Snatch Balance (or Tempo Overhead Squat)
Snatch Balance:
80-85% x 2 x 4
4 sets of 2 reps at 80-85% of your 1RM Snatch.
Tempo Overhead Squat (2211):
4 x 2
Warm up and perform 4 sets of 3 reps. Use a load that’s challenging but allows you to hold solid positions, and as such, only squat as low as you can move well. Goal is to go heavier than on 9.17.17.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
Partner Metcon
In teams of 2, complete 14 rounds (7 each) for time of:
7 Hang Squat Snatches 95/65
7 Burpees
7 Toes-to-Bars
The barbell should be light for you. The Burpees happen lateral to your barbell and are not “jump over.” Scale TTB to HLR or HKR as needed, or to 15 Sit Ups.
Post time, Rx and partner to comments.
November 11th and 12: CF Level 1 Certificate Course
On Saturday, November 11th and Sunday, November 12th, CFSBK will host the CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Course. Courses are open to individuals and trainers at all stages of development. The Level 1 Certificate Course serves as the cornerstone for CrossFit methodology and movement and includes classroom instruction on these topics, as well as hands-on small-group training for the movements. These group sessions are conducted under low intensity with a focus on improving mechanics. Students’ movements are observed and corrected, and they engage in dialogue concerning effective coaching techniques. Large group CrossFit workouts are conducted as an example of bridging the gap from theory to practice. These workouts provide examples of how to:
- Conduct a class.
- Hold a standard of effective technique at high intensity.
- Achieve relative high levels of intensity for each individual.
- Scale for any ability level.
The Level 1 provides introductory education on the fundamental principles and movements of CrossFit. It is structured to meet two goals: 1) Provide attendees with the knowledge to better use CrossFit methods for themselves; and 2) Provide attendees with an initial and foundational education to begin training others using CrossFit.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Row, Power Cleans, Handstand Push-Ups
7 Ways to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve (And Why You Should) BarBend
For Your Brain’s Sake, Keep Moving NY Times
2-3 sets @Z1 effort
8 ea SSRDL
10 SA ring row @3012
10 strict leg raises
B. Kipping toes to bar Practice
C. 5-6 sets @80-90% SE
10/7 cal row
10 toes to bar
30 double unders
rest walk 1:1
10am with Chris and Lauren
OHS work went well; worked up to 65# and really focused on being steady and strong throughout the movement after a wobbly start. I really hate these but also really love working on them.
Partner work with Lauren: we both took our fogged up glasses off during round one of burpees—nerds. This workout was hard but fun-ish with a partner. We did 43# on snatches but admittedly were doing more power snatches than full snatches. Burpees are always sad for me and I took the push-up out on my 6th round. [note: got home feeling like a quitter because of this and did some googling and read this post that felt motivating to me–] I did knee raises; need to work on grip because I think I could start doing better on the bar.
AR after was great as always; have missed going due to travel.
Haha! Thank you, Jen, for having the foresight (get it??) to move our glasses off to the side where we wouldn’t be tempted to even try to put them back on during that WOD. Wouldn’t have made it through [those snatches that I really thought were power snatches until the workout started] without you!
Shout out to a dino-mite convo in AR 🙂
I would have done the same thing if I’d done this workout! Fogging glasses in the middle of a WOD are the worst!
@Jen – Hoorah for great partner days!
Noon class
Snatch Balance
Felt stiff today, and a little off balance.
Metcon Rx’d with Pierre who really pushed the pace and picked up the slack when my toes to bars began to wane…finished in 15:10
Hey guys – here’s a great article from the Times on the origin of the neighborhood of “South Brooklyn”. Thought you’d all enjoy!
OHS: 73-83-93-103-108-110(f)
These felt awesome and I felt like a bada$$! : P 108 was definitely AHAP. I felt muscles working in a different way than the other reps.
Went into the workout feeling super confident after that. Stuck with Sarah and we did 63#. Lol! I failed multiple reps. Switched to power snatches and made it through fine. Lauren told me I’ve got to work on organizing and dropping under faster. I should have done 43# for squat snatches. Now I know! TTB and burpees were great, tho!
Stayed for AG. Instead of doing more TTB work, I did some ring dips with worm:
5 strict
5 strict with 10#x 2 sets
Wod: 7 cal row, 10 kipping ring dips (these felt amazing, 7/3 every round), 30 DUs
Times went:
So fun to switch out TTB for ring dips. Haven’t practiced those in forever! Proud of my pace and pulls on the erg.