CFSBK August Athlete of the Month: Katie Mohrhauser
By Coach Fox
The hottest month of the year brings you one of our hot new rising stars at CrossFit South
Brooklyn, Katie Mohrhauser. In the short time that she’s has been training with us at SBK Katie
has made quite an impression on the coaching staff. From showing up fresh out of Foundations
to support our team at the Open Sectionals, to enrolling in Coach Margie’s Tough Titsday class
to learn how to better approach a barbell, Katie has thrust herself into pursuit of being a better
athlete and being a member of our community as well. If you don’t know her yet then here’s
your chance to get to know her better.
Fox – Katie, you’re our August Athlete of the Month!
KM – Me? Really? I hope this isn’t a joke…Aren’t I too new to be considered? Will more senior
people be upset? Worries aside, thank you for thinking of me. I’m humbled, and of course,
Fox – Yes, you! (I explained to Katie all the things written above and a few more). Nobody will
be upset, that’s not how SBKers roll. Ready? Tell me how you wound up at our roll up gate.
KM – My roommate Libby was constantly telling me about it. We lived in Norwalk, CT together
and she was doing CrossFit at CrossFit Stamford. She’d said she thought I’d love it but I was
too intimidated. I didn’t think I was strong or fit enough. Of course she told me all about it being
scalable and I was interested, but too afraid. Fast forward to my decision to move to New York
and I figured that if I was going to do one scary thing then I may as well do another. I was
thinking of living in Brooklyn, saw that CFSBK was right near where I was looking, saw that he
schedule would work for me, and just signed up. I figured I was going to do this and not half-
ass it. I didn’t do a teaser or anything because I knew that if I did I’d psyche myself out of doing
Foundations. I’m glad I didn’t do the teaser.
Fox – What was it like coming into this environment? Had you been going to “regular” gyms prior
to CrossFit?
KM – I hadn’t been going to regular gyms because I never liked them. I had been exposed to
training through athletics (Katie competed at the high school level in volleyball, tennis, and cross
country) but never really liked the treadmill/machine scene. I’d done some classes but again,
it wasn’t me. And like I said, I’m glad I didn’t do a teaser. Our first night of Foundations was a
Tuesday and you were coaching what I guess was the Competition Class and Jess was taking
it. It was crazy. If I’d done a teaser, I might not have come back.
Fox – Ha! You could have just pretended to be looking for BK Boulders. Well we’re sure glad
you stayed. What brought you to Brooklyn in the first place?
KM – I moved here for a job, but really I moved here to challenge myself. I grew up in small town
Iowa, attended the University of Iowa so of course I’m a big Hawkeyes fan, and just was ready
for change. Most of my friends were moving to Chicago which is nice but it just seemed like it
would be more of the same, i.e. sports and drinking, drinking and sports. Don’t get me wrong, I
love drinking and sports but I decided I didn’t want to be defined by it. I wanted more diversity
and New York, Brooklyn in particular, provided that.
Fox – So what, besides sports and beer, do you do outside of CrossFit? I think each female
AOM so far has told me knitting, do you knit?
KM – Ha! I tried it once and hated it so no. Honestly, CrossFit is my main thing and I talk about
it all the time (probably too much). I have a job as an accountant that I really enjoy, and I even
got two of my female accounting friends to start doing CrossFit. I don’t really do too much else
right now. I guess I’m cooking more at home, lots of paleo meals. The same roommate that
introduced me to CrossFit got me on a paleo diet. I feel great when I’m eating paleo, so now
I do more cooking at home. This is funny. My neighbor, let’s call him bi’s and tri’s guy…He’s
always giving me suggestions on what to add or subtract to my diet. He does the same thing
when he asks about my workouts. He’s actually told me not to lift heavy weights because I’ll get
too big. Me, really?
Fox – Bi’s and tri’s guy, I love it! Although I’ve probably been that guy before… what keeps you
coming back to CFSBK?
KM – The people. It’s kind of a mid-western sensibility here in that people are just nice. They’ll
come up and introduce themselves and have a conversation with you. There’s a mix of old and
new people here. I remember coming to Murph early on, being nervous, and meeting Jessica
Bailey. She just talked to me like she knew me. I also remember my first class and Noah
cheering me on while I struggled with cleans and running. He didn’t know me but it didn’t matter,
he was supporting me. People here seem to really care. I also like being around people who
have a similar mindset to mine in regards to a healthy lifestyle.
Fox – I really like your “mid-western sensibility” comment. That rings true, although I’d like to call
it “Brooklyn sensibility”. Tell me one gym thing you feel pretty good about and one you think you
suck at.
KM – Well I suck at the overhead stuff, all of it. It freaks me out, I’m not sure why. That was a
rough night in Foundations. I feel pretty good on squats and deadlifts though. They come more
natural to me and seem less complicated.
Fox – You’re enrolled in Coach Margie’s Tough Titsday class for ladies. How’s that treating you?
KM – Margie is intelligent, thoughtful, and patient; she brings all of those qualities to her class.
Her class is challenging – mentally and physically – and it’s something I look forward to all
week. I’m so happy to have the opportunity to work with her.
The other women are supportive and inspiring. Forget Mean Girls! Each woman wants to
see the others succeed as much as she wants to succeed herself. The sad truth is that it’s
sometimes hard to find a group of women that treat each other this well. I’m going to be sad
when it’s over!
Fox – Sounds like a great experience. Last question. Tell me what you think we should look for
in a future Athlete of the Month.
KM – Someone who represents the qualities I mentioned about why I love SBK, who introduces
themselves and is supportive. Someone who isn’t too self involved in their own workout to cheer
others on through theirs. The people who seem to train smart and not let ego get in the way are
the ones I look up to.
Thanks to Katie for sitting with me for the dreaded Fox interview. We coaches are proud of what
she’s accomplished and look forward to having her be an inspiration to future SBK bad asses
down the road. When you see her in the gym be sure to show her your Cornhuskers shirt…
Subway Series Event #1 Standards and Call for Spectators
The standards for this weekend’s kick-off event to the 2011 Subway Series have been announced. For complete details check out the link below to get the rundown of what athletes will need to do in each of the day’s 3 WODs:
Subway Series Event #1 Standards
The event is sold out but if you missed your chance to compete don’t worry Team SBK’s crew of intrepid athletes needs a cheering section as badass as they are! So join us at CF Virtuosity tomorrow and cheer on team SBK and all the CFers competing in this weekend’s event.
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