Performance: 5/3/1 “1 Week”
75%x1, 85%x1, 95×1+
Loss of a neutral back position will automatically end your rep out.
Fitness: 1×5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10lbs from last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
As Many Rounds as Possible in 7 Minutes of:
25 Double Unders
3 Thrusters, 155/105
Today’s thrusters should be strictly, jerking is a no rep!
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Coach Nick Coxwains Robert F in a solit Paleo Chair at CRASH Bs
Potluck, LFPB and a New Challenge
Thanks to everyone who came out to the potluck yesterday! We had about 90 folks come through the gym and brought lots of tasty food and tastier booze. Big thanks to cruise director Mare L for organizing the potluck and Coach Fox for organizing and seeing through the entire LFPB Challenge. We even had farmer Jerry from Herondale there to talk CSA with interested members.
2014 LFPB Winners
1. Nick F & Shaye L
2. Dave & Sarah E
3. Evan E & Elyse B
Also shout out to CFSBK Hoodie recipient and serious CFSBK OG Steph P who was in our FIRST foundations cycle ever in 2008 and has brought countless new CFSBKers with her.
Follow up Challenge
Everyone who filled out the post challenge write up is entered into our follow up challenge which extends through June 1st. Essentially we want to see how well people can adopt long term healthy behaviors from the challenge and continue onwards with their progress. The challenge will be judged on another set of “after” pictures and a write up indicating how they implemented and stuck to their new plan. Top prizes are one free month of training for top male and female.
The “Knees Out” Cue
8am. Deadlift: 275×5, 305×3, 340×8. Felt really good on the rep-out and had to stop because of grip issues, not loss of form. Metcon @ 135#: 6 rounds + 25 DUs. Double-unders felt great for the first 5 rounds. Used 135# because I jammed my wrist earlier this week and it still isn't feeling 100%. Thrusters weren't a problem, though, just couldn't catch my breath after the 5th round. Liked this one.
Deadlift 220×7. WOD 5 rounds + 12 DUs, counting attempts and with 83#. I was shocked at how fried my shoulders were — at first I thought I might be sandbagging with 83 since there were only 3 thrusters per round but I'm glad I didn't go 93. That would have been a mess.
Now I want to eat all the things.
Also, blatant self-promotion: come to pub quiz tonight at 68 Jay St Bar! 7 PM, I'm asking the questions, Charlie's making the drinks. Free to play, and you might win some free booze out of it.
And then come see my choir sing Beethoven's Missa Solemnis on Thursday, 3/6! We are performing with the Orchestra of St. Luke's to celebrate their music director's 80th birthday. Carnegie Hall, 8 PM, tickets available here:
9am. Deadlift: 95×5, 115×5, 125×5. 135×5 and then another set of three since we had time. Felt heavy but moved well, starting to feel my grip loosen on the bar.
4 rounds with DU attempts. My right rotator cuff/shoulder issue was not good today. Im super bummed about it. I have a few days of it feeling better and then back to not good at all. I tried the first round at 75#, and I couldn't handle it today. Scaled back to 65#. It did not feel good.
On the up side I actually got a few DUs today (not consecutive).
11am with Melo and Arturo
We had an awesome time at the potluck! Great job Mare! and CFSBK !!! Came in super tired for this one!!
Deadlift 145lbs 1×5 and WOD at 65lbs finished 5 rounds and 15 double unders!! finally my doubles are looking a little better I strung some along and even got 10 in a row in 2 of my rounds!
ohhhh and CONGRATS to the winners of LFPB challenge!!
Wendler "One" Week – Deadlifts.
185×5, 205×3, 235×12 – perhaps had a couple more but maybe the back was soft, so I called. Melo told me it still looked good, so that makes me happy.
Accessory WOD @105lbs: 7 rounds flat.
I think I scaled this just right.
Noon class
No belt. Plenty of room for more reps.
WOD Rx'd
6 rounds plus 13 doubles. Might have really liked this one if I wasn't burning bourbon.
Still getting over a cold, so tried not to kill myself today. 125×5 on the deadlift, which felt fine and I probably could have done a little more. The WOD was fun despite the DUs and the profanity that always seems to accompany them. Finished 5 rounds with 63# thrusters. Again, could have done more weight on the thrusters but overall it was a good getting-back-into-things day.
10am with Fox and Arturo.
Was not entirely sure I would make it in today, especially when I saw the workout. But, as always, I am happy I did it.
Deadlift- 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 200×2, 210×5.
Couplet @75# with DU attempts. I almost managed six rounds but I failed the very last thruster at the very last second. My thrusters were not pretty and I should probably have gone lighter, but my double-under attempts have not gotten worse, so there's that. This was the first time I had picked up a jump rope since about October.
Having spent the last few months just rowing and lifting, I had kind of forgotten how much CrossFit hurts! I am sore all over from this past week. Bringing my lacrosse ball to work today.
You should all come to Trivia tonight. It's a beautiful day to spend in DUMBO. And Stella is stellar.
1pm Class with "MelRO"
5/3/1 Deadlifts: 1 Week
315×15 T&G
Really happy with this rep out.
5 Rounds at 155lbs
Didn't have a ton of "go" in this workout but I needed to pace additionally since 155lbs was no easy task for me. Was happy to do all the Thrusters unbroken today.
Nice working with Nate and having some folks cheer me on.
