Even Minutes: 1 Heavy Power Clean
Odd Minutes: 5 Handstand Push-ups
Start at a moderate load and work up. Find your best weight for the day and then stay there or pull back and work any technical issues out. Score for cleans is best single rep. There is an on the spot 10 Burpee penalty for missing a rep.
For the Handstand Push-Ups, there is a one burpee penalty for failing a rep.
Even Minutes: 1 Power Clean
Odd Minutes: 5 DB Presses
Work up to a medium-heavy weight for the PC. Try to make your first rep look like your twentieth. You should come no where close to missing because of weight.
Keep the DB presses consistent and strong. If you start missing or losing position, take 1-2 rounds off to recover.
Post best clean, total HSPUs or DB weight used and fouls to comments.
Check out Jake’s Snatch. Take a moment to see where he’s at during each phase in the lift. Notice the relashionship between his body and how high the barbell is. Nice work!
Crossfit South Brooklyn Baby Army Muster and Picnic
CFSBK parents! You’re awesome! Your kids are cute! We should hang out more often.
Come join us for a CFSBK Baby Army Muster and Picnic on Saturday, October 13th at 1:15pm
Let’s all get to know each other better and watch our cute little ones roll/toddle/run around on gym mats. And, of course, plot baby army world domination.
Babies and children, parents and parents-to-be, friends and pets welcome. We’ll have some fresh fruit for everyone, and you’re welcome to bring some snacks to share if you like.
RSVP to organizer extraordinaire Erica N at erica.nofi(AT)
CrossFit Total This Sunday
Coach Jeremy’s Strength Cyclers will wrap up their 8 week cycle this Sunday at 1:00pm. The following lifters will be testing the last 8 weeks of training as they attempt 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press and Deadlift.
Avi S
Kabir S
Cloyde M
Santee D
Laurent G
Max S
Susan C
Dan E
Deepak T
David T
Dave B
Rob I
Michele K
Mel L
Rahsaan C
Great Video: See what happened when a vertical turbine manufacturing company implemented free CrossFit, free Chiropractic and free Zone meals to all their employees.