Dont’ forget about CFSBK Movie night tonight starting at 8:15! We’ll be screening Conan The Barbarian
Attention FGB Team Captains
It’s crunch time so make sure everyone on your team is registered on Crowdrise and hase given you any information you need. Open Gym is a great time to get together and practice movements and meet each other! Also.. you might want to brainstrom awesome costumes, let your freak flags fly!
Brooklyn Community Foundations Board Match!
“The Brooklyn Community Foundation Board of Directors is pleased to provide the first 1 to 1 match for FGB 2013! They are ready to help you blow through the fundraising goal. For every dollar that FGB teams raise between $15,000 to $30,000, the Board will match your team’s contribution dollar for dollar. So when your friend puts in $10, they will match it with their own $10. When they put in $100 they will match it with their own $100. Thank you for your passion for Brooklyn! Happy training!”
Hacking Sleep Precision Nutrition
If I Were Built, I’d Quit My Job The New Yorker