Snatch Complex
Every 2 Minutes x 5:
1 Mid-Hang Snatch
Warm up and work up to a heavy load. Focus on a powerful finish in your extension (2nd pull) followed by an immediate and aggressive pull under the bar (3rd pull).
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
AMRAP 14 Minutes:
7 Ring Muscle-Ups
7 Power Cleans 155/105
AMRAP 14 Minutes:
14 Pull-Ups
14 Push-Ups
14 Power Cleans 115/75
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Today: Starting Strength Total at CFSBK
Coach Jeremy’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle today starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
Just About Everything We Know About the Pard Atlas Obscura
Why Chasing Strength Matters Girls Gone Strong
Rope climb practice/101
@80-90% SE
3 min
1 rope climb
20 double unders
rest 2 min
3 min
5 burpees
6 box jump overs, 24/20
rest 2 min
3 min
3 pull ups
6 split jumps
rest 2 min
3 min
row cal
Yesterday at CrossFit GHH Berlin
Upper body strength
Weighted strict pull-up – 30kg
HSPU – single with 1/2 abmats
Seated behind the neck press – up to 52.5kg for 4 reps (slow down tempo)
Arnold Press – up to 25kg/55lb dumbbells for 4 reps (slow down tempo)
Clean complex
E2MOM for 10 min: hang clean + front squat
60, 70, 80, 90, 95kg (ie up to 209lbs)
Felt good, so tried a couple of cleans at 105kg (230ish lbs), but wasn’t committing enough to staying under the bar. I get under it, but catch a bit forward and bail too soon.
E2MOM Hang Snatch: 93×2, 98×2, 103
Kept these lighter today, pretty beat up from the Subway Series yesterday. Felt good to really just focus on technique.
Fitness WOD with 83# Power Cleans: 4 rounds + 8 pull ups.
Focus on consistency and moving efficiently. Power cleans all 8-4-2. Push ups were 8-4-2 until the last round 6-3-2-2-1. Pull ups 8-6, 5-4-3-2 x 3, 4-3-1.
Subway Series yesterday was awesome – many thanks to everyone who helped put it together and the wonderful, supportive judges! Had much fun with an excellent partner in Jess Fox, whose snatches and bar muscle ups were on fire yesterday.
Yesterday’s subway series: my favorite one by far!
Got to be partnered up with my main squeeze Kate E:
1) Snatch Ladder: 10 reps into 125# AMRAP
got to do this fresh. So that worked out well for us!
We also totally botched this one because we didn’t know it was an AMRAP. So we spent about 35 seconds celebrating when we thought we “finished” the workout at 10 reps. BUT Katie PRed her snatch by 5# which was awesome to watch. There was a lot of aggressive “HELL YEAHS” and “woohoo”ing happening. Happy with how snatches went on my end as well! Hit 9 at 125# and 9 at 115# Was happy that I was dropping under as it felt heavier. No starfish!
B) Relay: DNF- shy 2 reps
unfortunately my bike monitor went out, so I spent a lot of time sorting that out with the judge. I was given an automatic 1:30 time to my score and then I went straight into burpee BJO at the 1:30 mark. those were fine, but the sandbags were a disaster for me. My posterior chain was fried from WOD1. Couldn’t organize myself, but I also never practice with the bags. So it’s definitely something I could afford to get better at! I’d like to redo this one sometime soon so I can get a real gauge on how i’d do. It’s a fun one! Kate E CRUSHED it. She was only 2 reps shy of finishing! But that’s because I didn’t give her enough time : ) Think I finished around the 6:30 mark.
C) Chipper: 1 round + 3 WBs
We rotated sets of 20, felt perfect!
Doubles I believe we split right down the middle into two sets
BMU: I got a few sets of 5, then 4s and 3s, kip is improving! Keith mentioned I need a better start for my first rep. He noticed I start from the dead hang when I should start with momentum. Will definitely work on this!
Overall an awesome day. We came in third! Sarah C and Whit destroyed! Awesome to watch Sarah demolish the sandbag WOD. Yesterday was awesome, congrats to Brett and Phil also for snagging first, and Allie and Sarah for landing second in the scaled! We definitely represented well, looking forward to next year!
Also, anybody want Katie E and I’s slot for Virtuosity on Oct 28?? I Need to lay low for awhile and focus on training. No more competitions for me until January!
LOL I was judging the Katies and I was all, “WTF why are they hugging each other? There’s still like 30 seconds to go!” 😂
Congrats to everyone who participated yesterday!
11am with Snickers and Ro.
Hang Snatches 83, 88, 83 x 3
Fitness- 4 Rounds 14 pull-ups.
Stuck with butterfly pull-ups- not getting full ROM yet on all reps yet but am committing to these until further notice.
Biggest challenge was keeping my heart rate down.
Noon class
Hang Snatch – 165
I hate the hang snatch.
Performance Rx
5 rounds flat
Congrats to all on Subway Series yesterday!
Strength cycle total
LBBS: 170, 185, 200F
Press: 75, 80, 82.5F
DL: 215, 220, 225
Crossfit total: 490
Lots of good lessons learned today. First and foremost, if you’re going to go for a total, don’t forget to do the math and reconsider making overambitious jumps on your squat when you would still have a chance to make 500 with something more makeable. Derp. I was/am really, really disappointed/pissed after missing 200. It’s been in the back of my mind as my #1 goal this cycle. Gotta stay tight & fight under the bar. All in all squatting has come a loooong way, and 185 is up 25# from my previous 1RM.
The miss on the press was a bummer. I want to try that one again ASAP. Up 5# from previous 1RM.
Deadlifts were tough as usual. I was stoked to get 225 up & almost involuntarily cried from the effort?? Up 50# from previous 1RM.
Lots of gainz during this cycle, physical and mental. Would certainly recommend. Thanks to Jeremy for solid, straightforward coaching throughout. I’ll be back…but first, crossfit 🙂
Skipped snatches and did:
3 rounds:
8 tempo DB bench: 25-30-35 All easy
8 tempo DB row @30#
20 hollow rocks
WOD: 4+28
pullups: 8-6 each round
Pushups: variable
Subbed deadlifts at 125 for the power cleans. Broke them up 8-6 each round. Took my time to make sure I didn’t hit my knee. No knee pain from bending. yay!