Paleo Challenge Rest Day Dinners!
Michele K is hosting the first Rest Day Dinner of the 2012 Paleo Challenge. This will be a potluck style dinner at her apartment with a cap of 8 people. If you’re interested, please RSVP by January 2nd. The contact information and location details are listed below.
Host Contact Information:
Michele Knaub
mignyc <AT> gmail.com
Host Contact Information:
Michele Knaub
mignyc <AT> gmail.com
Date and Time:
January 6th at 8pm
360 Union st. Apartment D3
(Between Smith and Hoyt)
Would you like to host a future Rest Day Dinner during the 2012 Paleo Challenge? These can be potlucks at your pad or they can be a group dinner/brunch etc out at a restaurant of your choice. We’ll need to know the following information if you’d like to host:
- The RDD you’d like to host (Date & Time)
- The Location you’d like to host it at (address included)
- How many people you’d be able to accomodate
- When you’d need the RSVP’s by
- Your contact information
Please contact David(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to put in your request!
The Paleo Challenge Countdown Continues!
Only 10 days left to sign up for the 2012 Paleo Challenge! Sign up today!
What is your number 1 fitness goal for January 2012?
1. a bitch cannot wait to get back in the gym! coming home tomorrow:)
2. please come to my Rest Day Dinnah on Jan 6!
Michele — I'm coming! What time does it start?
Sorry about the blog snafu! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
Great AM classes! Best Christmas present…the return of Charmel!
number one fitness goal is to improve my metcon!
@Michele, is that the pejorative third person? nice!
Yesterday: 4×3 deadlift at 225. I'm trying to work on my form and get back to pulling a heavy DL. The meet taught me that I have really been neglecting my hamstring strength.
3×10 backsquat at 135. This was my friend's idea, it was an interesting exercise in trying to maintain my breathing, similar to swimming in a weird way.
Today: I read the blog before it was adjusted so… 175 3rpm front squat. Did 2 at 185, but just felt a bit tired so dropped it back down to be safe and not look like a jerk at someone else's gym.
Followed up w/ 3 RNFT of
30 unbroken kettlebell swings at 35#
15 bench press 75#
1-3 handstand pushups (gym I was at had no ropes)
Man, those kettlebells got heavy.
5 PM class, a new experience for me! (Probably one I won't be repeating any time soon, unfortunately.)
Clean: got up to 83, failed at 88. Jeremy suggested practicing tall cleans so I can learn to get under the bar faster and more aggressively, which I can definitely do at home.
Double-under practice. This might be the only thing I hate more than burpees, because at least I feel like I can do burpees — but on the other hand I was looking forward to the practice because I know I need it. I got 8 in a row, which was a PR for me. I'll take it.
#1 fitness goal: to figure out how Paleo I want to be and stick to it. I'm really glad we're doing the challenge, because that will help me make an informed decision about whether being more compliant than I am now is worth the trade-offs (hot fudge sundaes!).
Did Wednesday's workout tonight with Jeremy:
Front Squat 3-3-3
185-215-225 (PR tie)
I almost lost the barbell on the last rep of 225
Then 3 rounds NFT
20 KBS
15 DB Bench Press
Rope Climbs practice
Very fun workout. We should definitely do more rope climbs.
Make up of yesterdays WOD.
Kept the cleans light @ 125 to work on technique and I think my body started to catch on. Feeling better about the movement and not just muscling the damn thing up and catching it in a bad position.
Then the double under flying thing – 20:05 rx
I was cruising along with all rounds unbroken until the 35 on the down slope – took me till the 5th attempt! All good, last time I tried this I didn’t make it through.
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