As of Saturday, Zoom has instituted mandatory password protection of all usage on their platform to prevent trolling. For all classes except CrossFit Kids, you’ll be using the same Zoom room link you’ve been using and the following password: CFSBK.
Road Warriors Workout White Board Explanation 4.5.20
Warm Up
2 Rounds Not for Time:
10e hip circles, leg swings forward/back, leg swings lateral, standing alternating toe touch
10e Alternating Lateral Lunge
1:00 Tall Plank
Running Work
4 Mile Run (using only nasal breathing)
- Easy pace, combo of run/walk is ok.
- If you lose nasal breathing, slow down your pace or walk until you can resume nasal breathing comfortably.
- Use your favorite tracker for distance or just run for 40 minutes.
Cool Down
3 Minute Walk:
10 Munutes Total of: World’s Greatest Stretch, Kneeling Hamstring Stretch, Cat/Cow
Post work to comments.
Rest Day Video
Hi all, Coach Brittany here! In this rest day video I share a bit about me, specifically a shift in self-awareness and habit change that has allowed me to live a less stressed and anxious life over the last several months while also improving my training and competitive performances. If you’re like me, I hope this video simply helps you begin to shift your thinking or at least, get curious about yourself and your habits as they relate to stress and anxiety. Crazy enough, I was using stress and anxiety as my CRUTCH 🤯 because I was scared of who I could become without it.
Have a great Sunday! Rest day vibes in full effect!
Today: Active Recovery
Join Coach Fox this morning at 10am for Active Recovery. As we note at the top of this post, you’ll be using the same Zoom room link you’ve been using and the password CFSBK.
Question of the Day
Other than social media, what apps do you use the most?
50 Ways to Stay Sane During This Crisis Blue Zones
Stuck Inside? Keep Walking NY Times