Fitness: Deadlift 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Should be able to add 5-10 pounds to last week’s number.
Performance: Power Snatch 80% x 2 x 5
Based off this week’s heaviest single.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD: AMRAP 20 min
20 Kettlebell Swings
15 Toes to Bar or 30 Sit Ups
10 Burpees
Little Billy stares at all the strong people doing strong things
- Come actively recover with Coach Fox at 11am and ask him all about how Mayhem in the Meadowlands went!
- Happy birthday, John Mc-D!
- Belated congrats to Megan D. who ran the Henry Hope 5K last Sunday! She didn’t PR her time, but she still finished 1st in her division and 4th overall with a time of 21:20 (6:53 pace). Amazing!
Want to Be More Creative? Take a Walk New York Times
Interactive Body BBC
The World Beyond the World The Atlantic
22 Facts About Sleep That Will Surprise You Cleveland Clinic
8am. Subbed high-hang snatch for power snatch in order to work on getting down faster. 60(kg)x2x5. One missed rep in there where I pulled weird and left the bar out in front. A few good, fast reps. Partnered with BK for the conditioning. 28kg kettlebell. 9 rounds + 4 toes to bar. The T2B were the limiter. Felt good through the first 3 rounds before they fell off a cliff.
8am w/ Mr. & Mrs. Fox at the helm. Power snatch at 125x2x5. Got some good pointers from Jess — narrow my stance and be patience on the pull. Otherwise, all reps felt good except for one that looked more like a KB swing than a snatch.
Partnered with Peter for the WOD. See above for the specific numbers. Before starting, Fox expects each round to take 1 minute. Very aggressive numbers. First couple of rounds were good and paced at 1:30 and then I turned into a swinging monkey on the T2B and paced at 2:30. This WOD got very grippy quickly.
DL #235x3x3, #255×1 verrrry slow one.
1.5 kb, Dragonflags/flies/flaps–whatever they are called I did 4 rounds + 15 dfs… coulda done more, but Chris was kinda slow.
I love seeing everyone Sunday mornings.
8am with the Foxes.
295 on the DL. My form still needs some work, so I may dial back the weight a little bit until I feel better about the movement. I'm leading with my hips and rounding my back sometimes.
Partnered with Vince on the WOD. 28kg and subbed 7-10 strict T2B because my kip is not great. We finished with 9 rounds + 14 T2B. I did 7 reps of T2B except on round 1. Think I should have stuck with 10 to make it more challenging.
10AM with Fox and Ro
Ran to the gym with Penny – 1.7 miles, nice easy pace.
Warm-Up was a bit of a mash-up:
-Round 1: 2 ring dips (then fell apart), 4 pistols ea side, 12 v-ups
-Round 2: :30 ring hold, 1 ring dip, 3 negatives, 6 pistols ea side, 12 v-ups
Note to self for this week: work :30 ring holds, slow negative ring dips, and (weighted?) bar dips
DL: 95×5, 135×3, 165×2
First set not too bad. Second set mid-back getting soft on 2nd two reps. Third set I think I held it a LITTLE bit better, but still a bit soft. Focus on bracing trunk even more. hmm.
(I put the lift under my right foot again today.)
WOD with Stellaaaaaa! She did 5 rounds, I finished 2 burpees shy of 5 full rounds.
My RX: 20kg russian swings, 10 T2B each rd, 10 burpees.
FUN!!! Glad I scaled the t2b volume; stuck with mostly quick sets of 4's and 3's. Grip on this was tough and I haven't been taking good care of my hands and figured my calluses would split open.
So, I just did an experiment on consistency with pretty good results. I had read a blog post by this person named James Clear about making small positive changes, and this one worked, so I figured I would share it.
I started with 10 push-ups (hand release), with strict attention to form, and added one per day for 30 days. (31, actually, I took off 5/1 since I was pretty shot that day. I figured one day off would not detract from the bigger-picture goal.). At the point my form began to be "not perfect," I began breaking things up into two, and eventually 4 sets, with only 20 seconds of rest, to maintain intensity.
735 pushups in 31 days – it was fun, too. (p.s. maybe one of the better habits I have ever acquired via CFSBK is detailed note-taking).
Strength Cycle
45 x 5
95 x 5
145 x 4
165 x 3
195 x 1
200 x 5 x 2
200 x 10 rep-out 🙂
Really happy I got 10!
45 x 5
50 x 3
55 x 1
62.5 x 5 x 2
62.5 x 6 rep-out.
Didn't really commit to this rep-out as I didn't want to push it. Inka worked her magic on my shoulder yesterday and it is feeling better and I would like to keep it that way.
33 x 3
53 x 3
88 x 3 x 3
Happy Sunday!!
Noon class
Did my 5/3/1 deadlift since I missed it this week.
WOD with Rickke
I did 7 strict T2B per round to take it a bit easier after Mayhem.
We got 16 rounds plus 20 + 11 (Rickke was the plus)
Had a great day at Mayhem yesterday. Fun in the sun with friends usually is a good time. Mike F and McD were great partners. It was really fun working with them and I think er did a pretty great job of working together.
I see Whit has posted our WOD numbers. I used the 24 kg bell so I feel like a badass.
Did Fitness Warmup 1 so I could practice false grip on ring rows. That's going to take some getting used to. 225x3x3 on deadlifts. It was rough but still haven't got to that feeling of "I might not make this rep."
You're welcome if you happened to see a post of a carrot breakfast protein cake. I leave David unattended with my computer for a minute, and this is what happens. He is sorry.
WOD with Jon this morning. we each got 4 rounds. toes to bar kicked my butt.
Power snatched at 115. about half the reps felt great and explosive and tall, and about half felt like hot garbage. the last one flew over my head and was the most powerful pull i've had on a snatch in awhile. now just have to figure out how and why.
OG Fun
Front squat
40×5 60×4 80×3 100×2 110×1 120×1 125xM,M
70×5 100×4 120×3 130×2 140×1 150xM
Haven't done this in a long time after some back pain, wanted to see what a heavy single felt like, 140kg was fine but a little painful.
Snatch doubles
40 50 60 65 70×3
Power clean > push jerk > jerk
50 60 70 80 85×3