Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
How This 97-lb Woman Became the IPF’s Strongest Lifter Athlete Daily
Walt Whitman on Creativity Brain Pickings
Rest Day
Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on a normal class schedule, but you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming (which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post). We recently explained why we program Rest Days twice a week and how you can get the most of of them.
Next Friday: Stronger Than Addiction Workout at CFSK
In our effort to create a community of support for people from all walks of life, we are hosting a FREE workout on Friday, September 21 at 7:00pm for anyone struggling with addiction, in recovery from addiction, or whose lives have been affected by addiction. Being around others who have been through the same experience will show you are not alone. Come connect with others in the community and get a great workout!
News and Notes
- 8 days left to sign up for Fight Gone Bad 2018, a day full of fun costumes, badass athletic feats, and fundraising for a great cause! Go HERE to get in on the fun!
- Tonight’s 6pm Next Level Weightlifting Club class is cancelled, but 12pm class is still on. Coach Frank is headed to the American Open in Las Vegas. Good luck, Frank!
- Sunday’s 12pm Pilates class with Karina is cancelled.
- From September 11th to the 23rd, Leah D. will be offering extended evening hours (until 8pm most days) for massage therapy. Go here to learn more about Leah’s services and to book an appointment.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Kettlebell Swings, Burpees, Pull-Ups
5 Things I Learned From 8 Weeks of Ditching the Barbell BarBend
So I Broke My F*cking Nose The Players’ Journal
Snatch | WOD 9.13.18
Snatch Complex
Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes (8 sets):
3-Position Hang Snatch (Hip + Knee + Low [1″] Hang Snatch)
Pause for a 2 count at each Hang position before the Snatch. Focus on staying balanced and finishing your pulls vertically by extending the knees and shrugging the shoulders. The time that you’ll be hanging on to the bar and maintaining tension for this complex will limit the load. Build to a point that feels heavy but allows for perfect execution.
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Exposure 6 of 8
For Time:
Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
Sprint pace again today. Aim to move at an uncomfortable pace throughout. If the Burpees will slow you down considerably, scale the volume to 15-9-6 or sub Jumping Pull-Ups.
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The Subway Series at CFSBK: A Recap from Coaches Jess and Whit
Event 1 of the 2018 Subway Series was a huge success! Thanks again to the organizers, volunteers, competitors, and everyone who came out to cheer. Today we’re happy to bring you recaps from the winners of the Female Rx’d Division, our own Coaches Whitney Hubbard and Jess Fox! Their team name? The Whitty Foxes. You saw them on the podium, but let’s get the details straight from the source…
I had a great time competing in the first event of the Subway Series this past weekend. A huge part of this is that Coach Jess is an incredible partner. She’s an intelligent, fierce athlete who keeps her head on straight and knows how to push when the time is right. She’s also really good at Thrusters, so a wash of dread came over my body when the first workout was announced (a total of 200 Double-Unders and 70 Thrusters), and I realized I’d have to get quite uncomfortable to keep up with the blistering pace she would set!
For each workout, we sorted out our game plan in advance based on our own capacities, committed to sticking it out, and decided to enjoy the day no matter the outcome. I honestly think we executed pretty seamlessly. We might have close to 20 years of CrossFit experience between the two of us at this point, so there’s a lot to be said for just knowing yourself and staying calm under pressure.
On the physical front, I was personally happy to have this as a testing day. Over the past few months, I’ve been less focused on conditioning and more so on building strength, particularly in my long term goal of evening out significant left to right imbalances. Yesterday showed me that I’m headed in a good direction. My legs kept up on those Thrusters, though I did have to get on the assault bike immediately to flush them out for 15 minutes! And I got through the barbell complex at close to 90% of my 1-rep max Clean and Jerk.
Despite a persistent low level cold, I managed to hold on through that final AMRAP as Jess and I settled into our little Burpee Box Jump rhythm! Competing is such a good reminder that we can only ever plan for success and do our best with what we have on that day. I was pretty anxious at the beginning of it, but I’m glad I took the leap to push my edge a bit further and break outside my comfort zone again. Congrats to everyone who competed, and thanks to all of the wonderful volunteers and judges!
The Subway Series is always such a fun time, and this past Sunday was no exception! I’ve been lucky to be a part of it since it’s inception 8 years ago and have tried to participate in at least one event each year. And while it’s gone through different iterations of individual and team events, it’s always been such a supportive, fun, and beginner-friendly event! Sure, it’s fun to see a top team finish first or lift the most weight, but I love seeing the whole gym cheer for the last teams to finish even more. That’s the spirit of CrossFit.
