Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Virtual Yoga: 7am
Today’s Programming
4 Sets of:
6 Strict Pull-Ups
18 Hollow Rocks
3 Sets of:
12 Hammer Curls
:30 L-Weighted Tuck Hang
Perform the first couplet using as little assistance as possible for the pull-ups. After 4 rounds, transition to the second superset using a DB where 12 reps is very challenging
A. E3MOM: Pause BSQ 65%x5x5
B. Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
C. High Hang Power Clean + Mid Hang Power Clean (or Snatch)
D. AMRAP 12: 270m Run / 15 Box Jumps / 16 Wall Ball
E: 4 Sets: 1:00 Bike / 1:00 DB Bench Press / 1:00 Medball Step-Ups / 1:00 Rest
Choose a lift or metcon that corresponds to what you have not performed in the prior few days or what you’re least sore from. For the barbell movements, you may also consider adding a secondary lower skill bodyweight/DB exercise to create a superset.
Tomorrow we have Front Squats and Option E
Dena B getting some sun while doing a 20:00 AMRAP programmed by coach Ro