Enjoying our Box Seats to the Marathon
Panel Mat Kick Ups
The Intention
To help develop proficiency in the act of kicking up to an inverted position.
The end goal would be for the athlete to be able to kick up with control, consistency and grace to any height and with either foot leading up or guiding back down. Until you can do this, consider it a work in progress and approach it with due focus. The panel mats elevate the floor closer to you and make the movement physically less demanding. This creates a more ideal environment for skill building.
Quality of movement is highly dictated by the position one starts from. Just like a Clean's bar path will will be influenced by how you're set up before you pull, a handstand attempt will be influenced by how well you can enter the position itself.
The Strategy is how we approach learning this movement.
Can you describe how to get a basic kick-up going on a panel mat?
Friend of the program, Yoon S has graciously uploaded several videos of 1970's training footage from Poland's National Weightlifting team. It's really phenomenal stuff.
Here is Part 1 of 10