie and McDowell!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. New cycles of our Starting Strength Program opened on Monday. Most of the cycles are sold out, but there are a few spots left in the B and E cycles. These start on Monday, so get on it!
2. This week we shared another installment of member Susan Pittard’s photo series “Strong Is a Woman.” It’s an astonishing set of photos featuring CFSBK women. See Tuesday’s post!
3. On Wednesday, we reported on Rob U. and Dan C.’s trip to the Starting Strength Challenge at CrossFit Gantry. Dan and Rob took 1st and 3rd place respectively in the Male Masters division. Congrats, dudes!
4. Photos from this past Saturday’s Strong Fit class are up on our Flickr account. The yoke! Farmer Carries! Sandbag runs! It’s the absolute most fun you can have (legally) on a Saturday at 8am, and you should definitely try it. Go here for more info.
5. This weekend we’ll be running on a full schedule with a few exceptions. The following classes are cancelled on Sunday: 10am CrossFit Preschool, 11am CrossFit Kids, and the 2:15pm Free Intro Class.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch Metcon
Developing a Coach’s Eye CrossFit
Veteran Brita Filter’s Tour of Duty Extended Another 3 Months
Saturday's Programming
Tempo Back Squat (31X1)
4 x 3
Use 90% of what you were able to make last week, or about 85% of your Back Squat 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
In teams of two with one partner working at a time, alternate full rounds until the call of time…
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
10 Push-Ups
20' Walking Lunges (10' out, 10' back)
200m Run
The Push-Ups should be fast and unbroken on the fast end. Scale to knees as needed. Be sure to come to full extension on the lunge steps after the back knee kisses the floor. The runs start towards 4th Ave. Take it easy on the exits and entrances.
Post rounds, reps, and partner to comments.
Congrats Ellie and McDowell! So adorable!
Our gym makes the cuuuuutest babies.
7am w/Brett doing Thursday (+ McDowell "Smell My Hands" Myers)
Power snatch: 53×3, 63×2, 73f (lol), 73×2, 83×2, 88f, 88PR!, 88f
Stoked to finally get past 83. Almost caught 88 in a full squat, just need to be totally faster. More snatch days!!
WOD: 6:35 with hanging knee raises (I think I wrote KTB on the board, which are not a thing). Focused on trying to establish an actual kipping rhythm and getting back in the hollow position on these. Snatches were OK, but need to keep my legs in it–5/4/4/2, 4/4/2/2, 3/3/3
8 AM with Brett and Whitney-
Tempo Back Squats:
These make you very aware of what's doing the work in your body as you move back up- very helpful. Partnered with Scott and rowed the partner WOD- 12 rounds plus 204 meters rowing.
That's a cute kid!
I did Saturday with McD at 7am.
Squats at 125#. Heavy enough. First set tempo was kinda clunky.
Metcon: I think we did 7 rounds? My push ups ran out mid-6th round and I went to me knees. Running fast got the heart and lungs going. Was a fun one.
So stoked to be at CFSBK today.
Congrats Ellie & McD!
Yesterday: 8am, failed 77 twice in the snatch. Sigh. Did the workout at 57 which was smart. 6:13. TTB harder than expected, but had some good cycling on the snatches.
@KateTK Oly class on Mondays and Wednesdays!!! All the snatching you could ask for and great advice from Frankie!
9am yoga with Jaclyn!!! It was incredible!!!! I felt so open after snatching. Jaclyn was a great yoga teacher.
Was bored, so I came back at 5:30 for short circuit, lol. So fun! Lots of battle ropes, sled pushes, and assault bike. Sled pushing creates a burning in my legs I've not experienced before.
Today: Packed short circuit, partnered with Pilates Coach and it was awesome!!!
Wasn't planning on it, but stayed for 10am class. Which means I have an entire Saturday to do whatever I want and not work out. Oh my god!!! I think I'll make Fox's breakfast thing!
Hbbs: 125 3×4 pause. Good breathing advice from McDowell. Not holding breath on the way down makes it much easier.
Wod: Got into the round of 16 with my crazy fast partner, Brendan. My push-ups were unbroken every round and actually felt easy!!!
I might have had a spring break staycation, but it was jam packed with elite fitness. I feel great and am so excited to go back to work next week and feel so ready to have a strong end to the school year!
Thanks, cfsbk!
Turns out Mr. Fast Scorebard climber ( from yesterday was fast for a reason:
er, I can't read. doh
Still in Austin at CF Lumos. Please send help.
Yesterday nearly killed me
EMOM x8 power cleans
EMOM x7 cleans
For time
Burpees over bar
FSQ 185
Thought about calling it at 12. Finished around 18 min…
EMOM x10
A 5 strict pull ups
B 30s weighted plank 45%
EMOM x10
A 5 strict HSPU
B 15s chin over bar hold
6x 50m OH carry
@Fox- Craft Pride on Rainey and the pizza place behind it. Incredibly good.