aw, thanks Dennis! when are you going to come work out with me 😉
favorites: anything on rings! just because they are fun. Front squat, pull-ups… because I feel like my form is ok so I can actually push myself.
least favorites: overhead pressing – scary + can hurt my shoulders/wrists. Burpees, wallball – these fatigue me to nausea much faster than I’d like and I always dread them.
Deadlifting is maybe the one constant in my life, but I fall in and out of love too easily to declare an all-time favorite. Right now I feel fond of the snatch and C & J, unsurprisingly.
Least favorite, on the other hand, is easy: rowing.
Faves-Squats, especially tabatas, Backsquats,pushups, lungesLeast favorite-Burpees,Ones I suck at- Pullups, Double unders Rings-forgetit
so, I got this bazzini old fashioned *raw* cashew butter from sahadi’s. I know, I know, cashews aren’t nuts, but damn they are delicious. the butter is actually white, very strange looking but so, so good.
least favorites: ring dips, behind-the-head pressing, dumbbell cleans.
Yeah Dennis, when are you going to give in and join us? 😉
Current favorite: Kipping pull-ups – I have a long ways to go with my technique and strength but when they come together it is so much fun to fly around that bar! I’ve also sort of always loved box jumps.
Favorites:Mid Hang Power CleansPull-UpsBurpeesSnatchesMuscle UpsDouble Unders
Least:BARBELL THRUSTERS!!!!!!Knees to ElbowsRunningWall Ball
On the fence about:RowingBack SquatsPush-upsRing Dips
I dont know if I really have a favorite yet. So far I like everything we’ve done, and I’m looking forward to getting better. Squats, deadlifts (even though my back is dead). I even like the wall balls which everyone seems to hate (maybe its my basketball background).
Oh one thing we havent had to do much of yet–but I expect more this summer–and hate–is sprinting and hard runs. Plea coppage: I have this inner ear problem that really screws up my breathing on hard runs.
I like the exercises that I’m not very strong or fast at, but I am getting the proper form on. This makes me feel like I can advance. For example, pull-up, push-up, deadlife, back squat.
I hate things that I don’t have the form down for yet or the strength yet to do. Then I just feel like a floundering mess. For example, burpees, knees to elbows, Clean and jerk, overhead squat.
On a side note, I figured I’d just mention that I have no idea if I like rope climb or not because I’ve never done it. Hint hint.
Rope climbing is fabulous! (Sarah’s hint seconded.)
OMG I have to re-post to express the depth of my hatred for knees-to-elbows. For the same reason as Sarah; I SUCK at them. It’s beyond frustrating that I fail at an abs/core exercise because of my @#*($* GRIP.
I would also like to “third” the hint about rope-climbs, even though I’m almost 100% positive they are contra-indicated for the preggo types.
Favoritesnatch, push press, push jerk, metcons ( i dread them before the start but after feel great to have come out the other end), deadlifts, 36″ box jumps, erg (i think), wall ball (at least the last time i did) tabata (love to hate). all the stuff that’s relatively new.
extra curricular stuff. i.e. indoor rock climbing, bowling, beer etc.
Least Favoritesquats (just don’t feel strong enough yet on these movements. i definitely feel it’s due to my poxy leg. i’m hoping alec’s wizardry will fix this), damn thrusters, running for a long time
i dunno if these are least favorites. the challenge of each is always rewarding and gratifying once they are complete.
Favorites: Anything w/the word Clean or Row in it.
Least Favorite: Anything w/the word thruster in it. SDHP’s are a very close second.
Favorite: KB swings, one of the few things I can do without feeling like I’m going to die
Least favorite: Pullups, cause they make me feel like a giant immovable blob (that’s going to die)
Anytime I feel like I’m making real progress with something, that becomes a favorite, most recently front squats. Opposite is true as well (see above).
David Makowskisays
I’m really digging pull ups lately and I’m having fun messing with the rings. I’m also, strangely enough, starting to like squats and I’ve always enjoyed wrecking myself on pushups.
I hate anything that my lack of shoulder mobility does not allow me to do properly. I’m pretty inflexible everywhere but the shoulders seem to be my most problematic. I’m hoping to see Alec soon and let him to some magic. And, yes, stretch, stretch, stretch!
Shawn — The first time I did deadlifts, the same thing happened to me. Some alternating hot/cold on the lower back helps as well as some icy hot. Still it sucked for about three days. Lower the weight and really concentrate on form, which I did this time and it’ll just be a “good” sore the next day.
Shawn, you can take a little IBP to decrease inflammation too.
Tonight at Equinox Columbus Circle:
Warm up:DromsSnatch and Push Jerk technique practice @ 115
AMRAP 12 Min5 Deads @ 225/10 Pull-ups
Needless to say, pull-ups were a little weak due to DBP yesterday. Totally lost track of rounds, im thinking 10 or so?
