A1) Tempo (31×1) Bench Press:
3 x 8
Heavier than last week.
A2) Tempo (31×1) Split Squat:
3 x 8e
Set back foot on a 16-20 inch box and load as appropriate with dumbbells or kettlebells held goblet-style. Heavier/better than last week. If last week was tough, then use the same load and try to perform the reps better.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Bench Presses, followed by a set of Split Squats on each leg. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. Use a 31×1 tempo for both movements. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
40 Double-Unders
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Scale to Singles or 15 attempts on the Dubs. Use a kettlebell that challenges you for unbroken sets.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Here’s Erica D. doing a Meathook Straddle variation at AM OG. Watch Erica doing more cool, gymnasty stuff here and here. Open Gym: it’s not just for for CrossFit!
We love it when you take photos at the gym and when you rep CFSBK out there in the wider world. Did your buds catch that big PR on video? Or did you maybe take a selfie wearing your CFSBK tee at the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro? (You should be wearing more clothes!) If you post it to Instagram, don’t forget to geotag us and use the #CFSBK hashtag. Who knows, you might end up on one of these member mashups we’ve been doing! 😉
Road to the Games 17.07 CrossFit
Dear CrossFit… Practically Salad
Bench Press – 175# – last rep was tough
Split Squat – 80# – balance is getting harder as the weight increases
Metcon – 8 rounds plus 40 DU
Nowhere to hide – did the 40kg bell and it got pretty heavy
Strength cycle
After much angst last week, my biggest problem this morning was the sunburn on my upper back. Ouch.
LBBS: 152.5x3x3
Mentally good to get past the 150 mark.
Bench: 90x5x3
Last 1-2 reps on the last set were a slow grind but went up.
DL: 190×3. Best deadlifts all cycle!
Now the great debate of whether to stay in for another cycle after these final two weeks or venture back in to the fray of group class……..
Make up from Saturday Metcon “Fun” Day
I think these were my numbers: 6:41/7:10/6:45 @ 63#
This was so. much. running for me. I think I could have done this at 73# and maybe even a bit more, but I haven’t been snatching much & running after a full day of day drinking on Friday was…super ick. All in all though it was good to stay light and just keep moving.
Kate: ooooooh, sunburn + barbell, ouch! My sympathies. 🙁
I thought today was supposed to be back off day and I just decided that was what I was going to do anyway because I was feeling really beat up in the lower body from hiking yesterday. (Now that I think about it, I guess it’s like I did a bunch of step-ups at varying heights yesterday getting up the mountain, so why wouldn’t I be?) I guess I could/should have done heavier on the bench though.
So, 75 on the bench and 20 on the split squats.
5 rounds + 49 reps with 24 kg KB. KB swings were fast, DUs were not. See above re: beat-up legs (especially calves).
7am w/ Ro + Lauren. Finally fully recovered after Friday night’s AMWAP (As Many Wines As Possible). Ooooof.
75# tempo bench press
25# tempo split squats
WOD: 7 rounds even w/ 20kg kettlebell
Hahahah AMWAP
Tempo Bench: 82.5 x 8 x 3
Tempo Split Squat: 40 x 8 x 3
Just barely squeaked out those last reps on the bench. Split squat felt okay, just long.
WOD: 8 rounds + 40 DUs with the 24kg KB.
Short circuit after, really liked the workouts today (walk walks/row/T2B and Turkish getup/tun/DB snatch). Really enjoy balancing some skill work with cardio.
Make ups-
Sunday Short Circuit (my first short circuit class – fun) – with Fox
goblet step ups, seated DB press, ring rows and the humbling erg planks
I had fun and surprised myself on the seated presses – 20×12 but was very unimpressed with how little I could shift back on the erg planks and how gaspy these made me! Wowzer. The every 2 min: 5 burpees, 130 m sprint x 5 (58 seconds on my first, all the rest were faster – low 50s, last one was 48 secs)/ 5 burpees, 20 KB swings with 20kg x 5 (these were all in the 50 something second range, even the last set despite not going unbroken – 10/5 – 59 seconds).
Followed by 9 am class with Jess and Fox
Got up to 88 on the power clean and mid hang clean work. That’s my heavy and in fact I failed the last mid-hang at 88. Then mooooorreee burpees to complement the 50 total in short circuit. Got 10 into the round of 14 for a total of 101. I didn’t feel too bad until that round – went from meh to pfft. Plus it was more fun to cheer on Steven who champed after also doing 50 in short circuit and completed his round of 17 ++.
Today at 7 with Ro and Lauren
Tempo bench @ 70.5, which felt ok until the the last two which is how these have been going and which seems suitable. Split squats with 17.5 – 8 is better than more than 8. Maybe should have done 20#.
WOD 5 rounds plus 5 into KB swings – did 15 DUA and the 20kg bell. That was a long 8 1/2 mins and then a really fast 90 seconds.