This year, I was lucky to partner up with fellow TFBA Coach Whit. I’d say we were excited but nervous when the workouts were announced. Excited to see the Thruster/Double-Under workout but knew that it would hurt because it would be fast. The barbell complex looked fun, but knew it would be much harder than expected. The partner AMRAP looked great but was clearly 8 minutes too long.
After meeting to talk strategy and testing some of the workouts, we came up with a pretty solid game plan. We factored in each other’s strengths so that we could try to do the best we possible could. But we were also completely open to calling an audible and adjusting things if needed. For example, while warming up for Event 1, I decided to try Whit’s jumprope thinking that it would save us a bit of transition time. I’ve NEVER used someone else’s jump rope in a competition but figured why not. After tripping up in the first round after 3 Dubs, I thought it was a bad mistake. But I shook it off, refocused and got back on track. And hey, we ended up finishing 1st there!
The barbell complex was definitely much harder than I expected. If you saw me smiling and laughing during one of my attempts, it’s because I almost forgot to do the Front Squats and was only reminded by Whit yelling, “Uou gotta squat Jess!” Ha! And then there was Whit’s face during the Jerks. Such beautiful Jerks, such squirrelly faces. 😉
The workout that I’m most proud of is the Synchro AMRAP. We had an idea of our calorie splits on the erg and practiced the timing of the Burpee Box Jumps and the Snatches, but things really clicked for us during that workout. There’s just something about having another person by your side to push you just a bit harder. I didn’t expect to win that workout, but we stayed steady and calm and in tune with each other and just eeked past Katie and Sarah. It was a fun race to the finish!
Thanks to all those who came out to support all of us, to the CFSBK dream team that ran such a smooth event, and to all of the volunteers. I had so much fun and can’t wait to do another. If you’ve never competed or are on the fence about it, I suggest finding a partner and signing up for a future Subway Series event!
Be sure to check out some killer photos from the day by Robert C. and Thomas H.
News and Notes
- 9 days left to sign up for Fight Gone Bad 2018! Go HERE to get in on the fun!
- Sunday’s 12pm Pilates class with Karina is cancelled.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | Power Cleans, Power Jerks
How Fitness Classes Provide the Meaning That Religion Once Did Vox
Everyday Racism in the Fitness World and Beyond Girls Gone Strong
Back Squat | WOD 9.12.18
Back Squat
3 x 5 LP
Heavier than last week.
85% x 1, 85% x Max Reps (more than Week 3)
Warm up, then perform one single at 85% (of 1RM), followed by a max rep set at the same load. Use spotters, but aim to end the set 1 rep shy of failure. The goal is no failing.
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Exposure 6 of 8
For Time:
Power Cleans 135/95
Push Jerks 135/95
The loading is “Grace” weight, which is intended to be on the light side of medium. Use a weight you can throw around a bit, cycling in sets of at least 6 reps when fresh.
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Introducing Alchemy Nutrition & Wellness at CFSBK
When we say, “We have it all,” we really mean it! Today we’re proud introduce Alchemy Nutrition & Wellness, which is helmed by Coaches Jess and Chris Fox!
Know a lot (or a little) about nutrition but can’t seem to make it work for you consistently? Have you tried diets like Paleo, vegan, Zone, counting macros, counting calories, intermittent fasting, you name it… to no avail? Did it work while you were “good,” but was eventually too hard to maintain and you “got off track”? Programs that ask for quick, wholesale changes often end up this way. If you’re tired of starting over every few months to get “back on track” and are ready to commit to yourself for the long haul, there’s a different approach.
What we offer
Many people know what they should be eating but lack the structure necessary to do so consistently. At Alchemy Nutrition & Wellness, we use a client centered coaching program to provide the structure and accountability you need to finally make nutrition work for you. It’s not a quick-fix, short-term diet. There’s no counting, complicated meal plans, or elimination of any particular food group. Working side by side with your coach over the course of a full year, you’ll develop the habits necessary to eat better today, tomorrow, and next week, and develop skills to be healthy for life.
