Snatch Balance
Snatch Balance
Work up to a heavy single. Aim for close to or above your snatch 1RM.
Snatch Grip (Behind the Neck) Push Jerk + Paused (:02) Overhead Squat
Work up to a heavy single, pausing for a 2 count at the bottom of the Overhead Squat. Aim for close to or above your Snatch 1RM.
The goal of the Performance work is to receive the barbell in a full depth Overhead Squat. If stability and/or flexibility limits you from doing so, perform the Fitness version of today’s barbell work instead.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
3 Rounds Not for Time:
135m Single-Arm Farmer Carry, each arm
10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters, each arm
Use your non-dominant side to dictate load. OK to rest 1-3 times on the carries. Dumbbell Thrusters should be heavy but unbroken.
Post work to comments.
Some waiting-area art by Jason M. Have you played with our giant Jenga blocks yet?!
Save the Date: CFSBK Prospect Park Potluck on September 2nd
Celebrate the end of summer—don’t worry, not too soon!—with your CFSBK buds. On Saturday, September 2nd, CFSBK will be hosting a potluck at Prospect Park. Come lounge on the grass, throw some frisbee, toss the ol’ pigskin, and hang out with your gym buds. What better way to spend Labor Day weekend?
We’ll be on the hill south of the Picnic House from 2pm on. Bring a dish or drink to share. Friends, family, and dogs are, of course welcomed. We can’t wait to see you there!
Supporting Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Gym Members
Here is a great article from Girls Gone Strong about some of the issues that trans and gender non-confirming individuals may face in gyms and fitness centers. CFSBK has always aimed to be an inclusive community where everyone is accepted for who they are and then challenged to get better. If you’re not familiar with these issues, we encourage you to check out this article to learn more about the subject, both for your knowledge inside and out of the gym.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat / Front Squat | Thrusters, Toes-to-Bars
Where Are the Mothers? Nieman Reports
How Tattoos Might Affect Your Workout NY Times
Just want to brag that Brainz n Gainz went out with a bang: we won the final pub quiz at the Rock Shop!
I’ll be in for 10 AM class tomorrow (today, really), possibly hung over. 😋
So glad to hear that!! Woo woo!!
I can’t believe you didn’t come. It was our last chance for the 4th Avenue!
I was indeed hung over at 10 AM. Felt like I was sweating bottom-shelf gin during the farmer carries and I didn’t even have THAT much to drink. Rock Shop drinks are cheap and strong.
Worked to 98 on the snatch balance, although I found myself having trouble catching low as the weight got heavier.
Farmer carries 32, 24, 28kg, thrusters with 35#. Took me back to the days of wrist tendinitis, since one-armed thrusters were one of my go-to movement subs in WODs.
10 AM had an awful lot of spectators on the farmer carry. Some of them were nice and offered encouragement. But this one lady saw me looking at my hands and told me that my calluses were not a good look and I should wear gloves! I wanted to drop my kettlebell on her foot. 😛
Thank you for reposting my friend Erica’s article that comes with even more importance with the unfortunate news yesterday. I hope it becomes a valuable resource to many at CFSBK and to please support the trans and non gender binary community, whether it be donating to organizations or just helping them out in a variety of ways of emotional support/just listen. XO
Awesome article! I was always curious about “men/women’s RX weights”- and how that impacts the trans community. How does a gym move away from that? I like having the general big goal for what I could be capable of during workouts… but it is gender-specific and non-inclusive in that way. Curious what the gym mentioned in this article does instead to inform their members about weights to use.
Good question, I’m guessing they probably do something like rx a and rx b?
Lol, code words? I guess that’s still better. We should do that?
great article <3
Yes- thanks for posting. Important read for all.
3 x
35 x double-unders
10 x pistols/ assisted
4 x C2B
A) Assault Bike
20 secs @90%
40 secs easy spin
x 5
B) 3 RFT
12 x DL @155#
12 x walking lunges
12 x push-ups
Everything unbroken except last round of push-ups 7/5.
C) Assault Bike
10 mins easy
Strength cycle
Paused LBBS: 120x4x3
Backed off after the heavy fails on Tuesday. Love pause squats. Focused on form, external rotation and keeping my knees out. Weight was fine.
Press: 67.5×2,1; 57.5×8
So, I guess I’m cycling through failing 1 lift per session??? First DLs, then squats… JUST when presses were feeling SO strong, everything falls apart. I was super sore going in this morning from Tuesday and I guess it’s another lesson in recovery. My arms were noodles. After the second set fail Jeremy had me take weight off and said “do reps until I say stop” lol.
Chins: BW 1-1-1-1, blue & orange bands for 8, 6
Thisclose to having a double on my first body weight rep, couldn’t get the last pull despite much foot/leg pedaling.
Rep outs in strength cycle are a rite of passage!
