Back Squat
3×5 LP
Heavier than last week.
80% x 3, 80% x Max Reps (more than Week 1)
Warm up, then perform one set of 3 at 80% (of 1RM), followed by a max rep set at the same load. Use a spotters, but aim to end the set 1 rep shy of failure. The goal is no failing.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
12 Pull-Ups
The unfortunate key to doing well on this benchmark is to run fast and do everything unbroken with very little transition time. If the runs will take you much more than 2 minutes, scale them to 270m. The Kettlebell Swings are Rx’d as overhead/American and should be medium-heavy for you. If you can’t get the bell overhead in a good position, do Russian swings. It’s okay to break up the Pull-Ups into a few sets per round. Unless you’re a Pull-Up ninja, scale some volume if you’re doing them strict, or to Jumping Pull-Ups/Ring Rows as needed.
How to decide? Jumping Pull-Ups are a great way to keep the intended metabolic stimulus in a workout (such as “Helen”) with a moderate amount of Kipping Pull-Ups, and Ring Rows are great for developing some strict pulling strength in a horizontal plane that can help develop into a Pull-Up. Still not sure? Do the one you haven’t done recently.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Want to Explore the World of the Rings?
Join guest gymnastics Coach Ken Haller as he takes you through 5 weeks of gymnastics strength training! This 1.5 hour long class will incorporate different facets of body weight strength training and movement.
Each class will focus on three to four distinct areas: warm-up and active mobility, rings skill work (Muscle-Ups, Levers, etc.), bodyweight strength conditioning, balance (on hands and feet), and flexibility. Students will be asked to have a goal or intention to focus on over the 5 weeks. Students can then focus on that goal outside of class.
Class Outline:
Inverted Hangs
Back Levers
Ring Routine
When: 5 Thursdays from 7:30pm to 9:00pm (9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/11 )
Cost: $120 for 5 weeks
Buy-in: Previously attended rings class or 1 Pull-Up for women or 3 for gents
More About Ken
Ken Haller was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
Sunday’s Schedule
We’ll be running on a modified schedule this Sunday, September 9th as we host the Subway Series. Here’s what’s happening:
8am Short Circuit + 8am CrossFit
9am CrossFit
10am CrossFit
6-8pm Open Gym
Everything else is cancelled! There are still some spots left if you’re thinking about competing (DO IT!). And even if you aren’t you should definitely swing by the gym and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers. It’s a super-fun day full of bangin’ and clangin’!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Midline Stabilization in the Squat CrossFit Journal (video)
Call to the Wild: This Is Your Brain on Nature National Geographic