(E2/8) 2-3-1 Tempo Squats. Use 85-90% of heaviest weight from exposure 1.
A tempo simply means that the amount of time you spend in certain positions of an exercise are controlled. This is a great way to develop position-specific strength and stability. Tempo for this squat will be 2-3-1. Todays tempo looks like this:
:02 Descent to bottom
:03 Hold at full depth
:01 Ascent back to top
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Compare to 1.5.11
For time:
Row 500 meters
100 Double Unders
Row 500 meters
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Why do I Feel Funny?
By Margie Lempert
It's a little over one week into the Paleo Challenge, you've done at least one big shopping trip, you're getting into this cooking thing, you're diggin' the meat, feeling hardcore, totally rockin' it!
Except. Well. You feel kinda funny. Not like gym class funny; more like slept too long, contact high funny. What gives? I mean, paleo eating is supposed to make you feel really good. "Look, feel, perform better" Right?
Right. And you will, but first your body has to adapt. Unless you are cracking out on fresh and dried fruit and coconut water (which is hopefully not the case), your carbohydrate consumption has dropped considerably. No more grains, legumes, sugar, even dairy – aka carb, carb, carb and carb. The standard american diet is carbohydrate intensive, and carbs are super easy for the body to turn into energy. You've just dumped most of your main supply of gas, and your body is a bit pissed. Feeling weak, nauseated, dehydrated, constipated, even flu-ish are all very common reactions. And engaging in strenuous exercise (ahem) generally exacerbates such reactions.
But this will pass. Once your body figures out how to run on fat, both dietary and your own, things will smooth out and the real health benefits will begin.
You might be thinking that if it feels this crappy to "switch" your fuel source, maybe it's not such a good idea – this whole paleo thing has a fatal flaw. I think Gary Taubes' puts it best: "Carbohydrate withdrawal is often interpreted as a need for carbohydrate. It's like telling smokers who are trying to quit that their withdrawal symptoms are caused by a need for cigarettes and then suggesting they go back to smoking to solve the problem." (From Gary Taubes' Why We Get Fat.) Excess carbohydrates may be easy to burn, but they promote all kinds of problems including fat growth, insulin insensitivity, metabolic derangement/type II diabetes, a crappy cholesterol profile, and, many believe, can contribute to cancer growth and heart disease.
So, what's a girl to do? Eat lots of protein and fat, throw in some starchy veg post workout, give yourself a break if your workouts feel harder than usual and hang in there. Once you're passed the initial week or two, you should start feeling back to normal. And then you'll start feeling really damn good.
Paleo Challengers, How are you feeling? How are have your workouts been? Your Sleep? Any unexpected 'side-effects?'
There's a (Paleo) App for that- Part 4 Paleoblocks.blogspot.com
17 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Mark's Daily Apple