Travelers are always welcome at CFSBK. Dominic here isn't a CrossFitter but he needed a place to Deadlift and do some kettlebell swings while in NY. Patronizing a globo gym was out of the question, he needed a serious training facility. SBK to the rescue.
How was everyone's Thanksgiving?
Sports Architecture archdaily
Stayed Paleo on T-Gives. Just had some pork, turkey and green beans (the only vegetable they had!). Instead of pie I had an orange after dinner. Didn’t feel deprived at all. Drank too much wine.
Archdaily is a great blog.
Hello from DC. Went down to CF Fairfax this morning to meet up with Jeff from Phoenix and got a good wod in:
3 rounds30 pullups21 deadlifts 185lbs
the deadlifts were brutal, of course. I was suprised though how quickly my pullups fell apart. I knocked out the first 30 unbroken with no problem but the next two rounds had to be done in 5’s. I did all the DLs in 5/5/5/6 except the last round, 5/5/5/3/3
i cheated my little butt off. i won’t go into details, but i will say that i felt sluggish all day and feel pretty cruddy today. i’m back on the paleo wagon and will probably stay on after the end of the month.
and i explained it all to my parents and instead of thinking i was nuts, wanted to change what we were having for dinner (wed night) to accommodate me!
also, non-paleo guests at thanksgiving enjoyed the steph bars!
I definitely had a non-paleo Tday and while I enjoyed the food while it was going into my mouth, I damn near died once I was finished. Felt like I’d been hit by a truck and completely passed out on the couch for 20 minutes. Today I feel bloated and SO happy to be back to the paleo ways.
WOD at CrossFit Generation:21 DL @115#42 pullups (blue band)15 DL30 pullups9 DL18 pullups11:50
29 birthday burpees (in 2 min) for Coach Barry. This is a great little box with a strong sense of community. I’m psyched that they’re only 15 min from the parents’ house. Going back tomorrow for snatches and weighted pushups.
Oh and those Steph bars… dangerous. Very very dangerous. They inspire irresponsible eating behavior.
Had a very non-paleo Thanksgiving (suprise suprise). Today I helped my cosuin move a few couches. Celebrated by drinking a few beers and turkish getupping my niece (~40lbs).
We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Europe…unfortunately.
Instead of feasting I made up a lighter version of Lynne (three rounds,BP@180, Strict Pull Ups).R1: 7/6R2: 4/5R3: 3/4
Thanksgiving was awesome, we had Turducken, which is turkey stuffed with a chicken, stuffed with a duck. Basically, it was meat-tastic.
Can’t wait to see what the wod is for tomorrow, I’ve convinced my girlfriend to come check it out for her first time, so I’ll be coming with her to the 11:15 class. She’s kind of nervous from hearing about heavy weights and puke-inducing workouts, but I’ve told her that everyone is overwhelmingly supportive so hopefully we get a convert tomorrow!
Planned on going totally anti-paleo crazy but found myself gravitating to the more paleo offerings. Lots of turkey, sweet potato and brussel sprouts. OK I did go in for some cheese, but no potato or beans or pie. didn’t even crave it.
Looking to get a WOD in with American River Crossfit on Sunday. Did my own semi wod yesterday of double unders, sit ups, push ups and handstand pushups.Funny that I dont’ push myself as much without a coach.
Looking forward to home and seeing you all monday night.
managed paleo quite successfully for turkey day. i was cooking so it was not that much of a problem. cooking the additional starches/carbs for my family was the closest i got to the forbidden items.when i started paleo to think of a thanksgiving without any of the stuff would have been a crazy though not too long ago.