1 Round NFT of:
Today’s WOD is to take some out of your day and do something that either helps you unwind or brings you some simple happiness. This needs to be something you don’t normally do or something you don’t think you do enough of. It could be as simple as sitting on your stoop and people watching for 20 minutes or calling an old friend and catching up. Maybe you take your dog for an extra long walk or sneak out of work to catch a matinee. There are no scaling options for today’s workout, you either did it or you didn’t.
Post workout to comments.
Rebecca R’s Pregnant Badassery
Check out Whitney H at her upcoming show, Triptych from July 21-24. There is a sale on tickets today for $15. You can also get more information on their Facebook page
Community Events
This Saturday we’ve got a Brooklyn Cyclones Game and Scary Movie Night 2 on tap for our members. We hope to see lots of familiar faces and maybe even some new ones out for these events. Three cheers for community events!
What is a Workout? George Allen