Bench Press
Work up to a heavy set of 10.
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3 Rounds for Time:
550m Run
40 Squats
20 Pull-Ups
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Koji O. and Jess P. dropped into CrossFit Heart & Beauty in Tokyo for some Snatches and Thrusters yesterday
The Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Winners: 3rd Place
We’re so proud of everyone who recently completed the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, our 12-week collective kick-start toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits in the New Year. Among the dedicated CFSBKers who rethought their diets, counted macros, and put in quality time with the foam roller, three women and three men stood out to us as winners, and we’ll be announcing them over the next three days. We’ve also asked them to tell us a bit about the “secrets” to their success. Today we’re pleased to announce the 3rd place winners: Barbara K. and Steven N. They’ll each receive a personal training session with Coach David.
Barbara K.
I went in to the Challenge thinking I would try to sleep more and work on Active Recovery, but I ended up succeeding most on eating more balanced macros. I have been at the same weight for a few years and had no intetest in losing weight, other than the typical 3 pounds extra from the holidays. This was my first time doing Level 2 and balancing out my macros. I was.very happy getting away with a high calorie and high fat intake thanks to 5 days at the gym each week. So reluctantly, I decided to watch my macros and then added in more effort in better timing my meals for recovery, and I’m so glad I did! It makes a difference in my recovery and how I felt. Also, since I lost close to 10 pounds, I leaned out a bit without sacrificing performance on lifts and in workouts. For my LFPB Capacity Test, I went from, 6 rounds +8 reps and 41 calories, to 7 rounds, 9 reps and 42 calories.
Steven N.
Look: My last weigh-in was 131 lbs, which I’m pretty sure is 10 lbs less than when I started! The weight feels good. I think focus now will shift to maintaining (and possibly gaining) as I look to build muscle. I’m seeing some more definition in arms and shoulders. My stomach still a work in progress, but I do notice an improvement in core strength.
Feel: Getting 7 hours of sleep most nights has been a godsend. I notice such a positive impact when I get a good night’s sleep. After some serious pain in my right shoulder during overhead lifts (sometime late January), I bit the bullet and went to see a chiropractor/physical therapist. Some tests showed that my thoracic spine was basically jelly, and I wasn’t recruiting those muscles properly in life (I’m desk-bound most of the day) or during workouts. Dr. Fidler helped me step up my Active Recover game over the course of a few visits. Thankfully I’m now feeling much closer to achieving good mobility in my thoracic spine. Oh, Another nice side effect of getting more rest.., I no longer feel like I MUST HAVE huge amounts of caffeine in the afternoons. I still love my coffee, but my relationship with it is changing for the better.
Perform: I can do Pull-Ups now! This was a major goal of mine, and I’m so happy to have hit this milestone. I can now do 3-5 strict pretty comfortably, and I’ve dialed in 7-10 kipping unbroken.
Overall: Gym performance is consistently better. There are off days, for sure, but I’m definitely noting progress (i.e. a new Snatch PR, graduating to heavier kettlebell, more endurance on the erg, etc.).
Congrats, Barbara and Steven! We’ll announce the 2nd-place winners tomorrow!
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