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Accessory Work
Tall Clean + Mid Hang Squat Clean Technique complex
Strict Chin ups 3×12
Mobility Wk1 DIY
Grant and David M. swing the 1.5 Poods
Grain Pain Mark's Daily Apple
Off the Plane and Wondering what 'it' is Physical Subculture
The insulation guy is coming today at 4pm to assess what it would take to start bringing SBK towards respectable temperatures. CrossFit your fingers.
The Mancino Mats are coming in tomorrow afternoon!!
Hey everyone! Work and life have kept me away for a while, just wanted to say that it’s been inspiring to read about the progress everyone has been making. It makes me miss SBK even more though.
I tried The Bear on Friday, it was awesome.
Made up the C+J WOD from earlier this week:
(75×3, 95×2)115, 145, 165, 175M, 175M 170(PR)at 146lbs BW, (thanks for the scale, jeremy)
Coming out of the hole on the squat is the hardest part, jerkin 170 overhead wasn’t too tough.
Ate far too many “Steph Bars”. So good but now im so full.
No OHS for me. My squat sucks. My left shoulder has been bothering me for about 2 weeks and tonight it was giving me cause for concern.
Front squat115,125,135,145,1653×12 chin ups with the blue band.
In hindsight the chin ups were a dumb idea for me.
Best part of the evening was Stephanie’s Paleo Bars.
Overhead Squat135x3, 155×3, 175×3, 185×3, 195×2
Lost the balance on the last one, might have been because someone was saying something about walnuts while I was lifting.
Pullups (all chest to bar)BWx12BW+10lbsx12BW+15lbsx12
paleo bars were awesome, tasted too good to be paleo. thanks stephanie.
too green for ohs.
front squats
first time form felt pretty good.
pull-ups with blue band.
Overhead Squat85x3, 95×3, 105(F), 100×3, 100×3, 105×3(failed last rep)
First time doing more than 75lbs or so on overhead squats, definitely a a harder movement for me.
Good to be back after awhile. And if anybody wants to check out some of the stuff I’ve been working on recently you can go to http://www.youtube.com/4ifbyspace. It’s a web series that I produced and acted in on no money! Good geeky fun.
Okay I ate like 5 steph bars! Girl those bars are sooo good. I was focusing hard not on the wod so much but on getting my hands on some more of those yummy bars (had to fight david for them).
Sorry about the walnuts Jeremy ! We didnt think u could hear us ๐
I think this was either my first time or second time doing ohs for I was a little conversative.
White band x2 rounds, then blue band.
side stuff: a couple of yoga postures lots of fun. I was totally excited.
Margie I missed u!!
Karolina I had a great time with u tonight. U did a great job!U have to come back more often! Get that back all healed.
See u guys wednesday!
Oh I was wondering if I wanted to go to the black box in the tuesday evening how do I make it happen? Looking at the website they seem pretty strict on drop-ins. Any advice? who do I speak to?
overhead squats are fun.85/95/100/100/105Found out that it is less about the weight and more about form. Had a good discussion with David concerning flexability needed, especially in the shoulders. For a guy who thinks he can throw a baseball pretty well, I was surprised by my lack of range of motion. Big “Ah Ha” workout.chin ups with blue band – Damn you chin ups! One day I shall conquer you!
Steph – the bars should be page 1 of the Paleo cookbook!
Fun times with ohs
chin ups chest to bar… 3×12 had to break up the last set 6/4/2
have a great thanksgiving. I will be checking in from crossfit fairfax.
strict chinups, 3×6, broke them up something like:4/23/3/14/1/1
and then, just for kicks, 90×3 OHS. Definite PR. These felt good today.
I am bummed I missed the Steph bars last night!
i’m happy that everyone is enjoying my latest creations! there are more to come!
david – you were definitely NOT supposed to eat all of those last night – they were *supposed to* last you through turkey day! ๐
can’t ohs, cant squat at all…worked on strict pull ups and chin ups. attempted some weighted pulls but couldn’t get all the way up there. sigh.
then did some ring holds, some pistol work on left leg only and then funky yoga poses.
margie – sorry i didn’t make it this morning – my body needed some rest – i have bars for you!
That’s it! I am going Paleo in 2009. I am going to use the rest of the year to enjoy the holidays and prepare for a Paleo lifestyle.
The article on grains has me motivated to eat the way nature intended.
2008 will be the last year of my unsavory lifestyle.
julianait’s all set you could come to the black box tonigth.jacinto
So I changed this up to front squats so we could dial me in a little. I felt like a few things kind of clicked finally– my knee tracking and a little more of leading with my elbows, at least in the coming back up part of the squat. I’m still playing weight very conservative until I can dial in the form better. So I did 35/40/45/45/45. Managed the 3×12 with the blue band, but these were hard today. Not sure why… harder than usual… I was hoping to step down to the tan band today. Anyway, I liked the Tues am gig. It was perfect for a run there and back which has Jenna crazy written all over it. ๐
front squats 82/92/102/112/back to 102 because i am not actually strong enough to stay upright at 112.
Did Lynne today—not a very good showing, but it’s feeling good to get back in the swing of things.
5 rounds max reps185lb Bench PressPullups
then 65lb dumbbell swings, 12×3
and here is that link to my show again, noticed the last one didn’t work.http://youtube.com/4ifbyspace
First workout in about two weeks and it felt great.
back squat 3×5 @ 180bench 3×5 @ 155deadlift 1×5 @ 245
Really easy, except for the grip on the deadlifts. The bars at my nysc feel suspiciously light.
Also first weigh in since the end of my october paleo diet–up about 8 pounds. I still feel pretty good and don’t think I’ve added too much fat, especially lower abdominal fat. I might get back on it strict around January 3rd.