Fun morning of 11am AR then 12pm class. 255×5 lp felt OK, we ended up a little rushed at the end and I think I could have braced better. Still, this felt fine. I think I can do much more than this, and I just need to incrementally get there.
7 rounds on the WOD. My wrist is still pretty sad from falling on Monday and Arturo suggested I sub in db thrusters, which worked for me. I can't front rack right now. Used 50# dbs which was pretty heavy but fine. Most of the DUs finished in one or two sets, tripping up not resting. I liked this but didn't manage to push into the red zone…
1pm class with MeRo (love that, totally using it from now on). Worked up to 185×5 on the Wendler DL rep out. I maybe could've squeezed out some more reps but 185×5 is a PR match for me so I called it there. Lost my thoracic spine a tiny bit on the last rep.
WOD: 7 rounds flat with 83# on the bar. I squeezed out my last rep at the buzzer, and only made it through those last three thrusters because Marie was cheering me on. I felt like I did really well on this one, I liked the low rep scheme and 83# was really heavy but I never had to bail the bar. Some thrusters were admittedly pretty ugly, though. Did 5 out of the 7 rounds of doubles unbroken, and twice I tripped on rep 22. I really, really liked this WOD! Pushing that much weight overhead is a real mental challenge.
Cash out: Brunch with my friend Laura (who is in her second month of Crossfit!) at Bogota, where we ran into Jess Fox. Some sauvignon blanc, chips and guac, and the ever satisfying "Dominican Breakfast". Sunday Funday!
Noon class, my second class this week since I've been sick.
Deadlift repout 365×6. Felt good.
Scaled the wod to 125lbs. It was challenging but I should definitely have done it with at least 135lbs, maybe more. I think I got about 6-7 rounds with attempts, need to work on my DU’s.
Feels great to be back.
FINALLY. I am commenting. I was coerced to get my act together by K-to-the-H, a.k.a "Cage" by many of you.
So here. I. am. Woot. Today was my seventh ever group class! YAY!!! The more I go, the more obsessed I become. I have never worked out this way before, nor have I ever lifted heavy weights. The movements are still a bit foreign to me, but the more I go, the more confident I get. I've never felt as strong as I do now, which is amazing. I can only imagine the progress I can make going more than twice weekly. That will happen eventually. I'm taking things slow to start, although, it should be known that in due time, I plan on being one of the baddess bitches at CFSBK. Mark my words.
Here's what happened in today's workout:
DL 155# x 5, which was 5# more than last week's max. I was super pumped about this.
Thrusters – first time I ever did them with barbell – like them A LOT better than with dumbbells. Was nervous about putting on too much weight – I'm still a little apprehensive about overhead stuff, don't want to get hurt. Tur (Ro) helped me settle on 63# for the WOD, which felt good for me right now.
I finished 5 Rds. + 1 set of DUs in the WOD. The DU's are the bane of my existence right now. I HATE THEM. They kill me every workout. Need to work on these, but don't really want to have anything to do with them outside of a workout.
Post workout, KH and I drank and ate our faces off…and I was still hungry afterward. Yet another perk of Crossfitting = burning millions of calories.
That's all I got today. Plan on going tomorrow, too. TWO DAYS IN A ROW. Yikes. I'm nervous.
OG session tonight with Matt. Warm up 2, then:
Snatches (in kilograms)
40×2, 50×2, 55×2, 60, 65, 70×1,1,F
One excellent rep at 70. If I had to pick an opener today, I'd be looking at 62kg.
Clean and jerk
50, 60, 70, 80×2, 90F, 90, 95, 95, 101F
The second rep at 90 felt really nice, as did the second clean at 95. Think I'd open at 88 for the meet if it were tomorrow.
Had the height on the pull for 101, but didn't commit to getting underneath the bar. Tonight felt very one step forward, two back. I was unfocused and not attacking anything. Need to change that approach going forward (and get used to lots going on around me as I work through these lifts).
Then a quick metcon with Matt. 9 minutes and change for:
400m row
40 double unders
40 box jumps
40 toes-to-bar
Due to my current cold/sinus situation, which is minor but lingering, and the "burning bourbon" issue that Mr. Fox mentioned, I decided just to lift at OG tonight and skip the metcon (with STO work in it.)
DL. Wendler style.
95×5, 125×3
150×5, 170×3, 190×5 (rep out)
happy with this. focused on tension, squeeze/break bar off floor, and not doing crazy sh*t with my neck at the top, as DO pointed out to me a couple wks ago. last one felt a bit squirrelly of the ground but not terrible according to Coach Noah's eyes.
haven't been drinking hardly at all in the past 6-8 weeks, so I consider today's handling of my hangover a big success: was so close to running out to find the most carb-loaded breakfast I could find to sop things up. instead I hunkered down and made eggs with quinoa, spinach, and avocado. little victories!
Came in mainly to work on olympic lifts. Wasn't sure how it would go after a little time off, so I just focused on cleans.
Perf warm up 1 x3 w 33#, 5 strict t2b
Power Cleans – still working on keeping bar close and not pulling too soon. Thanks Asta for feedback on these.
– 63×3, 83×3, 103×3, 113x1x2
Squat Cleans
– 103x1x2, 113x1x2, 123x1x2, 128×1, 133×1 (5#pr – happy it didn't feel very difficult)
– 133×5, 153×3, 171×7
Ring Dips – first few were OTM, but then rest periods got chatty
– 2,2,1,2,2,2