Yoon S Snatches
Ceiling Spraying updates
So it turns out the ceiling job is bigger than the Airsealis folks estimated. They're going to be spraying Tuesday through Thursday this week and next. Classes will continue to go on as scheduled. This week the front half of the gym will get finished and next week the back end will be sprayed. Since the back end is where we keep most of our equipment, we'll probably be running the WODs outside next T/W/R.
Push Jerks will rotate between Wednesdays and Thursdays. Last week we Jerked on Thursday and this week we'll Jerk tomorrow.
Tonight's Schedule
5pm Snatch/Open Gym
6pm Snatch/Open Gym
7pm Open Gym
8pm Active Recovery with Coach Fox
6:00 am class w00t.
Front SquatWarmup: 45x5x2 95×5 115×3 125x1x2Work: 135x5x5
Snatch Practice 45#Deadlift x5Shrug x5Tall Snatch x5Midhang Snatch 5×3
Nice to be back in the gym, even if it was still dark outside.
I was planning to go see Gabrus’ show on Friday night. (Paul can’t make it.) Does anyone want to join me?
I saw Gabrus’ last show. I’m going back on Friday. The boy’s got talent
Yet another reason vitamin D is important.
If this turns out to be correct it appears that one of the major avenues of our immune system is vitamin D dependent.
65×3, 75×3, 75×3, 95x1x2, 105x3x3
1st and 2nd pull feeling less awkward but 3rd pull is slow motion.
did snatch balance 75x5x5 tryng to speed up.
Active Recovery is on for 8pm tonight!
yay sarah and shane…
I am going to tell the same stories, but hopefully tighter and hopefully more beers will be pounded.
New bartender and my gf will be there. Should be a ‘shit show’
Also, they serve red wine if you wanna get wasted without gluten.
less ugly, 95 lb snatches. same weight as last week. failed on a couple of attempts in the 3rd and 5th set. Jeremy thanks for the cues.
Warmup3 rounds NFT: 10 pushups, 10 squats, brief run
Power SnatchW/up (22×3, 32×5, 37×3, 37×3)Work 42x3x5
3×5 GHD situps. DIscovered I have an irrational fear of leaning backwards into space. Thanks Jeremy for talking me through it. And for the help for power snatches. I’m going to think “hip pop hooray” every time I do this now!
Front Squatw/up (22×5, 42×3, 52×3)Work 62x3x5
Hope to see you all for a little post-WOD St. Patty’s celebration at Sheep Station tomorrow:)
My first “open gym” tonight. Thanks to Jeremy for running the show!
Warmup: 3 rounds NFT of: 10 pushups, 20 squats, short run.
Tall snatches: 33x3x3Power snatches: 43×3, 53x3x2, 63×3, 67×3
Not a great snatch day. Even with Jeremy’s great coaching cues, I struggled. After hitting my chin on one and having a constant twinge in my right shoulder, I decided to call it quits. Instead worked a little cleans (no shoulder rotation=no pain).
Mid-hang power clean: 53×5, 73×3, 83×4, 87x3Did one push jerk at the end of each set. Feels like I haven’t worked cleans in forever. Much work needed.
GHD situps: 3x10ish
Wrapped the night up with the Fox active recovery class. Sooo needed it tonight!
WoW! I look so…orange.
Warmup at park: 10 pushups, 10 squats, run 50 yds?Tall snatches warmups 45x3x3Snatches:95, 95, 95(f)85, 85, 8585, 85, 8595, 95, 9595(f), 95, 95
Today there were a lot more downs than ups. I came to class having watched Yoon’s video–thinking I’m ready to do this–but it just didnt happen despite Jeremy’s coaching. I’m getting a better understanding of the lift–so next week Ill try it again at 95.
GHD situps 3×10
Front Squats75x395x3115x3135x3x3145x1 (pr)