Spend 15 minutes working on your Kettlebell Swing Technique and Efficiency
5 Rounds Not For Time of:
10 Kettlebell Swings, heavy
10 Burpees
10 Ring Rows, as difficult as possible
It’s not for time, but don’t sandbag it.
Post experience to comments.
CFSBK Movie Club Meeting Today
The CFSBK Movie Club will be seeing the 3:10 PM showing of “Hitchcock” at the Cobble Hill Cinemas today. CHC also happens to be in the vicinity of any number of bars for folks who want to stick around for a post-movie hangout and discussion afterwards. We’ve chosen an earlier than usual time since many will also be heading to Home Brew to The Rescue Afterwards.
Home Brew To The Rescue Tonight
In addition to unlimited samples of some of the city’s best homebrewed beer, you’ll be treated to meats, cheeses and other tasty, top-secret snacks. There will be a raffle with killer prizes from Sycamore Bar & Flowershop, Four & Twenty Blackbirds, Brooklyn Homebrew and CrossFit South Brooklyn just to name a few!

You can get tipsy, stuff your gut and help New Yorkers who need it most? It’s a win-win for everyone. Today, let your liver do the heavy lifting.
Cash, Check or Credit will be accepted for the raffle prizes
This Holiday Season Give Women in India a Chance at an Education. And LYAO.
Women’s Education Project and Happy Cavity Productions bring you a
special benefit performance of the hit one-woman comedy Unladylike:
The Pitfalls of Propriety.
Some women just don’t have the heart, mind or body to be a lady.
Presenting one woman’s struggle to achieve propriety from adolescence
to about now.
Written and performed by Radhika Vaz, directed and developed by Brock Savage.
When and Where!
December 20 Thursday at 8pm.
The Producers Club.
358 West 44th Street (b/w 8 and 9 Ave). NY.
This show has sold out in New York, LA, Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore so
book now! Purchase Here
$20 per ticket. All proceeds benefit Women’s Education Project so they
may continue to develop resource centers for young women from the
poorest families in India to succeed in higher education.
People are talking about this show!
“…the Indian Wanda Sykes…” The Huffington Post.
“Vaz looks like an angel but is a rebel in disguise.” Time Out Mumbai.
“Radhika’s feminist agenda is a hoot.” Femina.
For more information on Radhika Vaz
Strenth Is A Choice Elite FTS