Today’s Rest day WOD is to.. Talk to someone new! This can be someone you work with but never talk to, someone you buy coffee from every day but have never introduced yourself to or anyone else that you might cross paths with today. We live in a large and crowded city where interactions with other people (especially strangers) are taken for granted and often avoided. Take a few minutes to try to stimulate a short (or long!) conversation with someone today you wouldn’t normally talk to.
If you put yourself out there and it’s not recieved well, don’t take it personally just try again with someone else. The WOD for today is to give it a shot and see what happens.
Post results to comments.
Coach Laurel’s Sandy Handstand
Going to the Subway Series?
Anyone who needs a ride or can offer a ride to the Subway Series event in Long Island City this Saturday should email Chris(AT) so that we can organize rides. We’re excited to see everyone come out to compete or spectate!
Announcing the Next Tough Titsday Cycle!
Ladies, it is time to get your estrogen on. This four part series is geared for beginning lifters who want to develop competency on the four barbell lifts: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press and Press. We’ll focus on technique, how to establish appropriate warm up and work set weights, as well as the mental aspect of preparing to manage heavy loads. Titsday is a practical class using moderate volume and weight; it should complement your regular CrossFit life.
This is your chance to dude out in a women’s only environment.
For beginning lifters who have been out of Foundations at least one month and had some exposure to the movements. Limited to 5 participants.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Margie(AT) with questions.
Sundays @ 10am on: 9/21, 9/25, 10/4, 10/9
Each class is one hour and 15 minutes
Cost is $100/4 sessions
Sign up here!
Videos from the Ancestral Health Symposium Vimeo
2011 CrossFit Games Behind the Scenes Part 1 CrossFit Journal (Free)
2011 CrossFit Games Behind the Scenes Part 2 CrossFit Journal (Free)
Everything is Terrible! Category: Exercise