Wow I havent been in a commercial gym in a Long time…
David Maksays
David — What exactly constitutes a rest day for you?
Fav:Power CleanMuscle CleanPower SnatchMuscle SnatchKB SnatchPush Press is fun tooMax Height Box Jumps
Least:Squat Cleans for high repsHigh Rep pull-upsWeighted pull-upsIf I could do muscle ups, im sure i wouldn’t like them
Tribes are about bringing like minded people together to accomplish a goal that benefits the entire community. they’re not about leaders, they’re about ideas and communication. Without tribes, we’d still be in the stone age.
Fav: ANY type of clean, but MHPC is #1! I also like pull ups and box jumps.
Least fav: Knees 2 Elbows!! Burpees!
Things I like but wish I found easier: OHS, double unders.
Dan Lsays
WOD at Crossfit Alexandria –
4 rounds for time400m run500m C2 row
15:39 – one of the guys there was a pretty serious rower so I learned a lot about rowing technique
Have no real favorite exercise. I prefer to work on whatever needs the most improvement.
Least favorite exercises: I’m not a big fan of bicep curls, preacher curls, skull crushers, or leg extensions.
Seriously, the only thing I dislike are poorly constructed WODs. The kind that leave people lying on the floor from injury as opposed from maximum exertion.
Go Becky Go!
aw, thanks Dennis! when are you going to come work out with me 😉
favorites: anything on rings! just because they are fun. Front squat, pull-ups… because I feel like my form is ok so I can actually push myself.
least favorites: overhead pressing – scary + can hurt my shoulders/wrists. Burpees, wallball – these fatigue me to nausea much faster than I’d like and I always dread them.
Favorite: squats, deadlifts, KB swings. Anything posterior chain.
Least favorite: burpees, pushups.
Off to New Hampshire for the weekend, where WODs will consist of capoeira games with Nick and climbing mountains!
No surprises here…
Fav’s:A heavy, successful deadliftA good string of double-unders when my shins aren’t shotI’m also quickly becoming a fan of cleans
Least Favorite:Anything I can’t do (handstand push-ups, snatches, overhead squats, etc)Burpees
Favorite: Deadlift, shocking I know. Although I have been falling in love with the snatch over the last few months.
Least Favorite: Wall ball, they just suck. I almost said double-unders but they don’t suck so much as I just suck at them
Favorite: Pushups and Back Squats, though it is rapidly becoming pullups. I guess because up until a month ago, I could never do them.
Least Favorite: While I love the Clean, I hate stringing them together. Also I think I might suck at the deadlift, but I love it so.
KB Update:Chris: 1x1poodBjorn: 1x1pood, 1×1.5poodSameer: 1x1poodJuliana: 1x1poodJack: 1x1pood, 1x8kgTotal=7Anyone else? Lemme know over the weekend
Deadlifting is maybe the one constant in my life, but I fall in and out of love too easily to declare an all-time favorite. Right now I feel fond of the snatch and C & J, unsurprisingly.
Least favorite, on the other hand, is easy: rowing.
Faves-Squats, especially tabatas, Backsquats,pushups, lungesLeast favorite-Burpees,Ones I suck at- Pullups, Double unders Rings-forgetit
so, I got this bazzini old fashioned *raw* cashew butter from sahadi’s. I know, I know, cashews aren’t nuts, but damn they are delicious. the butter is actually white, very strange looking but so, so good.
least favorites: ring dips, behind-the-head pressing, dumbbell cleans.
favorites: cleans, weighted pullups, rope climbs, kettlebell swings.
Favorites: Back Squat. Starting to love cleans.
Least favorite: Wall ball. Bench press. Any sort of lateral pushing motion I just hate. (Need to work on this). Overhead is not nearly as bad.
Yeah Dennis, when are you going to give in and join us? 😉
Current favorite: Kipping pull-ups – I have a long ways to go with my technique and strength but when they come together it is so much fun to fly around that bar! I’ve also sort of always loved box jumps.
Current least favorite: Thrusters, push-ups.
I’m enjoying bikefit right now. Maybe later this summer.
Favorites:Mid Hang Power CleansPull-UpsBurpeesSnatchesMuscle UpsDouble Unders
Least:BARBELL THRUSTERS!!!!!!Knees to ElbowsRunningWall Ball
On the fence about:RowingBack SquatsPush-upsRing Dips
I dont know if I really have a favorite yet. So far I like everything we’ve done, and I’m looking forward to getting better. Squats, deadlifts (even though my back is dead). I even like the wall balls which everyone seems to hate (maybe its my basketball background).
