This Weekend
CrossFit Open Invitational This Saturday
This Saturday we will be hosting several gyms and some of their best athletes as they take on Open Workout 13.5. A variety of CFSBKers have been kicking ass and taking names for the last several weeks at boxes all around the city. We’re excited to be hosting the final workout for the 2013 Open season and hope to see a bunch of CFSBKers cheering them on. The heats will start at 11am and the event will probably be about 2 hours long. We still don’t know the workout length so a concrete timeline isn’t set yet. Afterwards everyone is welcome to Die Koelner Bierhalle where beer and sausage await. Remember, the Open is over, time to Treat Yo Self.
Judges Wanted
We’re looking for some volunteer Judges to help staff the event. If you’ve got a Level 1 cert please email David(AT) to sign up. We’ll review judging standards and protocol beforehand. Thanks!
Group Class Schedule
We’ll be programming 13.5 for this Sunday since we’ll only be offering 2 group classes on Saturday (8 and 9am). If you can’t make it on Sunday morning you can attempt the workout at Open Gym on Friday or Sunday. Just remember to submit your score before 8pm if you do it Sunday night, which you can do it at the front desk.
Crazy Football Street Stunts
Two 90 Year old men race the 100m dash!
Fighting For Greatness: A CrossFit Story
If 13.5 is programmed for Sunday, what is the Saturday programming for those of us who can make it at 8 or 9 (or Friday)?
135# bench press! That is a MASSIVE PR and only about 5# less than I weigh. I needed that ego boost after the 12.4 T2B debacle.
WOD in 6:36, wish I had made myself do the full 40 double unders instead of just 1/2 attempts.
treat yo self! love parks n rec!
strength cycle updates: week 3 has begun
squat: 135x3x5
press: 60x3x5
deadlift: 165×5
i'm in uncharted territory, for me, on all these lifts so i'm looking forward to where this will all go.
worked on the A-day of the fox pull-up regimen. bro'd out on the bicep curls & bench presses with aileen.
i'm probably going to watch the 90 year-old men racing 100m several several times over again today, they are delightful to watch.
6am with Jess and McDowell. High bar pause squats: 240x2x6. Heavy. Fox suggested in passing that I try bouncing out of the bottom, which helped a bit but not much. Accessory work was fun. I've missed recent exposures to handstand holds and hspu's, so it was nice to get inverted. Still don't have a legit pistol. Did manage a few reps while holding an 8kg kettlebell (for counter-balance) and placing a small rubber mat under my heel.
Congrats Stella! That's some big numbers!!
Regarding yesterday's blog, Hu Kitchen is right by my workplace (5th ave between 13th and 14th) and I've eaten there a handful of times, always for breakfast, which doesn't seem to be as expensive as lunch and dinner. For example, you get two eggs with two sides (I went with sauteed seasonal greens and grass fed beef bacon) with a grain free toasted roll and a side of homemade ketchup for just under $10. Not too crazy, considering everything is organic, local, grass fed, etc etc. The lunch and dinner prices seem to be a bit more ridiculous. However, they have a bar with gluten free beer on tap, they have a happy hour with all paleo appetizers, and there's a beautiful and large upstairs seating area and wi fi, so it's a great spot to grab coffee/breakfast in the morning and get some work done. I recommend!
Is anyone able to pick up my meat share (tomorrow night between 6-8) and hold till Thursday or Friday PM (whichever works best for)?
Happy to give you part of the share for your troubles. Im at 617 913 8366
Chris H
7AM with Jess, yesterday's program
High bar pause squats, work @ 245#
WOD: 5 rds + 20 pistols, Rx
Squats are getting heavy although I am also very not use to 7am weight lifting (first time in fact). LOVED the WOD
Also, may have overdone it Sunday night:
3rep snatch sets to warm up (95, 115, 125),
C+J singles up to 165#,
LBBS, work @ 265x5x3,
Mini version of the day's WOD (3RFT 250m row, 10 burpees, 10 deadlifts @ 185)
Just realized that Crush Week is right before Starting Strength. Doh!
BIG THANK YOU to Melo and KH for spotting me last night. Did 145×5 and then 145×4… and kind of just sat down for the 5th rep and crawled away from the bar as KH and Melo stood there holding it.
The last time I did 145 was during the wendler cycle and it's exciting to get back up there. My goal for the next round of lifts is to successfully do 145x3x5 and to the moon!
Also worked on some hilariously bad pistols last night.
12 with McDowell–bit of a demoralizing day at the gym but I guess that needs to happen sometimes. And McDowell did have the quote of the day:
Me: I have lost my freakin' squat I need to find it
McDowell: It's at the bottom
True words sir
Incline Bench
Poundstone Curls x 65
Blue Band Pushdowns x 100 (broke into 3 sets)
First day back after an extended sinus infection-related hiatus.
Worked at 230 on the paused squats. Felt pretty OK but glad I didn't go for a true 85%.
Pistols were good on the left, not happening on the right as usual – but getting a little closer with my extra mobility work. Got 3 rounds plus pistols.
Team Bacon:
I just need to share how happy the "Treat Yo Self" reference makes me. Kind of amazing!
I think one of those lost items is mine! I recognize my black zip up track jacket. I was just wondering where it was! I will get it tomorrow. thanks
The only thing that tops Treat Yo Self is…
Apps and Zerts:
Clean and Jerk- (75%x2, 80%x2, 85%x1)x3 Based off of 300lbs which is 225, 240, 255
Clean pulls- 300×3, 330×3,360×3
Bench- 315 (15# PR)
Returned to SBK after an eleven day hiatus in Italy, where I was chaperoning my students' senior trip. Two-a-days of croissants and pasta do not do a body good.
Hit CFGC for Nancy (16:40, 85lbs) yesterday. Came in to bench today.
[45×10, 95×6, 135×4] 155x8x3
Dropped five pounds from pre-trip high of 160. This was a good idea.
WOD in 5:40. Tripped up several times on the DUs.
My favorite P&R moment: DJ Roomba.
I heard a rumor that the question of the day in some classes (ahem, Josh) was about eliminating stinky shoe odors? My friend swears by this:
Front Squats: 45×5, 135×5, 165×3, 190×5, 190×5, 190×5
Wod: 3 rds
Pullups: 4×5
Run: 1 mile ~9:30
Front squats felt heavy for the first time in a while, think I was moving too fast. Still plenty of room though. Liked the workout, haven't attempted pistols or handstand holds in a LONG time. Ran a mile after class, my entire lower leg hasn't been happy these last few days with all this running. A little lax ball and paralette love seemed to have helped. Good times.
I love that clip, whitney! "Long ass rice"
I have a lot of excuses as to why I missed 260 but they don't matter. Goal is still to hit 275 this year.
WOD w/24kg in 4:29
Felt pretty good. Had to wind up breaking the push ups into 11/5/4 but otherwise moved consistently and unbroken. Fun gasser.
We all recognize that DO is Chris Traeger, right?