Fitness: 3×8 Sets Across
Add 5lbs to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 1RM
Work up to a heavy single. Try to beat last week’s heavy triple.
Post loads to comments.
BP e6/6 compare to 3.27.13
For Time:
500m Row
40 Double Unders
30 Kettlebell Swings
20 Hand Release Push-Ups
10 Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Josh locks out overhead… (in Bozman’s voice) “that’s a Good Rep.”
Gym Hours Policy Note
The gym will have a new policy that members can start showing up before evening classes up to a half hour before the 4:30pm class starts Monday through Thursday. Members will not be allowed to start training (or even guarentee that the doors will be open) before 4:00pm. Please plan your commutes accordingly. Also a gentle reminder that Friday Open gym starts at 5:30 and ends at 8. Thanks!
-The Management
Meat CSA Pick Up TODAY and Veggie CSA Info
Claim Your Clothes!
Our L&F bin has runneth over. Please check out the following pictures of abandoned clothes, these clothes, this stuff, glove and hats, speciality shoes and of course… waterbottles. Please claim these asap. We’ll be donating them on Friday.
If it turns out Annie Thorisdottir is out of the 2013 Season completely, who are your picks to podium at the Games this year in the women’s division?
The Significance of the Open CrossFit
45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 185×3, 215×1
I have a lot of excuses as to why I missed 260 but they don't matter. Goal is still to hit 275 this year.
WOD w/24kg in 4:29
Felt pretty good. Had to wind up breaking the push ups into 11/5/4 but otherwise moved consistently and unbroken. Fun gasser.
QOD: Akinwale, Briggs, and Clever
15.5 = AMRAP Fran? FML…
I'm still missing my black "rage fitness" speed rope. It disappeared after the 11am Saturday class when we did 13.3. I'm guessing someone stuck it in their bag by accident. So if you notice a strange speed rope in your gym bag today, please leave it for me at the front desk. Many thanks.
Briggs and my girl Deb Cordner-Carson out from my ol box in St. Paul, Minneapolis (girl is a beast!)
Loved wednesday's chesty workout. I did it at 7:30 yesterday with Josh.
Came close to a 1rm bench but alas it wasnt there.
45X6, 135X5, 185X2, 225X1, 240X1, 250X1, 263F, 263F.
Wod: 4:32 with the 2pd KB overhead (although my arms were not locked out) I'd like to redo this workout tonite.
Sam Briggs, Kristan Clever, Camile-Leblanc Bazinet, but I would like to see Elisabeth Akinwale in the mix ass well.. note a typo!
6am with Josh and McDowell. Bench press: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 255×1, 275×1, 290×1, 300×1, 310F. My old PR was 280, so I'm pretty stoked about hitting 300 which was my goal for this cycle. The weight went up so smoothly I decided to try for a little more. I think 310 would have been there if I just took fewer jumps.
Metcon with 2 pood KB (russian swings): 4:32. Knew this workout was about the double-unders for me, so I went very easy on the row and was pleased to knock out the 40 double-unders unbroken.
Great A/R yesterday with Fox. Maybe I do kind of like yoga after all, but only in a loud gym. All that quiet talking that freaks me out.
Small 7:30pm class with MeLo, who always brightens my day.
BSQ: 130x5x3
My back was feeling tweaked from Saturday’s C&J, so I took it a little easy. Still felt heavy.
Then, NFT work. I did 5 pistols each leg instead of 10 because my quads were cramping. And oh boy. I’m already sore! Wall walk-ups were the best they’ve ever been. Not saying a lot, but I’ll take it.
veg CSA members from last year
if you wouldn't mind, could you shoot me your email address if you were a member last year? Sol Flower wants to make sure they have everyone's contact info. please and thank you!
email me at mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
thank you!
Also really liked our yoga-AR yesterday with Fox. Would love to do more stuff like that.