8am with Lauren
105 Tempo Bench Press – Last round was a bit challenging, but not as much as I expected. Felt pretty good overall.
16kg KB Tempo Split Squats
WOD: 7 rounds + 15 reps| 24KG KB w/ SU. Still working on the doubles so I did 80 singles.
7am with Ro and Lauren
Bench: Partnered with Shawn, who gave me a good kick in the pants (thank you!) though I thought we ended up at 72.5? I did once accidentally DL ~40# more than I thought I was lifting because I cannot count before coffee so it was probably 70.5.
Split Squats: I have officially found my zen with these, and it involves using the soft, cushy bench instead of a box for my back foot. 15lb after a few weeks doing BW, felt good.
WOD: Did DUAs and used a 16kg KB. 10 rounds + 14 DUAs. Should’ve used a 20kg KB but my forearms / grip have just not been the same since last week’s doubleheader of farmer carries + hang cleans.
Oooh that’s brilliant!
@Stella – my goof! We’ll back off the squat on Wednesday.
Did at least one component of group class today so figured I’d bore you all here with my musings about it. I was hit on my motorcycle last week and haven’t really been able to train. I suffered some bumps, scrapes, and bruises, but overall was very lucky. My superior pubus ramus (google it, SFW) took the worst of it and turned as black as the matting in the gym, as did the bits below it without going into too much detail (don’t google that…NSFW).
Tempo Bench
Felt good.
Tempo Sumo DL
Also felt good.
6 Rounds
4 SB Cleans 140#
8 Calorie Sprint on Assault Bike
Rest ~2min
Did the SB cleans as over the shoulder. All rounds were around 47 seconds.
Was going to do an 800m harness sled drag but was toast.
DUDE! So glad you’re OK.
When I saw the post on FB I was, like, “Oh sh!t!”
Then when we saw you the next day at Strong Fit: “Wow, Fox is a tank! Nothing can hurt him!”
Reading this: Sorry you’re hurting 🙁 I hope you heal up fast (and that the jerk who ran the red light at least apologized).
Glad you’re ok Fox! Those dang cars man.
Oh my goodness I didn’t know this happened! Hope you’re doing alright!
Was in Michigan for the weekend. Did some interesting fitness:
Crossfit Novi: Did some back squats, then 2 min AMRAPs of a bunch of movements with 2 min rest in between.
KB: Unbroken for 2 min, 16kg bell ~70 reps
Wallballs: The coach encouraged me to go unbroken for the full two minutes and not drop the ball using a 6# ball. It was hard but I did it.
This gym is weird, but they train several teens who went to regionals, and I think one is going to the games!
Crossfit in the D (heh, weird name)
Did a bootcamp class with 1:00/1:00rest of a bunch of movements, then did a crossfit class right after with Fight Gone Barbell (but with a minute of rest after each movement as well)
Both gyms were the old-school go-till-you-puke kind of vibes, but it was kind of what I needed after going to every bar and restaurant in Detroit.
CGBP Tempo: 80 8×3
SpSqs: Tempo 27.5 8×3
WOD: 6+40dus+5 KB swings with a 24kg bell. 6 rounds was my goal, so I slacked off at the end. Now regret it, of course. 10 reps shy of 7 rounds. :/
Back to work today. Back to evening class. :/ Boo.
Strength Cycle this morning
Squats 175lbs. Got through the first 3 reps of set 1 then failed! I was weak and mushy in the mind and lost tension at the bottom. This is my first squat fail, and the anticipation of its inevitability had been giving me anxiety. It was fine though! I just sat in my rock bottom unable to move upwards until Jeremy shrugged the bar off me. So like not scary at all, mostly comical. Went back to the bar and finished the last two sets of 5 at 175lbs just fine. 100% mental. Jeremy said “find the bounce and then you’re halfway up” which is true and useful. Then Dan came over and gave me props for going back after a fail and it was like the best barbell parenting anyone could ask for, “you did good kid” made me feel good. Then he threw his shirt to me and walked away drinking a coke. Not really, but in essence.
Bench 95lbs. After some conversation of breathing in between reps on the squat (taking a couple shallower relaxed breaths before taking a pressurizing breath to give the postural muscles a tiny break) the bench was super good. A little bar path funny business on the last set but I think that was mostly set up.
Chins 3, 2, 2, 2, 1. 3 is still currently the limit.
Theeeeen I went to group class cause I’m going away for 4 days and cause I wanted to.
Didn’t bench, but split squats with 20lbs, spicy post strength cycle. Did some single arm rows with 25lbs as accessory work so I wasn’t just sitting staring at everyone.
WOD: 5 rounds 10 DU. 16kg KB. Wanted something light. DU’s took a while to get going but I blame the rope, which was not ideal (I just need to buy one). Overall felt nice. Also 210 DU’s is nothing to sneeze at.
