(E1/4) Spinal Flexion will constitiute a missed rep, choose loads accordingly
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Compare to 1.3.11
AMRAP 12 Minutes
5 Knees to Elbows (or 10 Sit Ups)
10 Reverse Lunges ea
20 Double Unders
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Steph P. during Sectionals WOD #2
Congratulations to David Byrd on hitting 405×10 on his BSQ!
Welcome Back David and Margie who are back from working on Northeast Regionals in Boston!
Happy Birthday, Michele K!
The Total Cometh
Coach Jeremy's Strength Intensives are coming to an end and you know what that means…..The Total! The Total is next Wednesday, June 29th and starts at 6pm! Come watch in amazement as this cycle's participants fight for new PRs in the Squat, Press and Deadlift!
Northeast Regional Day 2 Video CrossFit
Deadlift Prep Part 1 and Part 2 Mobility WOD
Knee to Elbows with Kip Gymnastics WOD
Bendikt Magnusson DLs 575 for 22 Reps Youtube