Comp kids had a "powerlifting meet" yesterday where we tried out 1RM snatches and C+Js. I'm pretty sure all of us (myself, Jess Bailey, Ellie and Migdail) all PRed on one or both of our lifts. Really great to see everyone's hard work with Fox and David paying off.
I snatched in kilograms like a good olympic lifted. Got up to 90KG (198lbs) on my snatch, which was great since I've been stuck around the 185 mark for over a year. I tried 95kg (210), but pulled it a little too far forward. It felt light enough that I think I could get it pretty easily if I tried it again with a bit more focus.
Got up to 115kg (253lbs) on the clean and jerk – felt like I could have done more too. The jerk part of the lift felt better than it ever had, though like the snatch, I could have gotten lower.
Once open season is done with, I think I'm going to focus a little more on my olympic lifting and try to get my numbers up there. I know I have the strength, I just need to get the form down — which means tons of practice.
1) Sam Briggs 2) Kristan Clever 3) Andrea Ager
Question for management: is there programming on Saturday? I am trying to figure out what I will do on Friday morning, since I'll probably do 13.5 on Sunday. If there's not programming for Saturday, can we make up Wednesday if we come on Friday morning?
Bench 240# (+10 1PR)
WOD: 5:11 @ 1.5 pood
New PR on the bench although it is still certainly lower than my max. The previous was a couple days after the Total and I was, well, totaled. This morning I was tired and achy and definitely not a 7am'er. I'll hit that 250 soon though.
Good work out on the back end.
I was cleaning out my apartment and found some medical equipment that I don't need anymore. I have an Orthopack 2, an Exogen 4000+ and a Maxtens 1000. I don't even know what they're for anymore. Anyone want them?
7am with josh and mcdowell
Hit the bench with 120# 3×8 the long road to recovery is getting shorter.
The bench certainly left my arms a little spent as i had to break up the pushups into sets of 5 and the kbs (20kg) into 2 sets.
The pullups felt great and i did them kipping. This is the third time since my injury in oct. that I have done them and first time in a WOD.
My grip was fried but managed a 5:57.
Sucks about Annie, Christin is def going to take it this year i think.
13.5 is going to suck i know it. Guessing fran or diane amrap or ladder style ever going up in weight/reps.
In a side note after almost 2 years of crossfit (my birthday marks my 2 years) i have switched to 5 times a week. Woot
Was out in CA last week and got a couple of workouts in at CrossFit Lodi, including 13.4. Taking a couple of days off from CF in preparation for a charity boxing event tomorrow night. I think I've mentioned it to a few people in the 6am class, but if anyone's interested, we're having about 10 amateur boxing fights tomorrow at the Broad Street Ballroom in Manhattan (41 Broad Street). Everyone fighting is either a paralegal or a prosecutor in the Manhattan office.
The event starts at 7, the first fight will probably kick off at 7:30. My fight is the last of the night and will probably start around 8:45. You can buy tickets at the door. They're kind of expensive at $25/pop, but all of the proceeds go to charities, including Wounded Warriors. Oh, and there will be food and booze at the event.
Please email me if you have any questions–kevinjrooney(at) Otherwise, see you on Saturday morning for 13.5.
KMo et al…Saturday will have novel programming. So anyone coming in Friday AM or Noon will have the choice of Thursday or Saturdays programming as usual.
Luca – Will a Maxtens 1000 help me bench 275? If so I'll take it.
My Choice For the Winner /contenders for 2013 womens cfit open.
Jess Fox, MeLo, and Fran (the mannequin at front desk)
Note to Management: We were cheated out of C&J technique complexes last Sunday, I assume because we did 20–40 C&Js on Saturday, and we will be cheated out of C&J technique complexes this Sunday because the Open WOD is rescheduled. That means we’re going to miss 33% of our C&J technique work this cycle. Under these conditions, I will be forced to Crush Week under protest! Unless Crush Week has overhead squats, in which case I will rescind and repudiate my protest.
