Good luck to Jeremy on his next round of interviews for the Santa Monica Police Department!!
(Despite the fact that we all want him to stay in BK)
World’s Strongest Girl!
Established 2007
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Good luck to Jeremy on his next round of interviews for the Santa Monica Police Department!!
(Despite the fact that we all want him to stay in BK)
World’s Strongest Girl!
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3 Rounds For Time of:
25 Box Jumps 26"
25 Dumbbell Burpees (10, 20, or 30lbs)
25 (r1) Sandbag Jump Squats (r2) Jump Squats (r3) Squats
Compare to WOD 2.03.08
Thanks to Coach P. from the Black Box and everyone else for coming out to our first Monday night class!
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30 Clean and Jerks for time
135, 85 or an otherwise appropriate weight.
Beginners who were not confident with the clean and jerk worked on the movement with a PVC and light weight. Technique before intensity.
After class we had "open training" for an hour so the athletes could work on whatever skills they wanted to develop.
Remember that tomorrow night is our first Monday night class at 7pm. All are welcome to attend free of charge!
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