Part A
3 Rounds NFT of:
Piked Wall Walk Hold for :15
Log Roll Left 3 V-Ups, Log Roll Right 3 V-Ups
3 Kick-Ups
20 Hollow Rocks
Part B
5 Rounds NFT of:
5 Kick-Ups
Dumbbell Press, heavy 5
5-10 Handstand Push-Ups
Log Roll Left 3 V-Ups, Log Roll Right 3 V-Ups
50-40-30-20-10 Reps Rounds For Time Of:
Double Unders
Sit Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 2.11.13
Katie Mo Gets Low on High Bar Back Squats
- Happy Birthday, Crystal Castles!
Today’s Schedule
We will have a slightly modified AM schedule today with classes at 7am, 8am, 9am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm and 8:30pm
Sign Up for Fight Gone Bad 2013!!!
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called Fight Gone Bad. Last year, we raised over $34,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation. BCF is a local organization that is dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grantmaking and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers.
For more information, check the Event Page
“Dizzy Diane” with Gillian Mounsey at CrossFit South Brooklyn CrossFit
Happy birthday crystal!
Happy Birthday Crystal!!
Laura Mc your a beast!!
Cant wait to do annie looks like fun! forgot to post yesterday power cleans felt pretty good worked up to 83lbs with lindsey then partnered with ariel and megan for front squats at 80lbs everything is coming together for me really happy about it!
AHHH best inversion monday ever! i finally, FINALLY got some kick ups! three! mcdowell, you are my hero.
OH MAN finally figured out how to kick up to a handstand. Woot!! People were making handstand breakthroughs left and right at the 9am class today, it was awesome. Either there was something in the water, or this crossfit stuff really works.
Switched between 30 and 35# dumbbells for the presses, and did Annie in 9:05. I borrowed someone's rogue jump rope (thanks, stranger), and it really, really made a huge difference. Not that I was super fast, but I was able to do it rx'd under 10 minutes, which is huge, for me.
Also, happy birthday Crystal!
As they say, rainy day on the golf course is better than a sunny day in the office. So thinking those positive thoughts, I am glad to have been at crossfit today and enjoying the day off with my kids and family.
Congrats to everyone on the breakthroughs at the box. The best moment of the day was Ariel whooping up on her kick up – I think she exclaimed "Ohmigod!!!" in the inversion – great reaction.
But wow, what a frustrating day for me at the box. I'm not sure if its my lack of shoulder mobility and strength or my fear of crashing into my face onto the mat – which i've done a few times – which keeps me from getting up to the wall. But the whole movement feels so far away.
And Annie was tough. I've been practicing the du's since taking the workshop in July with punk rope. Recently i've been able to string about 10-15 in a row. But today I couldn't get more than two or three. So i settled on "attempts" and just worked until the 12 minute mark. At least my situps were unbroken throughout.
8am with McDowell and Nick. Another fun Monday. Really pleased with my kick-ups and millisecond hold with my feet off the wall. Worked on bending my elbows to start handstand push-ups. Used 25# DBs and then 30# DBs for the presses. Finished Annie is 11:02 doing 1/2 volume on the DUs and counting attempts.
Happy Birthday, Crystal!
Happy Birthday Ms. Crystal! Hello from sunny Abuja all. Settling in here and got my first two workouts in this weekend. So far I have found the Hilton has an overpriced hotel gym – but it has one Oly bar, two ergs (no feet straps) and a kinda squat rack (the one were the bar is attached to poles that slide up and down. Good for high bar but hard to say how it would affect not having to manage form over the long term.) I have a line on a gym some of the soccer players use, so wish me luck.
Saturday I Squat 176 (but much easier with slide bar) for 3×5, bench 88 3×5 then 100 squats and 50 push press with a medium heavy bar (could not discern the weight) for time. Followed by easy 3k. Next day played with pull up machine and did deadlift for 176 5×3. Quick 4 rounds of 10 burpees, 10 push press (I think at around 20) and 30 second plank followed by a 2k row.
I feel like it was a decent effort for not having the good gym influence, and stopped the guys at the gym from telling me to 'be careful' when picking up weights. Going forward I need to quit playing with things and have a plan before walking into the gym or I will let the day effect my work out too much. Will try to start going down this list: some will get scaled, but they look like decent benchmarks. The hotel also has a nice pool so I should try to take some advantage there with swimming WODs.
Hope all is well – miss you guys!!
Took the Noon class
Worked on some Deficit HSPUs with Rickke on the Parallettes
Afterwards I made up the cleans, sorta
Squat Clean, Every Minute On The Minute for 21 Minutes
I heard about a box I visited in Maine ("KGB" in Kennebunk) doing the "Lumberjack 20". It's a hero workout to remember those killed at Fort Hood. Maybe one we could do sometime? It's …
"Lumberjack 20"
20 Deadlifts (275lbs)
Run 400m
20 KB swings
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box jumps (24")
Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)
Run 400m
Fun at 4.30 today! Big class!
I found the pikes kind of difficult and am not entirely sure if I was doing the v-ups correctly, but I LOVED the kick-ups- they are definitely getting easier for me. Tried the presses at 25lb but had to drop to 20lb after the first round.
'Annie' went pretty well- finished in 8.41. Double-unders (attempts)felt a lot less awful than usual and I actually managed to string together 11 single-double-singles which is kind of amazing, for me. Think I am going to buy myself a speed rope.
Happy birthday Crystal! Hi Mel! Great to hear from you!
Worked the performance progression. Got a few decent handstands. Did 5s on the HSPU.
Annie in 5:29 – all DUs unbroken. 31 second PR
4:30 class with David
Handstands were pretty good tried to do the push ups as I kicked myself up to the wall even though I was not doing performance I wanted to see if I can do it and I did pretty good managed 4 in a row with 2 ab mats!! Did dumb bells at 25 lbs.
I really enjoyed Annie finished at 7:21 with DU attempts manage to get 15 in a row can't wait to see what my time will be when I can do the DU unbroken!
4:30 with DO who has favorably nicknamed me Cassidy…right DO?
Doing fitness on the handstands but took myself a few inches from the wall and actually got 2 free standing handstands!!!! Held each for about 3-4 seconds but I was so shocked and surprised, that I think I came down earlier than I had too. I got too excited! HA!
#25lb dumbbells
Annie–triple singles because my knee has been so tender lately. 150-120-90-60-30 all unbroken. 9:26
Confession: while Cassidy was getting an X-ray tonight, I was practicing handstands in the room. Snuck in another free standing handstand!!!!
Don't worry…nobody saw me, they were too busy playing with cassidy to care about what I was doing.
4:30 with DO
Hand stands seem to be progressing. I had two with about a 5 or 6 second balance today.
HSPUs remain pretty plateaued where I can get a maximum of three. I think I'm going to make a goal of getting to eigt unbroken.
Annie in 7:30
All DUs unbroken except that for some reason I missed literally the last rep on the 40, 30, and 20 sets, and had to get the rope going again just for that last rep, three separate times. Must be the psychological effect of thinking that you're almost done. Anyway I was happy that the doubles felt pretty solid otherwise. I spent most of my time doing sit-ups…
Before class I went to the Red Hook track and ran some laps, culminating in a half mile in 2:40. I have a goal now to run a whole mile at that pace.
Back in BK….crossfittin…
annie in something like 8 mins