I spy Jess Fox Water Bottle.
Happy to say I dont have anything in the bin. On a sadder note, I think MGMT has grown so tired of me forgetting to put things away that they throw out anything of mine that gets left.
In an effort to be a better member of the keeping the gym clean club, I offer to do all of the dishes/glasses in the sink any time i leave something behind.
Day 2
C&J 165x1x6
FSQ 155x3x3
Deadlift 315×5
Deadlifts felt pretty heavy by reps 4 and 5. but that's to be expected. Clean and Jerks felt pretty sharp today. I took a video of rep 4 which was not my cleanest, slight press out. Front Squats felt good to start an LP
Here is a video of 165 C&J I did for review. A little press out and a touch forward on the pull.
6am with Josh & McDowell: last week i struggled on the bench, failing in the second set of 8 at 100 pounds. This week, tried 100 again, McDowell was instrumental in helping fix my wobbly lift by telling me to set my shoulders. Lo and behold! with more intention on the shoulders the next two sets went up quickly and quite smoothly. More room to grow next exposure – Thanks for that!
WOD: I pushed way too hard on the row and then lost it in the DU's, fell apart on the kettle bell with three sets of ten, then groaned my way through the pushups and pulls. Time was 7:30, probably because my DU's are like single-single-single-double-single-singe…etc. all the way up to 40.
Deadlifts off a 1" Deficit
High Bar Paused Squats
Ab Wheel Rollout
5 from feet
45×10, 95×3, 135×3, 155×1, 165×1, 180×1, 190F, 185×1
Enjoyed this WOD
4:49 @ 1.5 pood (which I am learning is 24kg)
There will be a regatta of sorts on the Gowanus Canal in June. Should we field a team?
Castro's crazy!
Bench partnered with Jon.
170x3x8 (thus endeth the bench cycle; I started at 155, failed once at 160, made 160, made 165, failed once at 170, and then made it today. Reasonably happy with this; wish I hadn't failed that 160 the first time – that was a drag).
Accessory WOD @24kg: 5:39 (the damn rope got stuck in my shirt, hello?)
hey david –
since getting to the gym has been hard since moving to ditmas park, i'm sort of going back to Rangering and making up workouts loosely based on Crossfit workouts that involve ditmas park. first step: i would like to get a jumprope. i want to get one of those long white ones with the black handles which recently have disappeared from the gym. the ones with the long black handles that then have sort of foam in the middle and then plastic on each side. they were the longest ones of their kind. not the ones that have the little black handles. do you know what i mean? if so, how can i get one?
annie thorisdottir
i love week 6/6.
295 bench! Woot! I thought I'd struggle to get 285.
DO – load the bar up properly in the future…moar pounds
Strength Cycle "continuing ed" It's all continuing Ed at this point, no?
First time Deadlifting since I tweaked my back in January… Sweet.
DL: 275×2, 295×2 and then 315×5
Felt this out as I went. Last set was easy and felt good. Funny, my low back isn't as taxed if I don't do 8,000 pounds of low-bar back squats beforehand.
RDL: 185×8 and 225x5x3
Mixed these in as I warmed up and then as drops sets. Also felt good. This is how I tweaked my back, so I'll go slow on them, but I love how RDL's pull on the hammys. Good stuff.
Erg: Six 100 meter sprints with 45 seconds rest. Way too much rest. I did 20-23 seconds per sprint. My consistency is pretty bad. Need to practice tempos I guess. And row more. Afterwards, I realized this would be a tabata if I did 10 seconds rest. I'll work down to that. Very easy, but a decent starting place.
This was my shortest workout since my first month of strength training. I wish I could do more split workouts. How about a 4-day a week cycle fellas?
I really wanted to see Samantha Briggs and Annie go head-to-head at the games. SB has been putting up crazy numbers– maybe she has what it takes to beat Annie this year. Now we'll never know, but my money is on her. I'll go with Camile-Leblanc Bazinet and Clever for the other two spots.
