Today's squats are high bar position.
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Superman Planks/KB Swings
Supermans/KB Cross Chops
Accessory Work
Broad Jumps, 5 attempts
On Coaching, Part 1 CrossFit Virtuosity
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Dan R says
Thanks for the early post.
Broad jumps look like fun!
AJtheTrainer says
I am torn about high bar squats. Rip said never to do them. I’ll do them today, but under protest.
nicole says
Why does Rip say never to do them?
ShawnS says
Broad Jumping After squatting while hamstrings are still sore from deadlifts = not quite as fun.
AJtheTrainer says
The low-bar squat puts the bar over the middle of your foot. The high-bar creates a moment arm. It’s similar tostarting a deadlift with your shoulders behind the bar.
Also, the bar rests on a shelf of soft tissue on the low-bar squat. The high-bar squat has the bar resting on the cervical spine. However, one of the challenges of a LBS is that most people don’t have the shoulder flexibility to hold the bar below the spine of the scapula.
With that said, I am doing the high-bar squat as prescribed.
Brian says
I think we should trust David.
I have never seen a WOD which wasn’t very well thought out.
That being said, I have a baseball game and will not be in class.
Grant says
During High bar bsqs, the bar should rest on the athlete’s traps (assuming they have ’em) and not the neck. Simple.
I think the high bar bsq only creates a noticeable lever arm if one doesn’t have the flexibility to maintain an upright position. From my journeyman’s fitness perspective, the upright position is super important to be strong in, so we can get out of the hole in a “heavy” clean or snatch without losing the weight forward.
Here is an excerpt from Again Faster’s Greg Everett interview concerning front squats and high bar bsqs-
“But, the thing with strength is it’s very specific to position and movements. And this again goes overlooked, and it’s like people have gotten this idea that strength is some kind of like magic fairy dust that gets sprinkled over you and all of sudden, if you’re strong in a low-bar back squat you’re automatically going to be strong in an upright torso, knees 6 inches ahead of the toes, you know, front squat. And it’s just not the case.
If you want to be strong in those positions you have to train in those positions with heavy weights.”
This interview really turned on a lightbulb for me, as to where I want my training emphasis to lie when it comes to squatting. More front and high bar squats for me should mean better oly numbers.Anyone who is interested in oly lifts, as well as building a body that drives well with posterior and anterior engines should read read the interview.
Rippetoe has his opinions, and while I would jump at an opportunity to train with him, he is still human and thus can still be wrong. For example, I think he misses the mark advising people to gobble Mickey D’s quarter pounders as part of getting strong. I own starting strength and just orderedpractical programming, and have a lot of respect for the man, but he isn’t right about everything.
AJ says
Of course I trust david and that is why I do what he asks and reccomends. This is not a challenge in any way.
Dominic Sirianni says
245, 265, 275, 285, 295
greetings from CrossFit 305
Thanks to Jeremy for being an on the spot training partner and thanks to David and everyone for their hospitality. I hope to see you in Miami sometime.
Sameer Parekh says
Yo everybody. I decided my quads were still in pain so I would skip the high bar backsquats. But then, because I am a rocket scientist, I called my cyclist friend to go cycling in the park. Given that he is a cycling beast I pushed really hard attempting (and failing) to keep up with him. So much for resting the quads. It’s a very different stimulus from a squat though, so maybe I can still call it active recovery. haha.
Two laps around prospect park 6.8 miles, 26:18, 15.6mph
Now I have an iphone. I am assimilated. Resistance is futile.
Shawn says
Broad Jump was awesome I havent done that since like 2nd grade Royal Rangers Troupe.
I was having trouble focusing on what Shane was saying when the 1115s were broad jumping.
with that said, HBB squats were pretty fun. 5 reps is scary cause by 4 my legs get shaky and Im not 100% comfy with bailing.
115 x6135 x 5145 x 5145 x 5150 x5and135 x5 for good measure.
Broad Jump longest was about 7’6″
btw David and Shane”Ray Ewry set the world record for the standing long jump (3.47 m (11.4 ft) on 3 September 1904) as well as the standing high jump (1.65 m on 16 July 1900). The record is now held by Norwegian Arne Tvervaag, who jumped 3.71 metres in Noresund on 11 November 1968.[1]
When indoor arenas were built, the standing long jump began to disappear as an event. Today, Norway is the only country where the standing long jump is a national championship event. The Norwegian Championships in Standing Jumps (long jump and high jump) has been held in Stange every winter since 1995.[2][3]”
Interesting the record has been in place since 1968, seems like if modern athletes trained it, they should be able to beat that record.
Bethany says
High Bar Back Squat:85/95/105/110/115
Fun times squatting with the ladies!
tamar says
highbar backsquats: fail, basically due to too much hipflexor wackness. i may have a surgical transplant and upgrade to better ones.
jumps: 3.5 feet. first time doing those. look forward to working my way up…
Dan R says
High bar back squats:175×5, 185×5, 205×5, 245×5, 255x2Wanted to go light today, but felt stronger mid-lifts so jumped to 245…
Strict Shoulder Press:95×5, 115×5, then ran out of time.