Results you can expect
- A healthy relationship with food and the ability to enjoy it
- A deeper understanding of what foods to eat regularly and what serving sizes are appropriate, without the need to weigh and measure
- Independence from “dieting”
- Improved body composition and overall health
- Improved self esteem and confidence in other areas of your life
Skills and habits that you’ll work on
Goal setting and learning the difference between “what” to do and “how” to do it
- Eating mindfully and slowly, consistently
- Developing awareness of hunger cues
- Creating an energy deficit consistently (if trying to lose weight or body fat) or creating an energy surplus consistently (if trying to gain lean body mass)
- Eating high-quality, nutrient-rich foods consistently
- Getting enough protein, fat, “smart carbs,” vitamins, minerals, and nutrients
- Training consistently, frequently, and with appropriate intensity
- Improving sleep and recovery habits
Benefits of Alchemy Nutrition and Wellness Coaching
Regular communication with your coach to keep you motivated and progressing towards your goals
- Subscription to our online software system that serves as your hub for all aspects of the program, easily accessible from a computer, tablet, or smartphone
- An easy to navigate home page that charts and tracks consistency with daily habits
- Regular objective assessments (measurements and optional photos) to track progress
- Daily lessons on a variety of topics including: cooking, nutrition, mindfulness, prioritizing your own health, and the “why” of what you’re working on to help you develop the skills and behavior patterns necessary to achieve your goals
Head over to the Alchemy program page to learn more about how habit-based coaching works and how you’ll acquire the skills necessary to achieve your nutrition goals.
Nutrition Coaching Only
$150 billed monthly with a 12-month commitment
$125 prepaid with a 12-month commitment ($1500, a savings of over 15%)
Exercise Programming Add-On
Include exercise programming for an additional $50 per month! Exercise is the best accessory to nutrition for your body composition goals. Our exercise programming is individualized to your experience, goals, and level of ability. Similar to the nutrition program, you’ll learn through daily practice to build healthy exercise habits while developing a stronger body. Whether you’re a seasoned gym rat or have never exercised a day in your life, we can provide a program that meets you where you’re at and challenges you appropriately.
Questions? Contact Chris and Jess!
News and Notes
- From September 11th to the 23rd, Leah D. will be offering extended evening hours (until 8pm most days) for massage therapy. Go here to learn more about Leah’s services and to book an appointment.
- Just 10 days left to sign up for Fight Gone Bad 2018! Check out these fun action shots from last year, and go HERE to get in on the fun!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Martin Tye Deadlifts 500kg to Win World’s Strongest Disabled Man BarBend
Are Digital Devices Altering Our Brains? Scientific American
Rest Day
Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are still open, of course, and running on a normal class schedule, but you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming (which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post). We recently explained why we program Rest Days twice a week and how you can get the most of of them.
Team Shred Zeppelin (Sarah C. and Coach KHarpz) shredding the Synchro AMRAP on Sunday. Check out more killer Subway Series photos by Robert C. and Thomas H.! | Photo by Robert C.
Last Chance to Register for Rings with Coach Ken!
Join guest gymnastics Coach Ken Haller as he takes you through 5 weeks of gymnastics strength training! This 1.5 hour long class will incorporate different facets of body weight strength training and movement. Class starts this Thursday, September 13th, so register now!
Each class will focus on three to four distinct areas: warm-up and active mobility, rings skill work (Muscle-Ups, Levers, etc.), bodyweight strength conditioning, balance (on hands and feet), and flexibility. Students will be asked to have a goal or intention to focus on over the 5 weeks. Students can then focus on that goal outside of class.
Class Outline:
Inverted Hangs
Back Levers
Ring Routine
When: 5 Thursdays from 7:30pm to 9:00pm (9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/11 )
Cost: $120 for 5 weeks
Buy-in: Previously attended rings class or 1 Pull-Up for women or 3 for gents
More About Ken
Ken Haller was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
News and Notes
- In case you missed it, registration for Fight Gone Bad 2018—one of our biggest and best community events of the year—opened yesterday! As always, it will be a day full of killer costumes, team competition, and fundraising for Brooklyn Community Foundation. Go HERE to sign up.
- Missing something? Maybe a water bottle, lifters, or a jump rope? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPs in a couple of weeks.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Press / Deadlift | Jog, Rope Climbs, Push-Ups
Rescuing Youth Fitness Breaking Muscle
Things I Learned from My First Powerlifting Meet Starting Strength
Press / Deadlift | WOD 9.10.18
Press / Deadlift*
Press (Slower Down-Faster Up Tempo):
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
4 x 4
Heavier than last week. The last rep or two of each set should be a challenge.
