- Don’t forget to RSVP for tomorrow’s Paleo Potluck and LFPB Awards Ceremony starting at 7:00pm
Hiring Front Desk Staff
CFSBK is looking for new talent to staff the front desk. Responsibilities include handling inquires from walk-ins, managing basic membership issues, light cleaning/organization and other miscellaneous duties. Ideally, we’d like to hire from within so that candidates are already familiar with CrossFit and CFSBK but are open to talk to new folks if they’ve got good people skills and are committed to joining the gym. On top of an hourly wage, FD staff will also receive a comped membership. We are looking for people who can devote at least 2-4 days of their week to FD and can commit to 6 months of work with us barring extenuating circumstances.
Please email info(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to inquire.
CFSBK Endurance Program Benchmark Session Tomorrow
Come join Mike O for this free time trial session we’ll be holding in Prospect Park tomorrow starting at 1pm. Athletes interested in our upcoming endurance program will be led through some warm-ups and then will benchmark their 5K or 1 Mile run. For more information on this event, please click here.
The Test of Fitness
As Many Rounds As Possible in 15min of:
250m Row
25 Wall Ball Shots
peroneal tendonitis. so I need to rest it, which I won't do, as I have matches today and tomorrow, but the lesson is, tight calves, tight hips!
I get the jerk award for not stretching enough.
Tomorrow's WOD sounds brutal on the legs. Good to know what it is especially since I was thinking about doing the endurance benchmark run. Thanks for posting Dave.
DO: THANK YOU for starting to post the next day's WOD on rest days.
I know some people might use it as an excuse not to come in — but that's true of Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays already. But I love that it allows me to plan intelligently — maybe if the WOD is shoulder intense and my shoulders are fried, I might wait until the next day to do the WOD, or (shocker!) come in at night instead to get a little more rest time. Also it helps to know: Can I leave my lifting shoes at home? Is there math I need to do? Do I need to dress for the weather because we're running? That kind of thing.
So, I hope this is A Thing now!
Tomorrow's WOD: 6 rounds and finished a 7th row with 3 seconds to go. On the one hand, when I was working I felt like maybe I could be pushing myself a little harder. On the other hand, when I was walking from the erg to the wall ball and ESPECIALLY vice versa, I was breathing hard and my legs felt like they didn't work. So maybe I got it right.
Can't believe next week's WOD will be the Open!
Are you guys bringing back the push press? I've been seeing most off the work outs are only squats lately.
FYI – Tomorrow's WOD has changed to a Row>Wall Ball>Run CHIPPER of a similar time domain but logistically easier to run a large group through
For Time
1000m Row
50 Wall Ball
1100m Run (2 laps)
AR ??? We have done A LOT of Push Press and Overhead lately…
Eeewwww chipper. Glad I came in this morning! ๐
(even though I'd be doing fewer wall ball shots if I'd waited for tomorrow)
Oh bummer I was looking forward to the WOD David posted. Thanks for the update Fox, guess I'm sleeping in tomorrow and skipping. Cheers!
Sad I have to miss this to rest up my knee but I'm glad I'm making the smart decision and listening to my body rather than injuring myself even more.
@Stella: Agreed on posting the next day WODs! Really great for planning.
Am session
Bouldering with DO. As expected the extra 25 lbs i put on since last time I climbed made for a more challenging experience.
V0 to warm-up on
v2…messed around a V3 and 4 until my forearms we pumped out. Climbing shape I am NOT in, however it was great to get back on the wall and move like that again. Plan on making this more a habit after next meet.
Big squat night coming up at OG…410 3×3. I have never squatted 410…we'll see how that goes.
I love me a good chipper ๐
i am trying so hard to come back tomorrow. i miss cfsbk like crazy.
We miss you too Ariel!!! And so do deadlifts ๐ Come back!!!!
PM session@ OG
**410 was a PR single by…50#s i think. This was good.
Sorry I meant Bench Press…