Take 18 Minutes to establish a heavy but perfect triple
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20 Minutes NFRs of:
1/3 Mile Run
26 H2H Kettlebell Swings
5 Wall Walks with a :05 hold at the top
10am Classes Start This week!
Remember that starting today we’ll be holding CrossFit Group Classes at 10am M-F!
Great job to Team CFSBK on their efforts this weekend at Beast of The East 2013 in CT. After three days of competition, we ended up in 18th place out of 35 teams. Originally our team consisted of McDowell, Melo, Teresa B and Josh with DO competing in the individual division. Unfortunatly, while warming up for event 2 Coach McDowell sprained his wrist and DO had to fill in on the team to finish out the competition. Results below.
Event 1:
AMRAP 20 Minutes
20 Calorie Row
100′ Farmers Carry
10 Overhead Squats 135/95
100′ Farmers Carry
Team score: 487 Points (10th overall)
Event 2:
10 Minutes to Establish Max 1RM Fat Bar Thruster
Team Score: 635lbs Cumulative (24th Overall)
Event 3
With 1 Man and 1 Woman working at at time, complete:
60 Chest To Bar Pull-ups
60 Kettlbell Swings, 53/35
60 Ring dips
60 Kettlbell Swings, 53/35
60 Toes to bars
60 Kettlbell Swings, 53/35
60 Ring dips
60 Kettlbell Swings, 53/35
60 Chest To Bar Pull-ups
Team Score: 17:28 (10th Overall)
Event 4
In 20 Minutes, Establish an 8RM Back Squat
Team Score 950lbs cumulative (20th overall)
Event 5
Max Calories in 1:00 on the Airdyne
Team Score 119 Calories (29th overall)
Event 6
Team “Isabel”
Men: 60 Snatches for time 135lbs
Women: 60 Snatches for time 95lbs
Team Score: Men’s time + Women’s time, 13:05 (17th overall)
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