7am w/ Lauren + Fox
Partnered with Christine for the performance snatch balance work…which was SO FUN. This may be the thing that teaches me to actually enjoy snatches! Worked up to 72#. Side note, so grateful and happy to be oly lifting again after this long ankle sprain saga <3
-Farmer carries with a green KB. Left (nondominant) side sooooo much harder than the right. I think I took twice as many breaks with my left-arm carry as I did with my right!
-First set of SA thrusters with a 20# db, then second and third set with 25#. Maybe should have gone a little heavier.
Great Article. Thank you for posting. I’ve sent it some friends.
8am with Chris
Snatch Balance
This was a nice change of pace. Worked up to 125, but ran a bit low on time. Hope to see this again later in the cycle.
100 farmer carry
40# DB Thruster
Oof. My grip started failing on the last round. Barely finished (3-4 drops each way).
10 AM with Jess and Brett.
I thought this was going to suck (I wanna do real snatches!)
and was completely wrong. Worked up to 120# doing the
jerk and OHS work, which is a 15# OHS PR. Great shoulder stability work.
25/30/35# on the thrusters, all walks with a red bell.
Congratulations Brainz and Gainz!
Snatch Balance: 83, 93, 103, 113, 123, 133, 138F.
Pretty sure 133 is a PR for snatch balance, 15# over my best snatch.
NFT Work:
Single-Arm Farmers Carry with 32kg KB
Single-Arm Thrusters with 35-40-45# DB
Tested out a Flex complex: Snatch-Hang Snatch-OHS-Hang Snatch. Worked up to 85# successfully, then kept failing the last hang snatch at 95# three times in a row. Grip and arms just shot at that point. Things to work on.
3 rounds NFT:
20 GHD sit-ups
3 strict pull-ups
6 alt pistols
Blog related question – is there any way to get the old comments to carry over? Old workout carry over on the blog, but not necessarily the comments. I often do a quick google search to look for past times/weights, and with the new site it doesn’t show up (google is finding the page, but won’t go through). This would be super-duper helpful, if possible!
training today…
5 min glute/hip/sciatic release
2 ring dip negatives (:10 top – :05 lower – :05 bottom)
3 :20 box roll down and up
15 hollow rocks
2 hour hike through park slope / prospect park trails, I think about 5 miles in total. 21# pack and trail runners … that I think i’m returning :-/
Love that article! And loving the renovated blog!
Noon with Jess. Really appreciated this one, because I have great fear of OHS and with a small class and no specific pacing required, I could just work on it. Worked up to 57#, which is about where my snatches start to look less-than-great. I’m starting to get the tiniest bit lower on the squat; practicing so much. The NFT workout was indeed a workout–started ambitiously with the green kb, then went down to white and then yellow the last round. Sweaty palms didn’t help, but the kids cheering/querying from the skating place did! left side noticeably weaker. 17.5# for thrusters.
Strength Cycle this morning
Took a week off exercising (other than a mini Cindy and the usual Pilates, but I don’t think that counts as exercise really, more like brain training) due to messed up neck. Turns out resting works really well, it also makes me crazy and I’m like a caged ill tempered collie dog right now. I miss being able to come to group class regularly without worrying I’m gonna fail lifts.
Squats 172.5lbs x 5 x 3 cause I missed Monday due to neck rest. These felt really good. The first set felt like I was doing it at 135, real crisp and fast. Pitched forward a little on the last rep of the last two sets but still made it. Trying to keep good positions but there’s very little room for error with that much weight.
OHP 62.5lbs 5,4,4. I did a 7 minute Cindy at home on Tuesday because I was about to chew the wainscotting off the walls if I didn’t move around. The 60 or so pushups made me real sore. So that’s what I blame for failing the last reps on the last two sets.
Deadlift 205lbs. Was supposed to be 225lbs, but the bar barely moved on the warm up of 215lbs. So I have that going for me which is nice. Jeremy was kind and said “nothing to worry about, probably because you haven’t lifted in a week”. I blame lack of sleep, cramps and a bad attitude. But who knows.
Super interesting that powerlifting is the exact opposite of other pursuits, as in you start failing when you get better, not when you start out. So Jake from iconic advice of “sucking at something is the first step to being kinda good at something” does not apply. Big mental lift there.
Squatting 172.5lbs x 5 x 3 on your day back is pretty rad, Karina! Nice job!
thanks bro-aroni! 🙂
Cool article, glad CFSBK cares enough to work at creating a supportive and inclusive community!
7:30 group today
Did fitness and worked up to 52 lbs. interesting trying these without the pull. Probably could have done more? Or maybe should have gone deeper? Still felt good to stay in that paused overhead squat.
Started the carrys with the yellow KB and switched to the white one for round 2 and 3. These were no joke! But fun 🙂