Power Snatch Metcon
For Time:
Power Snatches 95/65
Scale the Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises as needed. The barbell weight should be light for you and unbroken on the fast end.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Here’s CFSBKer Morit S. offering some great recovery exercises for Lane Bryant’s LIVI Moves series. You can see more of Morit’s videos here
Easter Weekend Schedule
The Easter Bunny may be out delivering eggs and candies to children this weekend, but we’ll be right here helping you get stay fit or get even fitter. Take that, Easter Bunny. Do you even lift?
We’ll be running on a full schedule, with a few exceptions. The following classes are cancelled on Sunday:
- 10am CrossFit Preschool
- 11am CrossFit Kids
- 2:15pm Free Intro Class
Safe travels if you’re headed out of town! Otherwise, we’ll see you soon.
News and Notes
- A note from Stella Z.: “My choir, the Oratorio Society of New York, will be performing Bach’s Mass in B Minor at Carnegie Hall at 8 PM on Monday, May 8. It’s considered one of Bach’s crowning achievements (and the man had a lot of achievements!). I have six tickets available in the rear balcony for $23 each (a slight discount off the box-office price). If you’d like one, please email me ar stellavision [at] gmail.com. You can also get tickets in other sections of the auditorium here.”
- A friend of Christina L.’s runs a charter school for autistic children, and they’re having a fundraiser with Kettlebells for Autism at NYC ICE. The event includes a fun partner WOD! You can find more details and buy tickets here.
- Photos from this past Saturday’s Strong Fit class are up on our Flickr account. The yoke! Farmer Carries! Sandbag runs! It’s the absolute most fun you can have (legally) on a Saturday at 8am, and you should definitely try it. Go here for more info.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Tempo Front Squat | Team WOD
CrossFit Athlete Trevor Bachmeyer Sets World Record: Fastest Move from First to Last Place The Overheard Press
Why “Do Whatever You Like” Is Horrible Exercise Advice The Russells
Thank you for the shout out 🙂
Yes Josh thanks for my shout-out too! (Bach is awesome. Come see us!)
7 AM with McRo
Worked to 93 on power snatch, failed a few times at that weight while getting it really high, as per the uzh with me. I was feeling very strong today and I thought I might even make 98, but "strong" != "fast under the bar." Sigh.
WOD in 6:24 Rx. Despite having a decent kipping rhythm with hanging leg raises these days I just could not make kips happen on T2B today. I figured the reps were low enough that I should remind myself what it feels like to get my toes to the bar again.
Between today's WOD, Monday's kipping pullups, and Tuesday's deadlifts and rope climbs, my hands are pretty wrecked. Hoping there's nothing grippy tomorrow!
6am with Ro and McD
WOD: 4:07 Rx
Did all the T2B unbroken, broke up the PS as 6/5/4, 4/3/3/2, 2/2/2/3. My grip fell apart on those way sooner than I thought. Fun workout thought and good to see BradD at 6am.
Down in Austin for a few days and dropped into CrossFit Lumos yesterday!
3x12ea Barbell R. Lunges 95#
My butt is sore today!
20min AMRAP
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
200m Run
11 or 12 rounds + 25 reps.
Just the right volume to keep moving. Despite the running part, this was a pretty good one for me.
Noah's space is great and he's developing a nice community down here. So cool to see a friend and former SBK coach doing well!
10 AM with Brett ana Whitney
2 WOTD's lots of fun warmups and
a hidden mini short circuit class before
some snatches. actually got a PR of 100#
before failing a few attempts at 105#.
Metcon in 6:38 @75#.
First time doing ttb in a workout. gotta
figure out how to cycle them.
fun class.
er, that's 2 qotd's.
Power Snatch: 63, 83, 93, 103, 113FF, 113
Made the last one, but very much a starfish catch. Need to get down with powers.
WOD: 4:51 Rx
T2B in 2-3 sets each time, power snatches in 2 sets each time.
4 rounds NFT
250m Row
3 ring dips
Double Unders: 10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10
Finished in just over 7 minutes. The first set of 30 took three tries, otherwise moved smoothly.
6am with McRo
WOD 4:22 Rx
T2B: 15, 9-3, 6-3
Snatch: 12-3, 4-4-4, 3-3-3
Grip disappeared on this. Nice Fran-type burner
Wednesday 235# FSQ
WOD 10:03
Yay Morit!!!
Never heard of CrossFit Lumos. Sounds like a jabroni operation.
Afternoon training session:
Crossover Symmetry with coach Snickers
6 Rounds
5 Strict HSPU
5 Strict Pull-ups
5 Dips
Then jumped into Chainsaw Charlie's conditioning
EMOM 10:00
A. 10 Cal Row
B. 10 Wall Ball Shots
AMRAP 8:00
10 US Swings, 32kg
10 Box Jumps, 24"
10 Push-ups
I think 4 rounds plus 20 reps? Less than charlie is all I know
I dunno David. I did 6 rounds plus 13 on that and I think you were bout a round behind me?
12pm w/DO. Nice warmup with some less-traveled movements before getting into the WOD, which I made through Rx'ed in 6:43. Slower than I needed to be in the last round — shoulda just hung onto the bar on both movements.
whitney wants to know when we're resolving the intramural league tie
6:30pm with Whit and Ro.
Metcon in 5:38min Rx.
Lungs are still sore. T2B devolved into T2F (toes to face) on the middle of round 2. T2B were 15 (whoa!), 5/4/3, 5/4. Snatches were 6/5/4, 5/4/3, 5/4 with very quick breaks (bar settles down, pick it back up).
also 6:30 with Ro and Whit
worked up to #120 on the power snatch. so heavy in the catch!
4:08 @75 for metcon
ttb were unbroken and then 6-5-4, 5-4-3, 5-4 for the snatches. i was gonna try to do the last round unbroken but my glasses serendipitously fell off at rep 5.
then AR
wonderful stretching with penny et al
Last day in Vegas and woke up too late to go to the gym (since I wanted to spend the day outside) so did 3×10 NFT laps in the pool. The pool was about Olympic length.
Back on Bullet Proof Shoulders: 10RM strict press @53#. Didn't attempt any higher and it felt about right.
Took my first Short Circuit class and loved it. Now I have another class to squeeze into my workout schedule each week! We did some strength movements I've never done before which I'm sure I'll be feeling tomorrow. I really loved the circuit workout. As Allie, said you can go as hard or easy as you want.
Power Snatch: 53-63-73-78-83×2 (sloppy)
WOD Rx'd in 7:21
Did all snatches as singles except the round of 9 which I did as 3-2-2-2. Need to work on cycling these.
Good news! Yoga pushups and strict press did not hurt my shoulder! Ironically, I start PT tomorrow!