Dave F channels his inner Donkey Kong Jr for the Mario Kart tournament last Sunday
Female Competitors Needed!
Some of us (Zach H, Steve P, Alan L) are doing Frostbite Competition at CrossFit L.I.C., and we’re looking for some female counterparts. It’s a coed team competition, 2 guys 2 gals; there is as Rx’d and Scaled division. Ideally, we’re looking for some female athletes to participate in the Rx’d division, but would encourage scaled CFSBKers to come out and compete as well.
Date: Sat Feb 22nd
Location: CrossFit L.IC. 13-05 44th Ave, Long Island City, NY 11101
On Facebook
It’ll be 3 outdoor wods, with the top teams from each division competing indoors for the 2 finals wods. Please contact z.hodge (AT) live.com if you’re interested!
What was your worst housing/roommate experience?
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s six rules to success
My first roommate in college was a raging alcoholic with very aggressive tendencies. One day I came home and he had destroyed our room, knocked over the furniture, punched holes in the walls etc… I had to call his father to come in from Long Island to come get him.
Another time we had to tie him up because he thought my other friend raped his girlfriend who he had never even met.
He hasn't changed. We went out for drinks about a year ago and he tore the windshield wipers off a parked car.
Good times.
Maybe I'll invite him to the next potluck and we can all watch the magic unfold.
The worst was also the best. Off campus, 188th and Lorillard. 3 out of 4 of us had gone to high school together, and were now roommates in college.
Fitz came home every day and would take his shoes off, sit in his chair, and eat his toes. Every day. He would lay his socks over his armrest, smooth them out, and go to town.
All of his clothes were in a pile at the end of his bed…all year…in spite of his filth, he was a lady-killer. Mind boggling. I had to beat his head against the floor the day of graduation to get him up to make it.
There was a heroin dealer living underneath us and people yelled up to him every day from the street. I remember making dinner and playing Marvin Gay's greatest hits (take notes on that one, guys) hoping cockroaches wouldn't come out. By the end of senior year, we had to get out of there, the roaches were winning.
Strangely, some of the best times that I have ever had!
I had a roommate who boiled his shoes every Saturday morning, abused his dog, and used my computer to hire male prostitutes.
make up post:
6:30 class with D-Ro–first group class in a month…
strict press 3×5 #65
NFR: #17.5 DB–strict DB press
Green band chin ups
glute bridges 2-1-2 tempo
I honestly wasn't so sure I was going to show up last night. Confidence has crashed through the floor and feel discouraged just walking in. But, it's the right thing to do. Felt good to put my Romaleos on and move a bit of weight around…see the gang. Was nice to be able to do group work with everyone else instead of watch, longingly.
Sad to say, I was the bad roommate in college. As an adult, karma paid me back with a serious drama queen of a roommate who decided to move out one day because he didn't like the way I was looking at him. At 6:30 in the morning. Even if Joe Manganiello showed up in my apartment at 6:30 in the morning I doubt I'd have a smile on my face. I lined up a new roommate, and this guy didn't have his things packed THE NIGHT BEFORE SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO MOVE IN. Fortunately he was moving to another apartment in the same building, so my then-boyfriend (now my husband) carried almost all of his stuff downstairs so that the place would be ready for my new roommate. Yeesh.
Did tomorrow's squat work with Linda, who is a certified class-A beast. 170×11 on rep-out. Then I let Jess talk me into a 35# DB for tomorrow's WOD, and I'm glad I did. 4 rounds + 2 reps.
I had a roommate once who would not actually wash their plates/kitchens stuff just run it under the water for a few seconds… No soap no wipe and only the top. Needless to say I could only take so many grease covered, food still on plates in my cupboard. He would also always be late with rent but somehow had money for tattoos and concert tickets. I think he did laundry once a month from the smells coming from his room and the blanket he left on the couch all the time I swear was sitting up watching TV from the funk coming off it.
I liked having cheaper rent but not that much to ever have another roommate.
However I know far worse roommate stories but they are not mine.
My freshman 1st semester roommate tried to OD in our room while I was also there sleeping (nothing like waking up to someone literally foaming from the mouth). It was a great experience. Took her to the ER, called her mom in N. Carolina… aaaaand her parents blamed me stating that I must have bought her alcohol because their baby would never take an entire bottle of her seizure medication and drink a bottle of vodka. Anyhow, she moved back home.
I actually have a worse story that involves a very, very crazy ex but it's for another time.
6am. Squats: 190×3, 215×3, 245×8. Felt a lot more solid than last week. Think I had a few more reps strength-wise on the rep-out, but I was feeling dizzy so I called it at 8. Nice little metcon: 4 rounds + 2 reps @ 65#. Moved at a nice pace throughout. Liked this one.
My roommate experience is fairly tame. Freshmen year before school started I diligently selected the box for a non-smoking roommate. First day at school I walked into my room and discovered my roommate sitting at the window smoking. I asked "wtf?" and he said he didn't want a smoking roommate. I don't think we spoke more than a handful of words for the rest of the year.
