Fitness: Deadlift 3×3
3 x 3 reps where you finished your previous heavy 5
Performance: Power Snatch 5×2 at 70% of Wednesdays 1RM
Buy-in is 100% BW Men, 75% BW Women
3 Rounds For Time
75 Double Unders
400m Run
25 Wall Ball
Aileen H. DROMing it out (plus Michael’s neon-clad left foot)
- Loosen it up in Active Recovery at 11am today!
- Our new cycle starts TODAY! Who’s excited?
Monday: Bench Press | WOD
Wednesday: Snatch | Back Squat
Thursday: WOD (gymnastics-based)
Saturday: Clean and Jerk | Front Squat
Sunday: Deadlift (Fitness) or Power Snatch (Performance) | WOD
The Power Snatch: Uses & Cautions Catalyst Athletics
The Nun Who Got Addicted to Twitter The Atlantic
Flex in the City Rejected Workouts