Clean and Jerk Complex
Every 90 seconds for 10 reps:
Clean High Pull +Mid-Hang Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
Work up to a heavy load for the day.
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For Time:
Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
Box Jumps 24/20″
Post time and Rx to comments.
Charlie N. on AG Strength
Registration for new cycles of Coach Arturo‘s popular AG Strength class opens tomorrow! This is an hour-and-a-half class that focuses on the strength and skills needed to improve Pull-Ups and Handstand Push-Ups. The fundamental strength you build in AG Strength will carry over into other CrossFit gymnastics movements such as the coveted Muscle-Up!
To preview the class a bit before sign ups start, we’re bringing you Charlie N.‘s testimonial. Here’s what Chainsaw had to say:
For anyone who is interested in doing it, I would highly recommend it. It was great to focus on upper-body strength and everyone in the group made a massive amount of progress, from first Pull-Ups to getting upside down against the wall for the first time, and we all have abs of steel from all the core stuff we did.
My main goal going into this was to get one strict Handstand Push-Up, and I FINALLY did this on Saturday. Major achievement for me because I was nowhere near it at the beginning of the cycle.
I also went from a weighted pull-up with 15 lbs to 35 lbs. We did a load of tempo work with Pull-Ups and Handstand Push-Ups and this really works.
Strict Knees-to-Elbows with absolutely no kip was a big fat zero on week 1. I did 15 on Saturday.
Loaded pushing: my strict Dumbbell Press (tempo 3010) still needs work. I went from 1 at my required weight of 40 lbs to 3 reps on Saturday. I should have been at 6 reps to clear that level, but I’m not there yet. The weight was based on Close-Grip Bench Press numbers.
The whole experience was great, though. Ro is an encouraging and attentive coach. Everyone made huge progress, and it was PR Central over at 608 on Saturday. Lots of fun, and if you are thinking this could be helpful for you, try your best to get into one of the upcoming cycles. You won’t regret it.
Congrats, Charlie! Check out tomorrow’s blog post for more info and registration links.
Did you participate in the recent AG Strength cycle? How’d it go? Tell us in the comments!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Rack Reverse Lunges | Run, Double-Unders, Muscle-Ups
Let Him Go CrossFit
Can Plants Hear? Scientific American