Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 5lbs from last weeks Squats!
Performance: 5/3/1 (5 week)
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Squat e4/12
4 Rounds NFT:
400m Run
8e Front Rack Barbell Reverse Lunges
4 Weighted Chin-Ups
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The Calaveras at Red Hook Feild
CFSBK Calaveras go 3-1
The Calaveras of SBK decided to honor Marian Lai’s AOTM award by thoroughly dominating the Dirt Dawgs. The final score was 28-5. A snappy double play turned by Bob Semmens & DMak was a major defensive highlight, easily the best of the year. Ellie Myers, made her return to the ball field with 2 hits. Andrew Migdail, arrived late then laced a single in to centerfield. The 5th inning ended with back to back to back home runs from McDowell, Coach Melo and DH3. Noble Nolan and PR hit the ball hard and played solid defense. Shawna & Kristin added RBI line drives, and the Foxes did what the foxes do; Look good, score runs, and ensure that tacos will be consumed post game. Ben Whitney played gold glove calibur 1st base. KMo managed the book and made sure the ship sailed straight. The only negative in the game was that Scott Jackson flew out to left making the back to back to back to back HR dream a fantasy. Inka donning eye black for the first time had 2 base hits before retiring for the evening, In all, an impressive outing. The Calaveras improved to 3-1 on the season. Next game is Monday 5/13 at 6:15pm at the Red Hook baseball fields.
Write up by:DH3
Photo by: Rebecca
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