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Health-Club Employee Stops Going To Work After Two Weeks The Onion
Nation's Joggers Sick Of Finding Dead Bodies The Onion
WOD 12.04.08
Five rounds for time of*:
40 pound dumbbell, walking lunge, 16 alternating steps
40 pound dumbbell, swing, 20 reps
Post time to comments.
*WOD modified due to lack of 50lb Dumbbells.
Accessory work
Alternate the following two tasks, 3 rounds:
L-Sit max hold
500m Row
Mobility Wk3
CrossFit Hoboken Winter Challenge Updates:
Affiliates are limited to one team of 6 athletes
Teams must RSVP by Dec. 9th or lose their slot
Athletes are encouraged to donate 5$ each for the trophies and food that went into setting up the event.
Click here for more Info
Well, for Three Years, Every Bite Organic NY Times
Is CrossFit Functional? Spark Sport Conditioning
Strength Standards for Women Gubernatrix >CFNYC
Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster
Post time to comments
compare to 9.18.08 and 5.10.08
Accessory Work
Mobility Wk2
Affiliate Challenge at CrossFit Hoboken
We would like to invite all of you to field a team of 6 competitors and
join us. It will allow all of us to finally meet in one place and
discuss best practices and other things that will lead to our further
success. December 20th is a key date because it is the same day as our
holiday party. The party will consist of and open bar and buffet. We
have ordered massive amounts of food however, there is a $30 cover to
pay for the bar. All competitors that choose to attend may bring 1
guest. Each team is only allowed 2 trainers (as participants) the rest
must be made up of members of your respective gyms. Please RSVP. Thank
Who's in??
Speaking of events, I'm happy to say that I will be working with Neil of CrossFit Boston and Jason from Albany CrossFit to put on the North East Coast Qualifier for the 2009 CrossFit Games. Headquarters has given us total freedom in deciding the workouts, point system and structure of the qualifier. It's an honor to have been chosen and I'm very excited to be working with two tremendous coaches and people on this project. Stay tuned for more updates on the qualifier as they come.
Post loads to comments
compare to 10.25.08
Accessory work
3 Rounds NFT
Windmill 15 Reps each
Max Ring Support/L-sit
Mobility Wk2
Medballs make great targets for keeping sit-up ROM consistent.
“Tabata Something Else”
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.
Accessory work
Foam Roll
Mobility Wk2
Pat Sherwood on "The Idiot Suit" CrossFit Again Faster