So much mental game with the Starting Strength. I’ve never tested 1RMs in these lifts before so I don’t know what my actual limit is. So it’s kind of like feeling my way in the dark. Interesting stuff!
Happy Monday!
530 class with Melissa and RO
Bench Press
3*8 @#95..these are feeling better each week. Today in my warm-up, it consisted of sets of 8 pushups. I felt like I was flying through them with no problems…This tempo stuff works…IT WORKS!
Split Squat
3*8 @30..BLAH
8 +53 with 24kg KB…In the last 15 seconds, I had 10 Kbs to finish the round and I tried to go as fast as I could but, I just couldn’t squeeze out the last two reps! This got nasty fast!
Before class: All the shoulder and rotator cuff exercises!
2@ #105
2@ #115
2@ #125
2@ #135
3@ #140..can’t believe I hit these, and felt strong hitting them too…I wanna max out my snatch! Last time I did, was this past winter, and I hit 155…After today, I can’t wait to try it again.
After class:
Back Squat
5*5 @ #195…these were rough but I widened my stance just a tad and I focused on exploding out of the bottom. After each set I could barely walk, but that’s a whole other story.
3*10 back extensions
gotta strengthen the posterior too!
Yay for short circuit tomorrow!
I was thinking the same thing! Re short circuit and tomorrow!
200m run
15 x GHD sit-ups
30 sec FLR on rings
10 x OHS
A) High Hang Snatch
73 x 2, 78 x 2, 83 x 2, 88 x M, 88 x 1, 93 x M x 2, 93 x 1 x 2 (power)
These are fun, though I may have been dipping a little lower on the hang than I should have been. As usual, once it got any bit heavy, I had trouble catching low.
B1) HBBS, tempo 21X1
185 x 5 x 3
B2) HSPU- strict (3 x 4-6 decreasing ROM as needed)
6 with 2 x abmats, then 2 x 4 with an abmat and a Noah-mat.
C) EMOM 10 mins
Odd: dual KB front rack walking lunges @16kg
Even 15 KBS @20kg
D) Row- 10 mins easy
Your picture is horizontal Charlie. Notify Josh
Long weekend away. frieddddd. cracked up when i saw fran was on tap for today!
A) Fran: 3:25
Not an all time PR, best is 3:08 and most recent before this was 3:38 i think. So i’m happy with in-between. Was almost positive i would be sub 3 today but didn’t have it on the pull-ups today. felt way out of rhythm. Video-ed myself to make sure my reps were legit. Glad i did because i was totally doing chest to bar for the majority of my pull-ups. *palm 2 forehead*** ugh! well. At least I can say I own this time. Need to tighten and shorten up my kip next time, then i think it’ll be easier to hold onto the bar. sub 3 you will be miiiine!! *angry fist shake towards the sky*
–thrusters- all unbroken
–Pullups, 21, 9/6, 5/2/2
B) 20 min for quality:
12 supinated DL @ 135#
50M sled drag (75#)
20 dead bugs
8 walking waiter lunge ea (44# KB)
Completed 3 rds + DL + sled drag. Dead bugs were the only thing that sucked. So sad.
C) 30 min run: 160-165 HR
accumulated 5150M, so 3.2 mi! Felt good to run today.
90% of your pullups were C2B so you def have sub 3 next time!
7:30 with DO
Bench: 75#
Split squat: 40#
Wod with 24kg bell: 7 rounds + 22 reps. Shoulders blasted!!
6:30 group
65 bench press, body weight split squats
Wod 5 rounds using the blue kb and du attempts. Still have yet to get to that first double under but it felt good to give it a go anyway.
hey gym fam…can’t seem to find the classified sections anymore so i thought I would post here….
bought these trail running shoes (size 11, black and yellow color) and can’t return them. I tried them on and they’re too small so i have to order new ones. $150 value for $100…let me know if you’re interested or know someone who might be
coach brett 617-480-6243
7:30 with DO
Good rope drilling at beginning—now I can try hopping on one foot when I feel sad that double under attempts are only just attempts.
Bench press at 52# with no misses and wayyy better form and pacing than the last 2 weeks, which was good before I try to add more weight. Split squats still very challenging for me; used the 2 soft boxes again and just 10#.
AMRAP: 7 rounds + 40 with single unders and the blue kb.
TRAVEL GYM QUESTION: has anyone been to one in San Jose called NC Fit? It’s nearish where I’ll be this weekend. Would be curious to hear if so since I’m not confident walking in just anywhere yet!
Bench: 75
SS: 25#DBsx8x1, 27.5x8x2
WOD: 6+12 with 20 DUs
Lots of trip-ups. Some larger sets. Need to start practicing daily again, especially now that I have a new rope.