Oh one thing we havent had to do much of yet–but I expect more this summer–and hate–is sprinting and hard runs. Plea coppage: I have this inner ear problem that really screws up my breathing on hard runs.
I like the exercises that I’m not very strong or fast at, but I am getting the proper form on. This makes me feel like I can advance. For example, pull-up, push-up, deadlife, back squat.
I hate things that I don’t have the form down for yet or the strength yet to do. Then I just feel like a floundering mess. For example, burpees, knees to elbows, Clean and jerk, overhead squat.
On a side note, I figured I’d just mention that I have no idea if I like rope climb or not because I’ve never done it. Hint hint.
Rope climbing is fabulous! (Sarah’s hint seconded.)
OMG I have to re-post to express the depth of my hatred for knees-to-elbows. For the same reason as Sarah; I SUCK at them. It’s beyond frustrating that I fail at an abs/core exercise because of my @#*($* GRIP.
I would also like to “third” the hint about rope-climbs, even though I’m almost 100% positive they are contra-indicated for the preggo types.
Favoritesnatch, push press, push jerk, metcons ( i dread them before the start but after feel great to have come out the other end), deadlifts, 36″ box jumps, erg (i think), wall ball (at least the last time i did) tabata (love to hate). all the stuff that’s relatively new.
extra curricular stuff. i.e. indoor rock climbing, bowling, beer etc.
Least Favoritesquats (just don’t feel strong enough yet on these movements. i definitely feel it’s due to my poxy leg. i’m hoping alec’s wizardry will fix this), damn thrusters, running for a long time
i dunno if these are least favorites. the challenge of each is always rewarding and gratifying once they are complete.
Favorites: Anything w/the word Clean or Row in it.
Least Favorite: Anything w/the word thruster in it. SDHP’s are a very close second.
Favorite: KB swings, one of the few things I can do without feeling like I’m going to die
Least favorite: Pullups, cause they make me feel like a giant immovable blob (that’s going to die)
Anytime I feel like I’m making real progress with something, that becomes a favorite, most recently front squats. Opposite is true as well (see above).
I’m really digging pull ups lately and I’m having fun messing with the rings. I’m also, strangely enough, starting to like squats and I’ve always enjoyed wrecking myself on pushups.
I hate anything that my lack of shoulder mobility does not allow me to do properly. I’m pretty inflexible everywhere but the shoulders seem to be my most problematic. I’m hoping to see Alec soon and let him to some magic. And, yes, stretch, stretch, stretch!
Shawn — The first time I did deadlifts, the same thing happened to me. Some alternating hot/cold on the lower back helps as well as some icy hot. Still it sucked for about three days. Lower the weight and really concentrate on form, which I did this time and it’ll just be a “good” sore the next day.
Shawn, you can take a little IBP to decrease inflammation too.
Tonight at Equinox Columbus Circle:
Warm up:DromsSnatch and Push Jerk technique practice @ 115
AMRAP 12 Min5 Deads @ 225/10 Pull-ups
Needless to say, pull-ups were a little weak due to DBP yesterday. Totally lost track of rounds, im thinking 10 or so?
Wow I havent been in a commercial gym in a Long time…
David — What exactly constitutes a rest day for you?
Fav:Power CleanMuscle CleanPower SnatchMuscle SnatchKB SnatchPush Press is fun tooMax Height Box Jumps
Least:Squat Cleans for high repsHigh Rep pull-upsWeighted pull-upsIf I could do muscle ups, im sure i wouldn’t like them
Fav:Rope ClimbDeadliftBacksquat
Suckiest, but love it anyway:DoubleUndersOverhead Squat
No Fun:BurpeesWallball
btw: I am anti-tribe. Tribalism is about killing people who are different from you. Not my cup of tea.
Good point Sameer!
Which is EXACTLY why David was at Equinox tonight.
Tribes are about bringing like minded people together to accomplish a goal that benefits the entire community. they’re not about leaders, they’re about ideas and communication. Without tribes, we’d still be in the stone age.
Fav: ANY type of clean, but MHPC is #1! I also like pull ups and box jumps.
Least fav: Knees 2 Elbows!! Burpees!
Things I like but wish I found easier: OHS, double unders.
WOD at Crossfit Alexandria –
4 rounds for time400m run500m C2 row
15:39 – one of the guys there was a pretty serious rower so I learned a lot about rowing technique
turns out I was doing it all wrong
A good article on the climbing gym:
Have no real favorite exercise. I prefer to work on whatever needs the most improvement.
Least favorite exercises: I’m not a big fan of bicep curls, preacher curls, skull crushers, or leg extensions.
Seriously, the only thing I dislike are poorly constructed WODs. The kind that leave people lying on the floor from injury as opposed from maximum exertion.