Deadlift (Slower Down-Faster Up Tempo):
Fitness and Performance
Heavy 5
After a few warm up sets, perform one heavy (but not max effort) set of 5 reps, heavier than Week 2. Keep it double overhand, but it’s okay to use a hook grip.
*Perform all sets of the Press, then move to the floor for the pulls.
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Exposure 6 of 8
5 Rounds Not for Time:
400m Jog
1-3 Rope Climbs
10-20 Push-Ups
Keep the pace easy today. A good guide is that you should be able to breathe through your nose throughout. If you can’t climb the rope, then perform “rope wrap squats” or “pull to stands.”
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Fight Gone Bad 2018: Register Now!
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called “Fight Gone Bad.” Last year, we raised over $21,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grant-making, and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers.
Last year we had over 160 members participate, and this year, we’re capping it at 200.
When is Fight Gone Bad?
Saturday, October 20th, 2018. The first heat begins at 9am.
What is Fight Gone Bad?
3 Rounds, as Many Reps as Possible, of:
Wall Balls, 20lb, 10ft / 14lb, 9ft
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls, 75/55 lb
Box Jumps, 20″ box
Push-presses, 75/55 lb
In this workout, you move from each of 5 stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. When the announcer calls “Rotate,” athletes must move to next station immediately. Each of the 3 rounds is 4 minutes, followed by a one-minute rest. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
What does the registration fee cover?
The $30 (plus tax) fee covers the cost of a team t-shirt. You and your team will be able to create a unique team name and decide on t-shirt colors.
We also give prizes to the team with the most spirit. Think costumes, props, makeup, and other fun stuff!
Why are we fundraising?
In the past, our annual FGB fundraiser has been a great way to bring our community together to support great charities—and we chose to support the Brooklyn Community Foundation because Brooklyn has been exceptionally good to us and we want to help give back to the community that CFSBK is proud to call home.
If you’re not familiar with BCF, make sure you visit their website to check them out. Or if you’re busy, at least check out their list of Grantees; we’re sure you’ll find one or two not far from you. Since 2012, we’ve raised a total of around $190,000 for BCF. Help us reach $200,000 this year!
Will there be a fundraising minimum?
While encourage everyone to go hard on fundraising, there is no minimum to participate. As in years past, there will be some sweet prizes awarded to the top individual fundraisers!
Ok, you keep talking about fundraising but how should I do this and when should I begin?
Once our registration deadline ends on September 21st, we’ll create teams consisting of 6 athletes. Shortly after, athletes will get an email from us with their team assignments and all of the details to set up their fundraising pages.
We’ll be using Crowdrise as our fundraising platform again, and participants will have individual fundraising pages that will be super easy to share with friends and family. (Check out last year’s main fundraising page HERE!)
Also, we’re looking for donations to give out as prizes. Contact Brett [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you have something to offer!
Tell me more about the workout. What if I can’t do it Rx’d?
Here’s CrossFit founder Greg Glassman explaining FGB in detail in a delightfully vintage video. And don’t worry! We’ll have scaling options available.
So the day begins at 9am, but how long will it last? When will my team go?
The length of the event depends on how many total athletes/teams we have. We run two teams through the workout simultaneously and new heats start every 20 minutes. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you exactly what time your team will be going until we get closer to the event. Of course, we hope that you plan on spending a few hours with us, not only competing but also supporting your fellow teams. And as usual, we’ll have some tasty adult beverages to enjoy!
What if I can’t attend on October 20th?
You can still sign up to be a part of a team to participate in fundraising and get a team t-shirt. Unfortunately, though, we won’t be running a” Fight Gone Belated” workout this year as we have in years past.
Ok, I’m sold. How do I get in on this?
The deadline to register is Friday, September 21st, so get on it!
News and Notes
- Did you participate in or stop by to watch yesterday’s Subway Series event? If so, how did it go? Tell us in the comments!
- From September 11th to the 23rd, Leah D. will be offering extended evening hours (until 8pm most days) for massage therapy. Go here to learn more about Leah’s services and to book an appointment!
