Performance: Take 15 minutes to work up to a heavy single.
Finish with a few singles at 85%
Fitness: Spend 15 Minutes working up to a heavy load on the complex of: 1 Clean Deadlift + 1 Hang Power Clean
If you’ve been well organized on the deads and feeling pretty good on the hang cleans then use today to practice from the deck. Only go as heavy as you can move well.
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PC e5/6
5 Rounds NFT of:
8 Weighted Sit-Ups
8ea DB Unilateral Press (heavy), or 8 Handstand Push-Ups
12 Russian KB Swings, (heavy)
Coach David Power Cleans 225 for this week’s exposure
Don’t forget to check out CFSBK on the Flickrs, The facebook machine and on instagram @crossfitsouthbrooklyn
Holiday Schedule
We hope everyone at CFSBK is gearing up to see friends and family for Thanksgiving. Below is our schedule for this week. There will be a special Thanksgiving day WOD at 9am which will probably go over the hour a little. Come in and work up a caveman’s appetite before the big meal. Maybe you’ll eat the entire Turkey this year? Also note that there are no AM classes on Friday.
Wednesday 11/21: Normal schedule
Thursday 11/22 (Thanksgiving): Special 9am CrossFit Group Class only
Friday 11/23: No 6am, 7am, 8am Group Classes. 12pm onwards is normal schedule.
CrossFit Spacial Memory Game:
Without looking at any pictures, answer as many of the following questions as you can. Write down your answers on paper before posting to comments so you don’t get influenced by other people’s responses.
1. How many stacks of bumpers are there against the back wall?
2. What color are the 12lb medicine balls?
3. How many ergs (rowing machines) do we have?
4. How many barbells fit in the upright holders?
5. How many rings hang from the ceiling?
6. What are on the shelves in each changing room.
7. Of the 6 leader boards up on the wall, which one is “Murph” on?
8. What do the jump ropes hang from?
9. There are 3 dumbbell weights that are all steel, which ones are they?
10. How many Black 20″ Jump Boxes do we have?
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