PS No offense coaches, but that was some of the worst music tonight I've ever heard in the gym. And last Thursday I wanted to slit my wrist between squat sets. I realized it wasn't that I was dreading the weight: it was the music. You guys are torturing us on the platform– we're suppose to squat heavy to that? While normally I support all-inclusive, multi-genre leanings and diversity, I vote for an all metal/hardcore song list ASAP. Seriously. I might start wearing headphones which is just plan rude. Almost ruder than than these comments.
Short version: I love you, but this music is killing me.
PSS If that sounds angry, you don't know me. I'm 1/2 serious, but really it's all in fun. But I will put headphones on if this continues and I really don't want to have to do that. And sure, I know some people don't like metal. But I'll speak for at least the old guys in Strength Cycle: we don't give a shit. We want Minor Threat and Motorhead fucking all day long.
Well for those of us without a sub-4 Fran, 13.5 is kind of a short sprint!
Another office workout tonight:
DROMS and Ping Pong to warm up
Squats 95×5 135×4 185×3 225×2 255x5x3
Full Snatch / Snatch Balance Complex 65×1 75×1 85×1 95×1 105×1 115×1 105×1,1,1
255 still felt heavy on the squats but I managed to squeeze out the 3×5 this week. Snatch/Balance complex started feeling great around 95#, 115# was fine but can't really bail there so backed off to 105 to hit a few more light singles.
Then did a WOD with the team:
3 Rounds for Reps
1:00 KB Swings @2pd – 25, 23, 20
1:00 Tuck Jumps (no boxes) – 23,18, 20
1:00 push-up – 30, 24, 20
1:00 rest
4 minutes? That's all im good for. Hey maybe we can run the clean and jerks as an accessory anyways on Sunday so we don't miss em again. 100 pounds overhead about 35 times is a good warmup, no?
Well designed for the elite athlete. Sort of silly for at least 90% of the crossfit community…
Music wise I wouldn't mind more 1993 era hip hop but am also a big fan of When jeremy used to play joe Espositos you're the best numerous times (along with other 80s movies power rock) on Fridays.
Cosign jake
Shawn: Seconded! More C&J pleeze!
Rob Israel FTW. I actually said to some guys when the games were playing on the big screen, that I wanted Motorhead. Music notwithstanding, I had been traveling a spell (is there anything more "crossfit" than skiing big?), so many fun things re being back. Plus CSA. But, I even liked the warmup.
I never made it to Bench Night, this cycle for some odd reason, but my loss, as it was fun. 160x3x8 was the plan, but I only tallied 5 reps in set 3.
No idea what my time was on the WOD, forgot to look, but it was a fun thing. I was off the ERG in about 1:42, 32+8 doubles (pissed I had to restart, I wanna do them unbroken), swings were 24KG unbroken. two sets of 10 hrpu's. And gassed to pieces, I did 3-2-1 strict pull-ups, and 5 atrocious, embarrassing, jumpers. Good times.
Oh, yeah, + Hip Hop. My bad.
That last open workout is ca-ray-zee. Yes, lets punish the high-performers by making them do it over and over again.
I feel like a nerd who's beaten the jocks! One and done– I won!
Is anyone else worried Rich Froning might just have to stop out of boredom? "OK, I've done 82 rounds and have a bank of 25 minutes. I'm going to grab lunch."
I want to see the video, but it seems to be absent from the home page.
There's gotta be a music compromise in there somewhere!
Bench – 260 (15# PR). Very happy with this – still recovering from a sinus infection that knocked me out for a week and a half towards the end of the cycle so I didn't know what to expect.
WOD: 4:21 at 32kg (overhead but not with a full lockout)
Bench 265. Failed at 275 which was disappointing as 265 went up easily. I think I rushed it a little and didn't lock down my lower body.
WOD in 6:39 I think. DUs tripped me up a little and that 2 pooder overhead got hard.