You Have to Earn the Right to Move Fast Athlete Daily
Face a Fear, Drop 100 Pounds CrossFit Journal
WOD 9.9.18
WOD 9.9.18
3 Rounds:
1 Minute Max Power Cleans
1 Minute Max Box Jumps
1 Minute Max Wall Balls
1 Minute Max Max Burpees
1 Minute Max Sit-Ups
1 Minute Rest
Teams rotate through stations “Fight Gone Bad”-style, resting at the same time. Choose one of the following scaling options (listed in order as Power Clean – Box Jump – Wall Ball):
A) 95# – 24″ – 20#/10′
B) 65# – 20″ – 14#/9′
C) 45# – 16″ – 10#/8′
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Today: The Subway Series Stops at CFSBK!
The 2018 Subway Series makes its first stop of the year right here on Degraw Street. It’s a big event, and to keep it running smoother than the actual subway, we’ve modified today’s class schedule. Here’s what you can expect:
8am Short Circuit
8am CrossFit
9am CrossFit
10am CrossFit
6-8pm Open Gym
Everything else is cancelled! Come out and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers as we defend our home turf! The action starts at 12pm.
Yesterday’s Results Board: WODurday
2019 Granite Games is Second Announced Sanctioned CrossFit Event Morning Chalk Up
“Telling the Bees” JSTOR Daily
Muscle-Up | WOD 9.8.18
Ring Muscle-Ups
Spend 12-15 minutes doing 5-6 sets of one (or more) of the following options. Choose the one that best suits your needed area of improvement.
A) Transition Strength: 2-3 Leg/Band Assisted Low Ring Transitions with a 3 second pause in a deep dip at the finish of the transition
B) Stability: 5-10 Second Top and Bottom Ring Supports. Be sure to squeeze the rings in close to the body and use toes on floor as needed.
C) Pulling/False Grip Strength: 2-3 False Grip Ring Pull-Ups + 10 Second False Grip Hang
D) Transition Skill/Stability: Jumping Muscle-Ups with a 3 second pause in a deep dip in the finish of the transition before pressing out the dip.
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15 Rounds for Time:
4 Handstand Push-Ups
2 Muscle-Ups
1 Deadlift 315/225
Scale Handstand Push-Ups to 1 AbMat, 1 x Wall Walks, or 1 x Dumbbell Push Presses as needed. If you have a few Dips and Ring Pull-Ups but don’t quite have Ring Muscle-Ups yet, sub Jumping Muscle-Ups. Otherwise scale to 1 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups or Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups. They are a sub for Ring Muscle-Ups and are only 2 at a time, so choose a challenging scaling option. The Deadlift should be on the heavy side for you.
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Coach Jess crushing it (as usual) at last year’s Subway Series
Tomorrow: The Subway Series at CFSBK
The 2018 Subway Series kicks off tomorrow right here on Degraw Street. Come out and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers as we defend our home turf! It’s a big event, and to keep it running smoother than the actual subway, we’ve modified Sunday’s class schedule. Here’s what you can expect:
8am Short Circuit
8am CrossFit
9am CrossFit
10am CrossFit
6-8pm Open Gym
Everything else is cancelled!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
CrossFit Games Athletes Respond to Huge Changes Boxrox
MTA Official Too Nervous to Tell Commuters Waiting for Train That Service Shut Down Permanently an Hour Ago
Rest Day
Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t fret! We are still open, of course, and running on a normal class schedule, but you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming (which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post). We recently explained why we program Rest Days twice a week and how you can get the most of of them.
Coach Brett and Phil S. throwing down at last year’s Subway Series event at CFSBK
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. The 2018 Subway Series starts right here at CFSBK this Sunday, September 9th at 12pm. Come out and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers as we defend our home turf!
2. We’re running on a modified schedule that day. You can find that schedule right here.
3. We’re still on the hunt for volunteers to help out with set up/break down, judging, and scorekeeping. It’s a great way to get involved and make some new gym buds, even if you don’t want to compete. Email David [at] Email David [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you’re interested. We really need your help!
4. Want to get better at Olympic lifting? We recently added 2 additional Next Level Weightlifting Club classes from 12 to 1:30pm on Wednesdays and Fridays, and today’s class is free. There’s no need to register beforehand. Just show up and get your Oly on!
5. A new cycle Coach Arturo‘s critically acclaimed Anti-Gravity Strength class starts tomorrow, and there’s just one spot left. Better grab it!