I had a serious drunk for a roommate. One late evening after a successful date (with my wife to be), we both came home to make out on my couch, which was unfortunatly stained with blood. The remote for my brand new TV (that I JUST bought) was smashed up pretty good along with scattered DVDs, records etc… I started to get worried that we were robbed until my roommate comes out to greet us completely nude, and bleeding perfusely from his hand talking to us like everything was normal. Jesus Christ I love that guy. We just had drinks yesterday actually.
6am with lady fox. Squats: 150×3, 170×3, 190×9. Felt good. Then WOD with 40#, 5 rounds plus 5 snatches. Then lots of orb love for my right pec and shoulder which are perpetually zingy.
My freshman year my roommates were a harpist and a trapeze artist. We had a harp in our room and I would come home to find the trapeze artist watching TV while standing on her hands.
I've never had a roommate that I wasn't romantically involved with. I don't even really understand the concept. I have had horrible neighbors in the past, like the Red Sox fan that lived above me in the Bronx and would stomp on the floor and shout curses at me from above when the Yanks and Sox played each other. I once went up and asked him to stop so my kids could get to sleep, he tried to start a fight, offered me a drink, then tried to fight me again, then ended by offering me another drink. Lots of fun elevator rides with that guy.
My 3rd year of college I lived in a condo with 3 other football players. They were all very entrepreneurial and apparently aspiring pharmacists so at one point one sold weed, one sold blow, and the other sold steroids. This didn't bother me much as I enjoyed 2 out of those 3 things at the time (I won’t say which 2 ) but the revolving door of pot heads, crack heads, and meatheads flowing through our apartment at all hours was quite annoying. I had nothing to gain from their business and probably would have been in trouble if they got caught. Luckily the year ended without incident and the following year I moved off campus.
My freshman roommate was 28 year-old English major with a murky background and a bit of an anger problem. He originally was placed in a different room, but had to switch after getting into a boisterous 3am argument with his then-roomate over the roomate coming home too late and not helping clean, drawing the attention of the police in the process.
It was a year of moments. I particularly enjoyed his screaming at someone for the sin of coming by to return a set of keys we'd dropped, his belief that computer issues could be solved by opening QuickTime because it was a "secret code," and his applying to law school with no LSATs and an application essay that cited conspiracy theories and compared his grandfather to Saddam Hussein. He went on to start a YouTube series where he critiqued pop culture after getting drunk on camera.
God that guy was entertaining to live with.
I used to live with Maggie & Eli. Can you guys even imagine?
JK they are obviously the best and I'm jealous of their new roommate, Billy the Kid.
i just wrote a REALLY long post about horrible roommate stuff and deleted it, because, you know, police.
Ha! I lived with my very responsible sister and boyfriend (both 21) when I was 17 and had just finished high school. Our bedrooms were right beside each other and had the same layout and her boyfriend came in the wrong door one night, drunk and pretty much sleepwalking, and took a piss in the corner of my room and proceeded to lie down on my bed with no clothes on. I just threw a towel on him, climbed over him and ran out to get my sister. It was hilarious. I don't think he ever drank vodka again after that.
Apparently I've never had a really bad living situation, at least comparatively.
In college I lived in a huge house by a field with 5 other dudes. Sure enough, we ended up with a terrible mouse problem that I was the only one who seemed to mind. Everyday there would be mouse droppings all over our dishes, cutlery, in our cabinets and anything in the pantry was slowly being eaten every away. My roommates ignored the problem, would rinse off the turds and eat like nothing was there. We got into lots of arguments about what was and was not acceptable living standards.
The Arnold video today is pretty good IMO. Also the shirtless link was pretty funny yesterday but I think the list could have been about 5 long instead of 11 and made the point.
Hahaha these are amazing!
My freshman year of college I had one roommate and two suitemates. My roommate was fine, but the other two were quite a pair. We shared a bathroom that had two sinks, a toilet stall, and a shower stall. One of my suitemates had terrible … gastrointestinal issues. Which, you know, is honestly not that big a deal. But I'd be in our shared bathroom brushing my teeth or washing a dish or something, and she BURST into the bathroom and TALK ON HER CELL PHONE while working out said issues in the stall. One day my other suitemate, who was in an acappella group, must have sang the chorus from Alicia Keys' "If I ain't got you," maybe a good 37 times alone in her room before I asked her to stop/leave/sing anything else please.
As per Stella's note, I was also most definitely a bad roommate during my college years. I'm sure that karma will catch up with me at some point.
JR, I don't know your online alias vs. your real personality, but 188th & Lorillard – are you a Ram?!
Welcome back Gracie!!!
I was the worst roommate.
At the end of freshman year, a very good buddy and I partnered up during the dorm lottery and got a decent 2-person suite for sophomore year. Over the summer, his girlfriend broke up with him and started to see me.
Side note: I was completely innocent. And they were both in Seattle while I was on the east coast.
Of course, this all came out over the summer but 3000 miles served as a good buffer to avoid the awkwardness. My buddy and I thought we could move on, remain friends and live civilly.
(I know what everyone is saying to themselves and you are right.)
