WOD 9.9.18
3 Rounds:
1 Minute Max Power Cleans
1 Minute Max Box Jumps
1 Minute Max Wall Balls
1 Minute Max Max Burpees
1 Minute Max Sit-Ups
1 Minute Rest
Teams rotate through stations “Fight Gone Bad”-style, resting at the same time. Choose one of the following scaling options (listed in order as Power Clean – Box Jump – Wall Ball):
A) 95# – 24″ – 20#/10′
B) 65# – 20″ – 14#/9′
C) 45# – 16″ – 10#/8′
Post work to comments.
Today: The Subway Series Stops at CFSBK!
The 2018 Subway Series makes its first stop of the year right here on Degraw Street. It’s a big event, and to keep it running smoother than the actual subway, we’ve modified today’s class schedule. Here’s what you can expect:
8am Short Circuit
8am CrossFit
9am CrossFit
10am CrossFit
6-8pm Open Gym
Everything else is cancelled! Come out and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers as we defend our home turf! The action starts at 12pm.
Yesterday’s Results Board: WODurday
2019 Granite Games is Second Announced Sanctioned CrossFit Event Morning Chalk Up
“Telling the Bees” JSTOR Daily
Arturo says
AG is cancelled today.
K HarpZ says
Why are we hearing all of this fake news through random articles and have heard absolutely nothing from HQ itself? I’m getting so annoyed they’ve just stayed silent! I don’t believe it til I hear it from Castro or Glassman or an interview we can actually Interpret for ourselves.
anyway, come on out to subway series today!!
Stella says
I did an FGB-style workout and I didn’t die!
I didn’t go very fast either. There’s a reason I wore my sloth headband today. 223 reps at B scale.
Stella says
PS, Roose had the best analogy for what it feels like doing WODs after you’ve been in Strength Cycle: “I felt like a potato.”
K HarpZ says
Subway series recap! SHRED ZEPPELINZ w/ Sarah C!!
Event 1: doubles and thrusters WOD
sort of frustrating start. rope broke and had some miscommunication on double under count. But definitely happy i was able to do the thrusters unbroken! That was tough. Biggest mistake on this one was not running my own race. I got a little fixated on sprinting to catch up to the other ladies and struggled to finish out the last little bit. Oh well! Quads quads quads
Event 2: deadlift, clean and jerk complex
this was a blast. my favorite part for sure. this is where i’ve been focusing mostly the past couple of months so i was stoked about how great this felt!
160/170/180(F) failed the 3rd squat!! heartbreaking! first two squats were slow but not so bad. I lost focus because i was getting so excited it was going well i lost my balance, fell into my heels and bottomed out! damn!!! i wanted redemption and for some reason thought i could get it in the last 23 seconds. I obviously did not pull that off.
Event 3: row, burpee bj, dumbell snatch- 2 rounds + 13 burpees
i thought i was going to hate this one but it was great. once we got into the flow it was fun to push the uncomfortable zone. 1000-1050 avg row for me, then step to jump step down jump back burpee, snatches were fine. the fight to try and sneak up on jess and whit was great. had fun pushing the pace on the last bit
All in all i am STOKED about how i felt throughout this entire comp. I had no idea what to expect, i haven’t done too many “crossfit WODs” in about 5 months, just the grinder cardio work, and have been adding in some sprint-like work here in the past month. Even though my engine may not be totally ready for comp szn, my tolerance for this stuff has most definitely improved. Hard to explain how my lungs felt during this stuff, all i can say is it felt different-all i can describe it as is that my body felt (more) okay with feeling shitty. I felt fully recovered for each workout, and for me that’s huge. Im known to tank pretty quickly in comps.
Had a great day cheering all the others on too!! event ran super well and always respecting the thought and hard work that goes into all of this! Thanks guys!!
Shred Zep- Out!
Allie B says
Now Korzo : P