Push Press
Begin each rep from a strong, stable rack position and hold overhead for a 2 count before lowering. No cycling. Work up to a heavy triple for the day.
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Exposure 5 of 8
Every 5 Minutes for 3 Sets…
For Time:
400m Run
6 Deadlifts 315/225
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Announcing the Artists for CFSBK’s 5th Art Show
Ever wonder what CFSBK would look like if it were transformed into an art gallery? Well, those of us who participated in or attended CFSBK’s previous Art Shows know that it looks pretty awesome.CFSBK’s 5th Art Show is next Saturday, November 17th from 7-10PM. Free entry and alcohol (and La Croix!). Bring your friends!
The show will feature live tattooing by Brooklyn artist Jim Gentry (we’ll have the sign-up sheet soon!)
There will be several live performances throughout the night, including music from CFSBKers Emily and Paul, and a dance/spoken word performance by Sacred Circle Theatre Company featuring CFSBK member Anise.
Come check out the art of these talented artists from CFSBK and beyond:
Katie Harper
David Osorio
Sonya Cheuse
Katherine Akiko Day
Nick Piltoff
Brett Ferguson
Jonathan Arias
Rainer Magik
Simon Ressner
Michael Gigl
Paul Hernandez
Henry Poyder
Paola Luisi
Carla Stickler
We could still use some volunteers to help set up and break down. Contact Coach Brett at Brett [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you’d like to help make the magic happen.
News and Notes
- Our friends at Kettlebell Kitchen are looking for candidates to fill Account Manager positions. Interested? Send your resume to Joe LoPresti at JoeL [at] Kettlebellkitchen.com.
- We’re always trying to get better at what we do. If you have a minute, head over to the Feedback page and tell us about your experience at the gym!
- Beginner and Level 2 classes of our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with Coach Callie class start this Sunday, November 11th. Check out Monday’s post to learn more and sign up!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
CJ Cummings Sets Two Junior World Records at World Weightlifting Championship BarBend
How Meditation Might Help Your Winter Workouts NY Times
Tempo Box Squat (41X2)
Heavy 3
In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy 3 rep set of Box Squats at the prescribed tempo (4 seconds down, 1 second hold on the box, fast up, and 2 seconds at the top). “Sit” on the box for the 1 count while maintaining a braced torso and an active hip.
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Exposure 4 of 8
3 Rounds:
In 2 Minutes…
35 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
Max Reps Pull-Ups
Rest 7 minutes between rounds
The Wall Balls will be done unbroken on the top end. Challenge yourself here. Can you do them unbroken? Scaling option for Pull-Ups today is Ring Rows.
Post work to comments.
Coach Nick rowed at the Head of the Charles in Boston last Saturday in the men’s masters eight (40+ years old). It’s a 3-mile, “head-style” race, meaning that the boats race in single file. Nick’s boat won last year, but came in second this year by 5 seconds. Coach Ro has been doing Nick’s programming since last December, and while Nick didn’t want to focus too much on rowing, the training has certainly helped him feel prepared and, overall, healthy and well balanced.
Want to Reach Your Rowing Potential? Come to the CRASH-Bs Kick-Off Meeting With Coach Nick This Sunday!
Do you hate and fear workouts that involve rowing? Do you secretly love them but don’t want to admit it? Either way, you have a good reason to train for the CRASH-B World Indoor Rowing Championship! Coach Nick, an Olympic rower who competed in Sydney in 2000, will prepare participants in the months leading up to race day, which is February 17th in Boston. Come to Coach Nick’s kick-off meeting at 2:15 this Sunday, November 4, in the Annex. This meeting is open and free to anyone who’s “erg-curious” and wants to learn more about what’s involved. There will not be a workout.
Here’s some basic info:
At the kick-off meeting at 2:15PM this Sunday, November 4th, in the Annex, Nick will explain the program in detail.
Send Coach Nick an email at Nick [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you plan to show up or if you have any questions.
News and Notes
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
The Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Language of Dieting The Atlantic
Make Big Investments in Your Weak Points for Big Returns Breaking Muscle