Team Metcon
In teams of 3, alternate full rounds to complete 6 rounds each (18 total) for time of:
200m Run
15 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
10 Deadlifts 225/155
The Deadlift should be a medium weight for you. The goal is to complete the triplet fast and unbroken on each round.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
TODAY: The Subway Series at CFSBK
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the seventh annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year! The 3rd event of the year will take place right here at CFSBK. The action kicks off today at 12pm.
As a result, we’ll be running on a modified schedule today.Morning classes will run on the usual schedule, but everything from 11am onward is cancelled (i.e., 10am classes are the last of the day). Come for group class or Short Circuit in the morning, stay to watch your fellow CFSBKers throw down in the afternoon!
Also, please note that the Brooklyn Rock’n’Roll Run is happening nearby today, which may result in street and subway closures. Give yourself extra time to get to the gym!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Strength Is Money in the Bank Starting Strength
Have We Been Building Chairs all Wrong? Smithsonian
Yesterday @Crossfit GHH in Berlin
OHS 4×3
Worked up to 55kg, but still not very stable at the bottom. Thaisa made a video that showed my heel coming off the floor at the bottom. My mobility isn’t great for this movement.
Partner Metcon w/ Thaisa
14 rds (7ea): 7 hang snatch 95/65 / 7 burpees / 7 T2B
We did mostly hang power snatches instead of full squat snatches, and even then this was harder than I expected. Snatches all unbroken, burpees painfully slow, T2B mostly 4/3.
I’m really enjoying dropping in for open gym at this place – mid-morning is super quiet, we have the whole gym to ourselves. I’d highly recommend it *if only* we still had the super valuable travel recommendation section in the website.
Great day at the gym! First of all, I got to go to group class, which I have been sorely missing. Partnered with Barbara K. and a ghost, and we did 38:43 with me doing 25 air squats/round instead of wall balls and both of us doing 125# deadlifts. I will choose to be happy that I could come to class and not sad that I couldn’t Rx the deadlifts.
Then judged the snatch ladder at Subway Series and got to see a bunch of SBK beasts going at the barbell. Well done everyone!