Wow, we're very naive and absurdly wrong. Of course, this arrangement only last two weeks before everything came crashing down — he walked in when he was suppose to be at tennis practice. Maybe we should have noticed it was raining outside. Regardless, he quickly moved out leaving me a 2-person suite for the remainder of the year. Lets just say, that friendship was terminated and awkwardness continued for the next 3 years.
About 7 years later we were at close friend's wedding and laughed about the whole situation. Maybe because we realized it was a good thing to have lost the same game…
Wow all of these stories make me think I really lucked out, so I'm just going to go for the weirdest roommate experience ever:
Lived with a girl for 3 months who was straight off the boat from China and whose husband immediately left her alone in NY to take an internship in Texas.
The first day I moved in, she asked me to teach her to drive or at least ride with her everywhere so she could practice. No thanks.
She had a huge fish tank that was constantly not filled all the way, so I took it upon myself to add enough water so that the filter would stop sucking air at least, it was so noisy. I came back and the water I added to the tank was removed and in a huge bowl. On the floor. In the middle of the living room carpet. It stayed there until 3 months later when I moved out. The filter never stopped sucking air.
Weirdest roommate ever.
5 Attempts@90% of Max
258, 258, 258, 258X, 258X, 258,…couldn't end on a miss so I had to do one extra
Clean and Jerks
5 Attempts@90% of Max
308, 308, 308, 308X, 308
1:00 Planks with a 25kg X 4
Also, this might be the best bunch of blog posts ive seen to date. Legitimate LOLzing over here. I wish I had something equally entertaining to share. Sadly I am probably everyone's worst roommate. as I am a fucking mess….
@Matt Katz- Unreal
hahahaha cant say my roommate was a fishtank fanatic but my freshman year dorming situation was definitely noteworthy
Walked into my room for the first time only to find my roommate aggressively shimmying/serenading me while blasting the song "Boom boom i want you in my room" by the Vengaboys. I politely welcomed her with a friendly fistpump and went about my business. Later that night after we were all settled in i was so lucky to receive her "welcome to college" goody bag…which was fully stocked with massage oils, temporary tattoos, and one free pass for a "girls night in"….good times.
She also happened to be Ms. Fire Prevention for the state so she used to practice her runway strut/princess wave fully clad in a prom dress and sash up and down the hallways….reliving the glory days i guess. Needless to say I never forgot to turn my hair straightener off before I left the room.
6:30 PM with Josh and Mrs Fox
I did yesterday's complex and finished at 155#. Major limiting factor for me was the press.
The push press, and push jerk were much easier and I could have gone heavier. Pretty challenging complex but very fun to do.
I was a pretty bad at making ice cream. My ice cream maker were very sloppy.
Did the push press and lunges 45#, 55#, 60#.
Amazing stories…I have been lucky!!!
6am with McDowell…
Got up to 65# on the press complex which was heavier than I had planned. Felt good until the last two when I pulled something in my neck.
WOD- NFR chin ups with tan band, strict presses & rev lunges with 17.5 DB
Did yesterday's complex today at 65#, 80#, 90#, and 95#. 95# is a new 1rm on the strict press, and had there been more time I think I could've gone even heavier, which is exciting. The push jerks definitely took the most out of me. Took my sweet time on the nfr work. Used the thin blue band for chin ups, and 25, 25, 30, then 35 for the dumbbells. Then took AR, which I should really do more frequently.
I have always been the bad roommate. I shudder to think about my terrible behavior. Too embarrassing to even talk about.
6:30pm group class
3 rounds of warm-up two with ring row sub…
8ea rvrs lunges
8 tempo pushups
8 ring rows
press complex. strict press felt fine but once I got some weight on the bar, the push press and push jerk started to hurt my shoulder again. so… did the complex at 33, 43, half of it at 53, and then just did a set of 3-rep strict press at 63# and called it quits.
kind of made up my own NFR workout at the end so as not to aggravate anything… DB strict presses, chins, rvrs lunges, and some band pull aparts. :30 each on GHD holding prone and supine 'plank' positions.
Late to the game, but agreed, these stories are hilarious. I'm going to share a day late. I've mostly lived with people I really love. The two situations with people who I wasn't loving as much were troubled and involved suicide and sad (+ terrifying) psychotic breaks, so…
But after college, I moved in with two good friends in a huge loft space in Salt Lake City right next to the main temple. We thought it would be a fun idea to put all our beds in one of the huge rooms, and combine all of our closets. Shockingly, not such a fun idea for three women who are suddenly realizing what life post-college-and-having-a-prescribed-path looks like. (One of them was a bit of a thief, too, though a very lovable one.) Also, our apartment was broken into while we were sleeping a couple times by a bunch of adventuresome dudes on drugs. The dispatcher who took one of our 911 calls thought we said we had a "Peeping Tom" and not an intruder, and so the police took their sweet time getting to us. When they arrived, we had run out onto Main Street next to the temple (which at night especially looks like a gleaming, ominous reproduction of Disney World) in our pajamas with kitchen knives in our hands for "protection." All very funny in retrospect.
I thought the Arnold video would be a joke but wow, it's really moving. Thanks for posting, David! And yes, welcome back, Gracie!