+ How are you feeling?
Standing Series A
+ Palms Up
+ Palms Down
+ Over and Back
+ Uni lateral Windmills
+ Torso Rotations
+ Hip Rotations
+ Gillies
+ Knees Out Squat > on off tension hip raise
3 Rounds NFT of:
10 Walking Lunges Each Leg
7 Pull-Ups
Focus Movements
Kettlebell Swings
+ Intro: heels, back, shoulders, relaxed arms.
+ Deadlift KB, “Hike” it back, snap it up
+ Troubleshoot with group, 5 sets of :30 on each.
DB Thrusters
+ Intro, Rack Position, Upright Squat, Explode Overhead
+ 3 Sets of 5 Reps
Box Jumps
+ Intro, dip drive jump, knees up, eyes on box, full hip extension
+ 2 sets of 5 reps each
(Move quickly through Thrusters and Box Jumps)
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
7 DB Thrusters
12 Box Jumps
+ Paleo Intro: Ancestral Diet, Clean Animal Proteins, Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts, seeds
+ Recovery Intro: You get stronger when you recover, not when you workout, Sleep is essential for health