Fitness: 3×5 Across
Should still be moving quick today. You’ll be adding weight for 5 more weeks
Performance: 2×5, 1xMax Reps <10
Start cycle at 70% of 1RM. Add 2.5-5lbs each week.
Post loads to comments.
Bench Press e2/6
16 Minute On The Minute Mash-Up
Even Minutes: :30 Max reps Burpees
Odd Minutes: :30 Max reps Kettlebell Swings
Post total Burpees and Kettlebell Swings to comments.
Congratulations to yesterday’s Strength Cycles on their performance at the CrossFit Total
Check out Becca W‘s leaderboard topping Squat at 280lbs here!
- Congrats to Luca and Elisa on their engagement!
- Looking forward to the 2014 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge? Coach Fox will be holding an info session on Sunday the 29th at 5pm.
Inside The Affiliate: New Article
Coach DO has a new blog entry on “Inside The Affiliate” about how we run lifting segments. ITA is a free, open source blog for the CrossFit community dedicated to sharing what we’ve learned running an affiliate for six years. If you like it, please share it with your CrossFit friends on Facebook and help spread the word!
Finish this sentence: “I wish the path to elite fitness was actually….”
The Neuroscience of Internet Addiction
27 Surreal Places To Visit Before You Die
California Strength: Train Hard