(E8/8) Find a new 1RM!
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Compare to 8.18.10 and 8.21.10
Accessory WOD
Tabata Row (For Calories)
Athlete's score is their lowest round.
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Warming up for Power Clean PRs!
More PR News!
Ashely PC 165
Whitney DU 7
Steph P PC 140 DU 52
Jess F PC 125
Isaac W PC 115 DU 7
Justin Z PC 165
Marian PC 78 DU 3
Jess B PC 118
Dan H2 PC 120 DU 7
Greg N PC 135
BAZ PC 135 DU 22
Rob H PC 135 DU 7
Asta PC 85
Dave Byrd PC 185
And there have been two BSQ PRs already with Michael F. hitting a 25lb PR on his BSQ (215-240) and Nick P. hit a 40lb PR (225-270).
Here's to even more new PRs tonight with BSQs. Great work everyone!
Mo' Classes, No Problems
Beginning Monday, December 13 we'll be adding a Monday night 8pm group class to our schedule!
SBK Love the Kids!
Still have holiday shopping to do? Crossfitters Ari & Arlene K's son Eli's school needs your help! Shop at B&N online (BN.com) from 12/4 – 12/9 and use Bookfair ID #10258416 at checkout. The Brooklyn School of Inquiry will get a percentage of every purchase.
Monday we're doing a CrossFit benchmark. Which WOD do you think high-volume, heavy-ish squats might benefit best?"
1. Which benchmark WOD would benefit from high-volume heavyish squatting?
All of them.
2. HOORAY to the 8 PM group class!!! Awesome news!
In other power cleaning and DU PR news, Bethany scored a 108, and DMak a 170 and 80DUs. Dan Halioua also got his first muscle-up, if I’m not mistaken.
Thanks Samir. 🙂
Also, Becca S PRd her clean at 103, and last night Allan E PRd his back squat at 205, which was 20 pounds above his previous 1RM!
Jeez guys, spoiler alert!!
There will be more more PR News to come on both the Power Clean front and especially the BSQ front.
If we haven’t mentioned you by name yet it isn’t because we’ve forgotten. There have just been 3 days worth of PR posts. So incredibly exciting
Congratulations everyone
1. BUMMED to miss today; Linus gave me his head cold and I can’t hear very well. Hope to make this up perhaps at open gym Friday.
2. Fran. Esp. since we’ve been working thrusters and muscle-ups.
Thanks, Bethany! And to complete the circle, I should mention that Samir also got a clean PR of 155.
Sorry, Shane!! I just couldn’t resist posting this.
Feeling amped up today. My previous max BSQ was 170 and for the 20 reps I was struggling with 140, but today I felt great and kept piling on the weight up to 250! It was heavy but it didn’t feel like the end.
I’m also having a better time with my knees, the right one especially used to fall in, so that’s probably related. Or it was the third cup of coffee this morning before I went into the gym…
Great nooner with Margie — I liked being paired up with both Christine and Pam.
I had hit 100lbs on the last exposure of 20 squats and had warmend up to 115 previously for a few reps, so I expected to do a 1RM around 125. But thanks to Shane, I made it up to 135 without a hitch. I think I should post a sign on the wall in front of every rack in which I squat that says KEEP YOUR KNEES OUT (DON’T YOU KNOW THIS BY NOW?!?)
I definitely feel like the many exposures of 20 helped a lot. After that, a heavier single was fairly easy breezy.
Thanks Samir, you’re keeping the coaches on their toes (hey get on your heels)!LBBS – 45×5, 95×5, 135×2, 185×1, 205×1225, 245(F), 245, 255(F), 255(PR).I had to go back to Oct 09 to find a record of a max attempt LBBS (225) so I’m happy with this, especially since I was only able to hit 2 of the exposures this cycle. Thanks to Ryan, John McD and everyone else for the great motivation and encouragement.
Tabata row – 8
Back SquatWarmup: 45×5 115×5 155×3 185×2 215×1 235x1Work: 245×1 255×1(PR) 265(f)
Tabata row:9-8-8-8-7-7-7-7
Back Squat Showdown.
WU: 45×5, 115×5, 155×3, 185×2, 205×1, 220×1
Work: 230, 240 (PR), 250 (PR).
The last rep was very ugly, or so I’m told, coz I was too busy trying to stand up. However, I’ve been assured it was legal so I’ll take it and slink away. I had told Chris 240 was my old PR but actually it should be 235 but that was when I was squatting shallow, so really, if you want to get all technical about it, 230 was my old PR, which I got at the last CF total.
Tabata: 6 (6-7-6-6-6-7-6-6)
WU: mobility work
BSQ: (45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 145×2, 165×2, 180×1)190PR195PR200PR205PR210PRThese all felt pretty good–it got tougher near the end but I definitely still had some in the tank. There’s always next time…
Tabata row: 6
BSQ 45×5, 95x3145x1165x1175x1 pr185x1 pr195x1 pr205x1 bs, not low enough205x1 bs, not low enough205x1 bs, not low enough… yargh!
Tabata row 7/7/7/7/7/6/7/6
Still, a pretty good night, Margie’s back and I got a 30lb. pr.
BSQ: 160 PR
Tabata Row: 4
Great night!
Still favoring the knee, so no squatting for me. Mr. Fox had me try a 1RM of weighted pullups for the first time instead.
Warmed up with: 4 pullups, 2 chins, 2 pullupsThen: 15# 35# 40# 50#
A bit surprised and very excited about the weight. Didn’t know what to expect, but would have guessed maybe 30# beforehand.
Tabata Row: 7 (8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7)
ACC: max pushups 25
BSQ: Backed off of my initial plan to open at 160 when my 145 felt super heavy. Ended up matching my previous PR, but it took a huuuge fight, but hey, I’ll take it! Things to work on: depth and gett my ass involved. 155, 160, 165-F, 165, 125
Tabata Row: 5 (6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5)
Warmup:2 rounds of: broad jumps and pec stretch
LBBS:(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 190×1)205, 215PR, 220PR!, 225F-Went in thinking my previous PR was 215 but I just tracked back and it was only 210. So, getting a 10lb PR is fantastic! My goal was 225 and perhaps I psyched myself out a little before the lift. Didn’t feel like I had enough in me to go for a 5th attempt. Next time, 225 will be mine!
Accessory Work–Hoboken prep instead of tabata row:–4 min test of WOD2: AMRAP of 20 deadlifts 95#, 14 pullups2 rounds plus 14 deadlifts. Forearms were already starting to burn so the full 10 minutes of this is going to be tough.
–4 min test of WOD3: 5 burpees on the minute, then max thrusters, 65#17 thrusters.10 mins of this might very well be a huge shit show. especially having it be our last wod of the day.
Thanks Coach Fox for taking the time out to help us prep!
LBBSOnly hit 2 exposures this cycle so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.
(45×5, 85×3, 115×3, 125×2, 145×1)155×1, 165×1(F), 165×1(PR), 167.5(F)The 5lb PR was a long time coming. I tried the 167.5 even though I was pretty gassed by that point. I got to the bottom and just kept going. My brain forgot to tell my body what I was supposed to be doing! It was entertaining if nothing else.
Tabata Row: 5 (6/6/6/6/6/5/5/5)