3×5 or 5×1
(E8/8) Sets Across or Max Effort
Feel free to opt out of squatting today if you're feeling beat up from, "Murph". We'll extend the scheduled squat exposures to next Saturday, or you can make it up during the back off week. If you're not backsquatting today, we suggest you do 5×5 Hip Extensions with weight as needed on the GHD then DIY Foam Roll.
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compare to 5.29.10
For Time:
Calories on the Rower
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Check Out our Affiliate team doing Chest to Bar Pull-ups at the NEQ
Happy Birthday, CrossFit Kid, Dharma F!
Adrian Y's current location on DENALI: Latitude:63.06973, Longitude:-151.07349. That's roughly 14,200 feet.
Only one slot left for June's Foundations Cycle. Get it!
Men's Competition from the North East Qualifier CrossFit Journal Preview
Day 2 of the June Paleo challenge is here. Have you stocked your kitchen with Paleo-friendly supplies? What are some of your staple at-home foods?
Does Massage Help after Exercise? NY Times
Happy Birthday Dharma!!
We’ll see how squatting goes tonight. I’m feeling much better after Fox’s Active Recovery especially up top. Quads are still a problem but it could be much worse.
See y’all tonight
Usain Bolt doing his best JMD impression.
Happy Birthday Dharma! It’s also my little sister’s bday; a great day to be born:)
almond butter, nuts, coconut milk, canned tuna, smoked salmon, eggs, greens, sweet potatoes, fresh herbs, and a hunk of meat that can be used for a few days. This week it is a large skin-on turkey breast.
Quads are fried and my hand is in bad shape. GHD and the burner sounds good to me!
I’ve decided to join the Paleo (plus dairy) challenge.
I’m also trying to institute a no-waste kitchen. Here’s what I’ve stocked so far for the week:1 Rotisserie ChickenEggsCreme FraichePeppersColeslaw Mix
On the one hand, I hate buying pre-prepped vegetables. However, on the other, when I buy whole vegetables (especially cabbage), half the vegetables go to waste because I can’t eat it fast enough or I just lose interest. A week ago, I discovered that the Whole Foods I work above has pre-prepped vegetables in a bulk bin so I buy enough for 1 meal and call it a day.
I’ve also been considering going whole hog and sourcing all my meat from local / ethical farmers. But, dude, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Happy Birthday, Dharma!
Man oh man I wish I could’ve gone to Fox’s mobility seminar last night! I am one hurt puppy. I can’t even sleep through the night because the pain from rolling over wakes me up.
And my hands are completely torn up. Thank God for Bag Balm — I highly recommend the stuff.
Happy birthday Dharma!! I hope Monday was a success for you, water-balloon-wise.
Happy Birthday, Dharma!!
Also wish I could have gone to Fox’s Recovery class, I’m stiff as a board today.
Off to the coop to work day 2 of 4 days of shifts in a row. I think I’ll pick up some Fish Oil on the way out..
Which parts of youre body are most fried? Or Rather which few parts arent?
I feel my adductors adn hamstrings are relatively OK.
All the squat pain is in quads. Lats and Elbows/Biceps burning from pullups, and chest and shoulders from pushups.
As far as supplies its good to have tuna around for a snack. Always keep dried fruits ( i know sugar) and nuts around too. So far im pretty clean with my goals so far 2 days in. Though I snuck a very small bite of teh shake shacks portabello patty to try it (it has breadcrumbs)cause my sister claims its so amazing.
Other than that stayed away from carbs at school and havent bummed any chicken nuggets or fries from my students.
Calves also hurt from running.
I was trying to think which exercises I could do. I think sit ups and anything ab related.
My legs are still fried from Murph, I’m gonna try to make this up tomorrow or Friday.
Also, I’m in disarray from my move this weekend, but I’m joining the Co-Op this week (I live on 7th and Union now!), and I’ll be doing the Paleo Challenge from June 8th to July 8th.
Check out this graph of the changing prices of food due to government subsidy:
I just read the link on massage research. What struck me is that they did this IMMEDIATELY after the exercise. Obviously at that time blood is going to be pumping hard. I remember Jeremy saying that it’s better to do foam rolling, etc., later, after your muscles aren’t so enflamed. I can’t help but wonder if the results would have been different 24 hours later. Seems like a flawed test to me.
Just finished squatting, and consuming my last recovery milk of the month. Did plenty of warm up sets. Still a bit fried from Murph.
300x5300x2300x5 !!!
Bailed on 3rd rep of the 2nd set. Super happy about hitting this weight though. It was a goal of mine for this cycle. May go for a single on Saturday.
Nice squatting, Fox!
Congratulations. Nice big boy numbers!
WUfoam roll300m row 18s/msquat stretchdroms
Hip Ext(bwx5 25×5 35×5)50x5x5
ROW/SU WOD14:14this was….challenging.
happy birthday dharma
nice squatting there mr fox.
BSQ: 5-5-5
45, 75, 95, 125, 145, 190, 190,190
everything felt fine. no issues. i think i’ll stick to 5 sets of 3 on the squats and see if i can move up in weight.
PC&J: 1-1-1-1-1
45, 75, 95, 115, 155, 155, 155, 155, 155
felt ok during these, had about 2 reps where i felt really good. this is an pr for anything overhead and that’s always nice. thanks margie for letting me get these in.
BSQ 1-1-1(45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 135×1)145, 155, 160(PR)!
Thanks Margie for the excellent cues – pulling the floor apart with my feet was particularly helpful.
Rowing has been hurting my shoulder so did Annie proper: 10:03
BSQ – Max 5×1(45×5, 95×3, 135×3, 185×2)205, 225PR, 245PR, 265PR, 285PR
Shattered my previous PR, very exciting. Thanks Malcolm for pushing me!
ROW/SIT UP WOD: 12:18 – pushed myself hard on this one – exhausting.
LBBS: 145-155-165No back pain. At 75%. Very happy.
Burner: 11:15. Held back a little.
Foam roller was pure torture today!
13 and change. Dont really know. Just happy to get through today.
My eyebrow muscles are not sore.
Came in planning to squat, but defered to Margie’s advice and did 3 sets of 10 hip extensions instead.
Did the modified (meters) version of the row/sit-up couplet at a leisurely pace. I think I came in at 12 something, didn’t write it down.
Bethany = Rockstar!
Could barely air squat today so did 3×10 GHD
WOD in 16+ minutes…eek!
Thanks for sharing that link, Matt. So crazymaking!
LBBS – 45×5, 115×5, 165×3, 185x1200x5x3
Row (meters), sit up WOD – 11:16Didn’t push the row and took the situps at nice even pace.
Took it fairly easy as my body is not back from the time changing/lack of sleep/poor food choices of the weekend.
Back squat I did sets of 3 at 245, 255, 265 and then stopped because it felt very heavy.
With the other work out I am not sure what my time was. Avi do you know what time we started at on t he clock? I thought I was done at 13:09 but that doesn’t make sense.
we started at 19:00 – when i looked at the clock it was 31:18 – so maybe you were done at 12:09…
HBBS:(45×5 95×5 115×5 135×3 150×2)160x5x3The last rep of the 2nd set was shallow. I was a little unfocused, a bit too excited about doing my first lifts at bodyweight.
ACC:hip extensions bwx5 10#x5 20#x5
WOD: (meter version)13:38got very tough about halfway through the 400m row, was glad to get through this one.
Legs wrecked still.
500m-50 situps400m-40300m-30200m-20100m-10
I wanna do this again in a couple weeks. I can go faster.