Standing broad jump:Best out of 4 was 8.5 feetWill get 9 next time!
David says
Warm-UpLots of Foam Roller Love. We’re now going steady.
HBBSQ, all A2A(45×10, 95×5)135×5, 155×5, 165x5x3
Then did 3 sets of 135×5 with about a 5 second hold at the bottom.
Really working on perfecting my form with these, 165 for 5 feels a lot harder than it should and I had a hard time keeping my bar path so I stayed there for three across.
Broad Jumpsdid I do 8′.5″ or 9′ for that one that really popped? I want to tell myself that I can do 9′ but I can’t remember.
Thanks for the post Grant, that sums things up nicely regarding position specific strength. Also, as we’re doing a Max Effort Black Box cycle which is really just conjugate periodization for CF, it’s important to vary the movement pool to continue to push adaptation by regularly changing the stimulus. Unless you’re an athlete training for a specific strength event, I can’t see the harm in being well rounded (broad, general, inclusive) in both lifts.Fear not, Rip fans, there are low bar back squats in our future, just not for the next three weeks.
Malcolm says
I actually in reflection kind of love the high bar. Totally different feel, and as such a different exercise. And I love all things squat.
135,155,175,195,215. I should have probably done slightly larger gaps because while the 215 felt heavy it didn’t seem like it was an actual max.
I think my best jump was about 7 and a half, but not sure.
David I think you got into the high eights on your best one. My memory is of maybe 2 or 3 inches shy of 9, but still the furthest any of us got in the 11:15 time slot (fearlessly leading…)
Alec says
High Bar Back Squat85/75/85/90/92Margie, Thanks for the tips. Ditto Bethany, fun squatting with the ladies!
Shane says
Glad to hear surgery went well. And great post. Check out Kelly Starrett’s video on training after acute injury in the Journal. I think you, Rob and anyone else on the comeback trail.
I had a ball with all three classes today. I know that 11:15 class can be big and a little hectic and the success of those large classes has less to do with our ability to manage large groups than it does with everyone being conscientious and considerate athletes. It keeps things running safely and efficiently and we can’t do it without you guys. Thank you so much guys.
Welcome to the crew Nick. Let’s get you through Foundations as quick as possible because the couple that Crossfits together, stays together.
Erik K. says
205, 215, 225, 235, 240x2fConsiderably more difficult then low bar… and more uncomfortable. Interesting though.
After I did a 50,40,30,20,10 rep scheme of push-ups, sit-ups, squats16:47pretty casual pace, but it got the job done
Max says
165, 175, 185, 195, 215
215 was pretty heavy, not quite max but getting pretty close.
8’6″ on the broad jump, those were fun!
After class I walked my dog and my buddy’s dog Coco. Coco is a 65 pound pit/lab mix who doesn’t have good leash walking manners and loves to pull, so I’m counting wrangling her as accessory work!
Deb says
Oops. Correction. That was Deb, not Alec who posted earlier. Alec would like it known that he can HBBSQ more than 92lbs. But he cannot use a computer.
Laurel says
High bar backsquats: 95,115,125,130,130×3. First time I’ve bailed backward. It felt very natural, so I think I’ll be less worried about it in future. My willpower failed me in the last set plus my hamstrings were exhausted from Thursday. Hopefully next time I’ll be fresh and feisty.
My best broad jump was roughly 7.5ft. Terrific fun! I’d like to do something similar with the vertical jump.
David says
Pan Am and US National Championships Live!!
David McG says
the kelly starrett video on training through acute injury is really really good.
weighted pull ups x5 instead of HBBSQ.
15×5 25×5 35×5 46×5 1.5pdx1 1.5pdx3
i miss workin on the squats, hope i can start back on them soon.
2k row cool down
Sameer Parekh says
Dominic: Your ZIP code is almost perfect. So close!
Bjorn says
HBBSQ: 185×5, 195×5, 205×5, 215×5, 225×1
Last one I bailed forward somehow, which was pretty exciting.
Great post, “journeyman” Grant. I’m still a squat rookie, but I’m also finding it really striking how different they all feel, especially as the weight gets heavier.
Broad jumps were fun. Next time I’ll break 8 feet.
On another note, are those of you who are using the hand grip thingies (can’t remember the name) noticing a difference?
Becky says
Great workout. Thanks for the pointers, Margie, and the spot, Jeremy.
I realized that my right leg is stronger than my left. Everyday I learn something new. See you in the morning!
stephanie says
broad jumps brought me back to high school track and field days! best attempt was 6.5′
HBBSQ(45×5, 65×5, 85×5, 100×5)115-120-125-130-135
i definitely enjoy this more than FSQs but less than regular BSQs.