6. Want to explore the world of rings? No, not the hobbit thing. Join guest gymnastics Coach Ken Haller as he takes you through 5 weeks of gymnastics strength training starting Thursday, September 9th. This 1.5 hour long class will incorporate different facets of body weight strength training and movement. Check out Wednesday’s post for more info!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Toes-to-Bars, Burpee Box Jumps
Split Jerk, Power Jerk & Squat Jerk: Why & Who? Catalyst Athletics
Whale-Watching in New York City The Outline
Snatch | WOD 9.6.18
Snatch Complex
Every 2 Minutes for 20 Minutes (10 sets):
Snatch Pull + Low (1″) Hang Snatch Pull + Low (1″) Hang Snatch
Pause for a 2 count 1″ from the floor at the Low Hang position before the Snatch. Focus on staying balanced and finishing your pulls vertically by extending the knees and shrugging the shoulders. The amount of time that you’ll be hanging on to the bar and maintaining tension for this complex will limit the load. Build only to a point that feels heavy but allows for perfect execution.
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Exposure 5 of 8
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
12 Toes-to-Bars
12 Burpee-Box Jumps 24/20″
Scale the Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
This Sunday: The Subway Series Stops at CFSBK
The 2018 Subway Series starts right here at CFSBK this Sunday, September 9th at 12pm. We’re super proud and very excited to host this awesome event! Here’s some important stuff you need to know:
- You can find the workout descriptions and standards here. We also made video walkthroughs for each workout: “Synchro AMRAP,” “Double Trouble Chipper,” and “Heavy 10.”
- We’re still on the hunt for volunteers to help out with set up/break down, judging, and scorekeeping. It’s a great way to get involved and make some new gym buds, even if you don’t want to compete. Email David [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you’re interested. We really need your help!
- We’re running on a modified schedule that day. You can find that schedule right here.
- Not competing or volunteering? That’s cool, too. Come out and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers as we defend our home turf!
Tomorrow: Free Next Level Weightlifting Club Class
Want to get better at Olympic lifting? We recently added 2 additional Next Level Weightlifting Club classes from 12 to 1:30pm on Wednesdays and Fridays, and this week those afternoon classes are free! There’s no need to register beforehand. Just show up tomorrow and get your Oly on!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | “Helen”
Can You Do 10,000 Double-Unders in 30 Days? Morning Chalk Up
Setting the Standard The Players’ Tribune
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Team Sprint/Bench Metcon
In teams of 3…
4 Rounds:
In 5 Minutes…
400m Sprint
AMRAP Bench Press
Rest 5 minutes between rounds.
Partners run 400m together. Once all partners have returned from the run, the Bench Pressing may begin. Every lift MUST have a spotter, with one partner Bench Pressing at a time while one partner spots. Rotating through in this fashion allows for the person who just finished to have a bit of a break before spotting. The 400s should be sprints. If your 400m time is over 2 minutes, scale the distance to 270m. For the Bench you should be able to complete a set of at least 10 reps when fresh, choose an appropriate scaling option accordingly. The goal is max reps overall so finish each set a few reps short of failure. Score load and reps.
Bench Press Load Options:
A) 135 B) 115 C) 95 D) 75 E) 55 F) 35
Post load, total reps, and partners to comments.
Whatever you do, don’t invited Pearl into your house, or she might jump on your boxes and Sumo Deadlift High Pull your barbells (oh and drink your blood). One week left to sign up for Fight Gone Bad 2018, a day full of fun costumes, badass athletic feats, and fundraising for a great cause! Go HERE to get in on the fun!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Leslie B., Micheline G., Jesse M., and Jack L. are representing CFSBK today at Flex on the Beach. Let’s show them some love in the comments!
2. On Wednesday, we introduced you to Alchemy Nutrition & Wellness, a client centered coaching program that provides the structure and accountability you need to finally make nutrition work for you. It’s run by our own Coaches Jess and Chris Fox, and you can check out the program page to learn more!
3. Missing something? Maybe a water bottle, lifters, or a jump rope? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPs in a couple of weeks.
4. From September 11th to the 23rd, Leah D. will be offering extended evening hours (until 8pm most days) for massage therapy. Go here to learn more about Leah’s services and to book an appointment.
5. On Thursday, we brought you Subway Series Event 1 recaps from the winners of the Female Rx’d Division, Coaches Whitney Hubbard and Jess Fox. You saw them on the podium, now read about it from their perspective!
6. Sunday’s 12pm Pilates class with Karina is cancelled.