Fitness: 3×5 Across
Perform your second 3×5 of Bench Pressing for the cycle. Start conservative and plan for 10-5lb jumps at most.
Performance: 5/3/1 (3 week)
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Bench Press e2/6
Power Clean
Perform 2 Reps on the minute for 10 minutes.
Today’s reps should be heavy but crisp. Make sure every bar is racked correctly before fully recovering. Go heavier than last week
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Power Clean e2/6
Not to be out done by Felix, Charlie S shows off his Thrusters and bailing technique
- Congratulations to Josi and Yoshi on the birth of their second child, Ramona Louis!
- Best wishes to Melon W who is having hip surgery today
Check out Richard G’s Event!
Hello CFSBKers.
On May 15th, Brooklyn Community Housing and Services – an organization I volunteer with – is holding a fundraising party right here in our Gowanus neighborhood. It will be held at the Green Building. Here’s the link for the event.
BCHS provides supportive housing to 900 men, women and children as well as a comprehensive program of services providing safe and clean housing, helping them live independently and productively.
At the gala, there will be a silent auction (one item is a CF Foundations Class!), art show, and music by Jessy Carolina & The Hot Mess with special guest emcee John Wesley Harding. Feel free to email me directly at rgreenspan (at) me (dot) com for more information.
Thank you, Richard G.
Hormones, Homeostasis, and Why You (Probably) Need Carbs Stumptuous
The font size of Becoming a Supple Leopard is like Active Recovery for the eyes…
We should host a baby/toddler total. #bestideaever
I just shrieked YES after reading todays WOD! This is awesome, seriously stoked. I love the 2 on the 1 for 10! Oh and bench too. This is a good day.
Bench 85×3, 95×3, 110×8. Jess said I had more in me — I stopped because I screamed, which usually tells me I'm at max effort, but I think she's right about my bar speed.
Cleans at 88#. These are like night and day from what they were even six months ago. See, there is hope for uncoordinated people!
so psyched for tonight's bench presses.
Bench – 165×3, 185×3, 210×10 A PR for 10 – might have had another rep in there but I was only thinking I'd get 8 so I stopped there.
Power Clean – 195 across. Most reps were good, caught it a little high here and there but overall not bad. Really like the on the minute work for Olympic-type lifts
70% 150
80% 170
90% 190×11
Cleans @ 150
Good stuff.
Two lift Thursday is quickly becoming my favorite!!
BTW anyone who wants to get out of town for a day this weekend we are taking a train up for a hiking excursion to break neck ridge – maaaaaaybe there will be a bit of king of the mountain action at the top.
If you are interested shoot me an email at
Cleans @ 205
Power Clean @ 200#
Shoulders are sore. Hella sore…and a bit bruised.
So many adorable babies EVERYWHERE.
Hey, mgmt – any word on what day Murph will take place? I know it's only the 2nd of the month and you all are fantastically on top of yo' shizz, but just curious if you had an idea yet.
Yay, bench! Missed last week so made up "5" week:
65% 90×5
75% 105×5
85% 120×14
David said I had 3 more in me but I am not sure–bar was slowing way down. Felt awesome though.
Then 105 on cleans. Nice workout, good practice.
Great KSD article! Long but packed with goodies, especially for all the ladies.
Hey kids if you want to head out of town for a day we are going hiking at Breakneck ridge with the train that leaves out of Grand Central – shoot me an email if interested
strength wednesday:
squat: 162.5x3x5
press: 65x2x5 + rep out at 6
chins:5,6,6 christmas
my chins were especially dead yesterday. i didn't get an sweet potato in at lunch and i think that might have had something to do with the fatigue. why fatigue, why!
Week 4 Day 2
Clean and Jerk 185x1x6
Overhead Squat 145x3x3
Bench Press 145x5x3
Deadlift 315×5
Cooled down with some dumbbell art
I'm on 1 hour and 45 minutes of sleep. Today I've eaten 3 bannanas, 2 slices of cheese cake, a latte and 2 espresso shots.
Made it to Reebok CF Louvre today. Felt like more of a work out getting there and back than the hour and a half i spent there, but it was supposedly closer to my apt than Original Addicts, which I hope to check out before I head home.
Nice and thorough coaches, friendly vibe, good class format, though limited by super cramped space.
Split jerk 5×3. Worked up to 103# Forgot my notebook but I think my best single clean & jerk was 110# First work out since back pain started almost a week ago, but it felt ok. I think it's back to normal.
One of the coaches told me "Crossfit South Brooklyn is famous" — that was cool to hear. It was also fun hearing movements broken down in French. Overall good experience, but nothing compares to CFSBK. I'm sure everyone thinks their gym is the best. But everyone is wrong.
One more thing. I like the homeostasis article's takeaway (don't be crazy) but woah man that's one crazy article.
Benching repout @165lbs – 10 reps
Cleans @150 lbs. Not so good. Missed reps in 6th and 7th rounds. Will repeat this weight next week.
@david, I think we swapped bodies. That is my usual diet. I just used hot bacon fat to dress my salad. Freaky Thursday.
6:30 with Fox and Josh
Bench with Anthony and a third who I forgot to ask
45×5 95×4 135×5 155×3 175×10
(Josh had me demo a couple extra reps on my 135 set, hence the 5) Felt snappy throughout. Actually started to feel my back get tight on reps 9 and 10 so called it. Thats my first time hitting BW for 10 though, I'm ready to tackle Linda, who's with me?
Cleans up 5lb to 170. No misses but a couple awkward catches. Guess I'll keep pushing this and see what happens.
I had NO idea how much fun bailing the bar could be while doing cleans. Can't wait to do more of that. Also, great article! Really enjoyed that one.
Love Thursdays. Love this cycle. Bench: 63x5x3. Cleans: 93#. Both felt fast and fun.
Started the article but didn't have time to finish. Can't wait to come back to it. Carbs are my new BFFs. Rice! Sweet potatoes! Plantains!
Bench #62x3x5
Cleans at #85 much too light. Making a much bigger jump next week.
2-lift Thursdays make me feel mad swole, son.
I am totally digging the two lift Thurs.
Bench: 45×10, 95×5
110×3, 125×3, 140×12
Power cleans at 145. Felt clean and crisp.
Fantastic working with Chris… the positive vibes just flow!