Accessory work
Max Strict Dips, rest 3 minutes x3
Hip Extensions 3×15
Established 2007
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Accessory work
Max Strict Dips, rest 3 minutes x3
Hip Extensions 3×15
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compare to 9.25.08
Accessory work
4 Rounds NFT
L-Sit Hold :30
DB RDL 15 reps, 40/20
Is CrossFit for Runners? catalyst gym
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5 Rounds for Time of:
10 DB Split Cleans 40/20
20 Push-Ups
30 Double Unders
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Accessory work
Work on a Goat
A few people have been asking me about the Paleo Challenge in class. Don't let the fact that it officially started deter you from buying in. You can join the challenge simply by adding the days you missed to the following month. If you're not up for the challenge, here are some other things to tinker with:
1. Try to cook one new Paleo meal every week for the next four weeks.
2. Choose one unhealthy vice of yours and try to drop it for one month.
3. See if you can set a bed time Sunday through Thursday and get some more sleep.
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Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 Pull-ups
65 pound Thruster, 10 reps
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Accessory work
Ring Rows 3×8
Mature Ring Support Practice
The Truth about CrossFit T-Nation
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21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift, 225lbs
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Accessory work
3 rounds NFT of:
30 Reverse walking lunges 25/15
1:30 Lateral plank each side
Carry the dumbbells suitcase style for round 1, front squat rack for round 2 and overhead for round 3.
Stretching the Truth NY Times