3×5 or 5×1
(E8/8) Sets Across or Max Effort
Feel free to opt out of squatting today if you're feeling beat up from, "Murph". We'll extend the scheduled squat exposures to next Saturday, or you can make it up during the back off week. If you're not backsquatting today, we suggest you do 5×5 Hip Extensions with weight as needed on the GHD then DIY Foam Roll.
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compare to 5.29.10
For Time:
Calories on the Rower
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Check Out our Affiliate team doing Chest to Bar Pull-ups at the NEQ
Happy Birthday, CrossFit Kid, Dharma F!
Adrian Y's current location on DENALI: Latitude:63.06973, Longitude:-151.07349. That's roughly 14,200 feet.
Only one slot left for June's Foundations Cycle. Get it!
Men's Competition from the North East Qualifier CrossFit Journal Preview
Day 2 of the June Paleo challenge is here. Have you stocked your kitchen with Paleo-friendly supplies? What are some of your staple at-home foods?
Does Massage Help after Exercise? NY Times